Germany ?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by Gaurav_Aries on Saturday, December 16, 2006 and has 42 replies.
Aries: Germany. You know this is an Aries country the moment you get on the Autobahn and cars race past you when you're doing 80! Energy is the name of the game, in the disco sophistication of Berlin or the rustic hideaways of the Black Forest. Beer, beer, beer is your game at Oktoberfest, but you don't need Autumn to sample the goods -- don some leather shorts for summer hiking in the Alps and, when you're glowing with morning's climb, regale yourself with sausages and saurbraten or stuff yourself with "schweine mit stuffen" at a mountain inn overlooking a sparkling, crystal lake. Wildflowers are legendary, flooding meadowed peaks and peeking out of sun-dappled glades to reward the energetic climber. But when the Aries energy wears you out, try the beach promenade at Wilhelmshaven on the Baltic, where fresh and smoked fish, rollmops washed down with liebfraumilch, show you why "essen und trinken" is indeed the German way of life. Or, if inland waters are more to your taste, float down the Rhine past rugged, cliff-perched castles guarded by ancient Rhinemaidens and their riverborn Niebelungen gold.
"You know this is an Aries country the moment you get on the Autobahn and cars race past you when you're doing 80!"
that's because we don't have a speed limit on highways, everyone with a proper car would make use of that!
"schweine mit stuffen"
what the hell is that, never heard of it lol
"float down the Rhine past rugged, cliff-perched castles guarded by ancient Rhinemaidens and their riverborn Niebelungen gold."
that truely is beautiful, beautiful landscape and beautiful castles.
""schweine mit stuffen"
what the hell is that, never heard of it lol"
How wud I know ..Am not a German Tongue
But take a look - Bismarck, Hitler, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Shcroeder ....All Aries.
Aaaaah... Europe! smile
LOL....I have been to Frankfurt ...Milan
good for you! hehe
Germany could indeed be an aries-country... there are no speed limits
and the 80 mph is only a """""recommended speed"""""
But aries don't need recommendations Winking Tongue
Haa Haa....Cancimini ...Guess U experienced a lot with that Aries Winking
the word "enough" was not in his dictionary I'm afraid, haha!
Haa Haa...So U cudnt cope Tongue
Hey, I'm thinking.. regardless of the fact that there are no speed limits in Germany.. it is a bit of a slow, goody goody country.. JAWOL!! there must be more interesting places where aries is in his element? no?
Yeah ..Israel Tongue
Message posted by: Gaurav_Aries on 12/16/2006 4:40:15 PM ip:
Haa Haa...So U cudnt cope

Hehe! noooooooooooow let's not go there Tongue Tongue Tongue
Let's put it this way.. That particular aries-male is a free spirit, but a little less open-minded when it comes to his girl Tongue
Why Israel?
Haa Haa Haa....I had imagined that exactly !....Free spirit but having a fragile male ego !
Israel is Aries ....Represents creation under seige throughout ....Survives on valor and aggression.
He will be back... It's only a matter of time Tongue
Message posted by: Gaurav_Aries on 12/16/2006 4:47:46 PM ip:
Israel is Aries ....Represents creation under seige throughout ....Survives on valor and aggression.
That's a satisfying explanation
Message posted by: Roxijam on 12/16/2006 4:50:47 PM ip:
well, that's just GREAT........i have dual aries nationality........i'll never be rid of the ram will i?
Is that hard to bear? smile
Is it hard to be an aries?
"He will be back... It's only a matter of time"
LOL...I must agree....Beneath all that charm and confidence ..therez vulnerabilty Tongue
LOL No Canci....Roxx is a scorpio and she hates Aries.
Message posted by: Gaurav_Aries on 12/16/2006 4:53:38 PM ip:
"He will be back... It's only a matter of time"
LOL...I must agree....Beneath all that charm and confidence ..therez vulnerabilty
True Roxx...We just live on a perception that we are second to none.
Hey Roxijam, I watched your profile! Your son is a virgo. And it strikes me again how clever and bright they look even at a very young age! smile
Message posted by: Roxijam on 12/16/2006 4:59:35 PM ip:
...must be all the oily fish they eat!!
=D keep on stuffing them with it!!
Aaaaah aries.. deep down they are really nice folks, but they always ask the opposite of what you're willing to give at a certain moment
when you're finished with them.. they're there waving and all in your face and when you ask for a little bit of good loving they're like.. "where you talking to me honey?"
Hey, knowledge and insight are essential for a good strategy!
"when you're finished with them.. they're there waving and all in your face and when you ask for a little bit of good loving they're like.. "where you talking to me honey?"
LMAO ...Relationshipz and Aries ....A puzzle for each other.
I like to puzzle! smile
I have mostly German lineage. smile
I still don't know what you find so bad about Germans Cancimini.
Message posted by: tall dark and aries on 12/16/2006 6:12:45 PM ip:
I have mostly German lineage.
I still don't know what you find so bad about Germans Cancimini.
--> I thought aries hate the lovers and love the haters Tongue
I'm off, nighty night all Winking
Nope, not me. I don't mind "haters," as long as they stay out of my damn way. I welcome lovers.
I'll keep that in mind
Switzerland is another Aries country. Yup, pot is decriminalized, lot's of mountains to climb, and every non-criminal 18+ year old male is required to have something like this:
Message posted by: Gaurav_Aries on 12/16/2006 4:29:25 PM ip:
""schweine mit stuffen"
what the hell is that, never heard of it lol"
How wud I know ..Am not a German
But take a look - Bismarck, Hitler, Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Shcroeder ....All Aries."
Don't forget Major General Terry Allen, commander of the U.S. Army 1st Division, aka The Big Red One, the oldest and one of if not the best division. He was an Aries born April 1st. General George Patton, a Scorpio, didn't like him because he wasn't very strict on his men outside of battle, he basically let them run free and go a little wild, but once Patton found out how they fought he stopped the typical Scorpio hatin'. Patton made his men wear ties in battle. Can you believe that crap?
Also, my brother is a Scorp and a bit of a hater himself. Tongue
I want Aries officers and commanders like Terry Allen when I join the Army. Don't want no Scorpios, I'll start a mutiny in that case.
USA CENTCOM chief commander General John Abizaid ...The Mad Arab - Aries born 1st April.
And then U have former Chief of Army Staff - General Colin Powell.
In India we have the bravest and the most famous - First Field Marshal - General Sam Manekshaw - born 4th April.
Garry Kasparov...Yeah the best ever.