I'd like to understand what this Aries man is doing. Or what he needs.
We talk daily and things have been positive. We planned on going on a date soon. We live in different states at the moment. He said when he has money and time, we will meet. He wants to come here. He works 6 days a week, 2 jobs. I get that. I'm not pushy. I'm very independent.
We watch TV shows together and spend a lot of time talking. We've been intimate before a few times. But we haven't recently. I initiated it, but he said he was busy watching TV. Oh well!
When I asked about it a few days later (I'm very blunt) he said he's been more exhausted.
He also opened up to me about being mentally exhausted from his job. He's the funny guy always cheering people up during his shifts and he finds it exhausting to always put on an act. So when he's home, he just wants to be alone most of the time.
Today after work, he text me to tell me he was home and we started talking. He told me he was feeling horny, I responded positively with puns, he likes that. Not even 2 minutes later, he told me he had to go back to his job because he forgot his charger and needed to go to the grocery store.
That was so random! I let him go, he texted something about a band he hates.
When he came back back home, I asked him. Again, blunt. What happened and he just told me he was horny but since he hasn't started anything, he just decided to go get his stuff and groceries.
Am I wasting my time on this guy?
Sometimes he can be very into me, almost obsessed and some other times it's like I'm repulsive and he's looking for an excuse to bail.
What he's doing kind of sound like an Aries but I'm not sure!
Signed Up:
May 14, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 55
Energy-wise Aries can be up and down yes, and depending on what his job is and how much he enjoys his work, then he will get tired. If it’s a two job thing, then it sounds like he’s not really into it? If it’s draining his energy then this can cause stress for an Aries, because they want to feel like they are making a future. If it’s tedious work then he will be down and unmotivated in and out of work. And difficult to think of anything else maybe. It sounds like he isn’t really noticing you.
Never will it be that the Aries guy likes a woman one minute and not the next, they are more decisive than that. It’s either yes or no. I don’t know what the answer is, but as examples, it could be you are really bad at sexting, but more likely it could be (maybe) if he does feel stressed/exhausted and a little depressed then maybe he’s worried things aren’t going to work when they need to …and that would be embarrassing obviously. Either way libido is greatly affected by stress/depression and it sounds like he has a bit. Instead of aiming for sex, I’d aim to get him out instead of shutting down in front of the tv. Most Aries do an hour in the gym a day, I do, and I love it because it destroys any stress from work, much better than tv, so anything you can encourage him to do like that, maybe something like that you can do together?
Yesterday after his explanation, I asked him what he was doing: He didn't reply (he always does except yesterday, which is strange) But he was active on social media, replying on twitter and being active on FB messenger.
I waited, did my thing.
This morning, I texted him and said: 'Didn't feel like taking to me last night?'
Seeing his silence as strange.
Nothing yet.
My goal here is to get him to talk to me so I can ask him if he wants to watch a movie tonight or suggest something fun to get him to relax and laugh. I can't do that if he doesn't reply back. Which is strange from him.
As I'm blunt, direct and don't like confusion, I was considering calling him tonight and ask him what's going on. But I'm not sure if it's a good idea with an Aries man.
What I find strange is that we really connect on many levels. Music, movies, interests and hobbies. The type of home decor we both like.
He talked about his previous relationships, and he said he wasn't into the women he dated that much. Big fish in a small pond he said.
His last girlfriend, he only had sex with her once. In 8 months. I think she was more a friend than a girlfriend. He seemed bored with her.
He doesn't have a lot of friends. Never goes out. But he seem popular with the ladies at his job because he is funny. Which he doesn't like to be.
He also copied me a few times. I consider myself a witty woman, good with words. I said something about a tv show we both watch and he used my words to update his Facebook statuts as if he had thought about it himself. That one is funny to me.
Is it possible that he's falling for me more than he wants and he doesn't know how to handle it?
Signed Up:
May 14, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 55
Talking about home décor, he only had sex once with his ex in 8 months?? ..are you sure you aren't overlooking the obvious here..is he gay?
But either way, you can't force things to happen, if he doesn't reply, then you can't make him. If something happens with him, then great, but there's only so much you can do. I'd keep looking, maybe have him as an option in the background for now, just don't think of him as the main deal.