Hi! I met a nice Sag male online a few weeks ago... He lives in my city, actually just a few blocks away! lol Well, we've been communicating online, through messenger and this past week over the phone every night. We have a lot in common and laugh a whole lot together so I feel like it's a very refreshing beginning. The conversations have been very nice and "light", nothing too heavy but very informative and friendly. I am attracted to his pictures and he is attracted to mine. He has asked to meet me a few times but I haven't had the time yet but today we made plans for Friday night. He is going to pick me up and we're going to go eat and to a movie. I know that I'm not going to base everything on our astrological signs but I was wondering if there is anything you can tell me as far as our signs go that will help me to avoid common mistakes and also any advice on likes/dislikes, etc? I would greatly appreciate it!!
Signed Up:
Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
I think this is a good match.
Update... things are still going great... and NO I have not had sex with him yet, lol. I know 'coverdinscars' will be dissapointed to read this, lol.
We've talked a whole lot and spent a lot of time together. We have made out quite a bit, but I haven't felt comfortable enough to have sex.
He has told me that he really likes me, he is very nice and still talks to me on the phone nightly for hours. We have talked about sex (he has expressed that he definitely wants to), and I explained to him that I need to feel comfortable and in an exclusive situation before I choose to go there with someone (these are my boundaries and I'm not changing them). He told me he is not seeing anyone else and that he loves spending time with me and wants to know everything about me. I am assuming we are exclusive now, lol. I don't know if having the 'exclusiveness talk' will benefit or not at this point? All signs point to yes... but my personality is very 'over-analyzing' and needs to know all the details before I make final decisions. I know it's only been 3 weeks so I realize that it may be too soon to talk about this with him but if we are to talk about getting intimate then I think I need to clarify exactly where this is going... what do you think? Do Sags get weird about being asked about being a couple? Is this something that I should just relax about and 'go with the flow'? I really don't think he's in it just to 'get some' but I don't want a casual dating situation, I want a monogamous relationship... Any thoughts/ideas/comments/opinions??
Today he was the one who initiated the 'exclusive relationship' conversation! We were on the phone for a while talking like we always do and then I told him I was going to get off the phone to have a relaxing bath... he got quiet and said that he had a question... I said, 'sure, ask me anything!' He then proceeded to ask me where we were at in our situation. He asked if we were 'friends', 'dating', 'more', etc. I first told him that we passed being just 'friends' from the first time we met, lol. I also told him that I really liked him and have been thinking about this very thing myself and was happy that he brought it up first. I then told him that I was looking for an exclusive relationship and he asked me 'well, do you want an exclusive relationship with ME?' and I said 'yes, of course with you, I'm not talking about anyone else :-)' and he said he wanted that too.
I am so relieved that he brought it up first :-)
Just wanted to let you know how this is going so far.
great match... I had a 7 year relationship with a Sagg, AWESOME!!! but be careful, they're kind of sneeky and tend to wander. but overall it was still my best match. Lots of fun.
Signed Up:
Dec 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 4299 · Topics: 74
Just to let you know... Sag and Aries are a perfect match. I dated a Sag for a year and I'm an Aries, we broke up mutually because of the long distance but we're still good friends. My Sag was very loyal, but than again I was only with him for a year. And you guys will have a lot of fun together, promise.