Friends, lovers or nothing

This topic was created in the Aries forum by LeoGemini11 on Friday, October 9, 2015 and has 6 replies.
Please excuse me for using a John Mayer song as my topic title, but I feel that it fits. I need help deciphering what's going on between me and my Aries "friend."

I dated him for 6 months about 2 years ago. I ended up breaking it off because I felt that he had no time for me and I didn't trust him (he liked to keep a lot of girls around on social media that I didn't know). We stopped talking for almost a year, but long story short, we ended up seeing each other while out a bar early this year and I took him home with me that night. The rest is history.

It started out as just sex. We'd hang out at a bar, at his house or mine and then end up hooking up. Fast forward to 7 months later and he has become my best friend. We talk almost everyday, we go out on little dates with each other (oftentimes not ending with sex), he buys me little gifts or trinkets for no reason, he comes to hang out with me and my friends all the time, we've attended a couple of weddings together this year... etc. etc. It's as if he's done a complete 180 from when we dated 2 years prior.

My problem is that I have fallen in love him, but I'm terrified of losing him as a friend considering how close we are now. He truly is always there when I need him (physically, mentally, emotionally...) and I feel that there is something there on his end as well.

When we initially started talking again, we were open about telling each other about people we were talking to/dating. A few months ago he told me about one girl in particular in detail, which hurt me to the core because I felt that I had deserved the same time, energy and effort back when we were first dating. He has since stopped talking to me about her and has been more doting towards me. We spend more time with each other than we did when we were actually "dating."

My question is, how should I go about this? I want to tell him how I feel, but I don't want to lose my friend. I definitely have an inkling that he feels the same or feels something for me, but I also know that he has issues with commitment. Do you think the above is enough to go on to take a risk?
*sees Leo in username*
*reads "help me decipher"*

*exits thread*

So many silly twats that show up here with this insanity. We need to start passing out medication for these silly bitches, Jesus.
What a miserable person you are to poke fun at someone seeking advice. I hope karma bites you in the ass, tenfold. And I hope it's by a Leo.
Thanks for the advice feby. It's easier said than done, unfortunately.
Posted by LeoGemini11
What a miserable person you are to poke fun at someone seeking advice. I hope karma bites you in the ass, tenfold. And I hope it's by a Leo.

Funny, isn't that what's happening to you here in your situation?

Typical Leo, thinks they can behave as douchey as they can and suffer no consequences for their actions and bristle when someone tells them how it is.

Evolve already and get over yourself, sweetcheeks.
Uhg all the Aries men I know are introverted and quiet... They drive me nuts. I'm impressed your into one.