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Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
Let me try and approach this from Game Theory perspective and elicit views -
U are working on an opporunity ( be it in social or business systems) where U can leverage Ur leadership skills first for Ur benefit and then for the benefit of public at large. The expected pay-off can be assumed to be the capital generated from inventing and selling novel solutions. The wealth hence accumulated would also catapult U to a position where U would be leading a band initially and a big team at a later stage. But there are some obstacles in Ur path. Ur colleagues don't feel positive about Ur abilities and take it as a serious threat to their respective positions they are firmly entrenched in. Ur rivals possess a potential to upset Ur cart and stymie Ur efforts. They would try and sabotage Ur endevour which may prevent U from achieving effective success. U have the following options -
1. Allocate some of Ur resources ( budget, men, time ) to give a good fight to Ur foes to keep them at bay. This will lead to sub-optimal capital gain and instabilty in Ur reign but may allow U to reap full harvest with some associated probability in the end.
2. Enter into an alliance with them and share the fruit of Ur labor while utilizing their resources as well but retaining the leadership position.
3. Maintain the alliance but be ready to abdicate the throne if they don't agree to Ur terms. U would do that in case U calculate that U may end up grappling with them and lowering the profits to a level which would make this option seem attractive. But ego may hinder Ur path so therez a complex trade-off involved.
What would U do and Why ?
Try and relate this to real life situations to the extent possible and then provide insights.