Has Any Aries Woman Ever Been Told You Are Intimidating?

This topic was created in the Aries Women forum by AriesLisaM on Thursday, January 12, 2017 and has 19 replies.
I am a 3/26 Aries female and new to the message boards. I have been told I am intimidating to men a few times. Actually most of them have been Pisces men. I ask them why and I cannot get straight answer. Any help is much appreciated.
Well, I am male, and I've been told that I am a "strong personality" so I guess that is the same in a way. My Cousin is an Aries female and she is a wild one. I can see how men would find her intimidating. She's very opinionated like most Aries and tattoo's, rides a motorcycle haha. Swears like a sailor. Pretty intimidating for most men. I know it's a stereotype but in a way our minds do that anyway. Pisces is really not a great combo for an Aries. They make good friends.
I will prove Spur wrong Devil

Hug cyber hugs!




Since no man is more male than a Ram, and no woman is more female than a Fish, the love between these two is never flawed by confusion over sexual identification. It's a true mating, in every sense of the word you can imagine. When an Aries man and a Pisces woman fall in love, Mother Nature smiles approvingly-At its best, the liaison brings out all his shining Aries heroism, and all her tender Pisces devotion. These two are Romeo and Juliet in the flesh. At its worst, it can bring out his latent Mars sadism and her latent Neptune masochism. Even so, if he enjoys playing Tyrannical-Master-of-the-Mansion, and she gets kicks from playing Little-Eva-in-the-Snow, who are we to spoil their fun? I remember well the evening I spent with friends of mine, an Aries man and his Pisces wife, in West Virginia. After their seven children had been tucked in bed, the handsome Ram placed a protective arm around his pretty girl Fish, and spoke emphatically: "My woman doesn't run around chasing a career and joining clubs. I keep her pregnant in the summer and barefoot in the winter - so she stays out of trouble." As I started to hand her a heavy brass ashtray to throw at his head, I noticed the strangest thing. She was smiling up at him with absolute adoration and pure worship. I haven't the slightest doubt that they'll walk into the sunset

together, long after their golden wedding anniversary, holding hands like sweethearts - with him still tall, and strong - her still fragile and barefoot. It almost makes you cry, doesn't it? It was such a traumatic experience for me, I went out the next day and bought five new pairs of shoes to hide under my bed.

When my Pisces friend expressed her curiosity, I just told her, "Well, winter's coming, you know, and I may want to run out some morning at four A.M. to buy a paper or something." I don't think she understood, but I felt more secure. Aries and Pisces are not generally as compatible, over a long period of time (especially if they live in Alaska, where her feet might get frost bitten) as he would be with an Air or Fire sign - or she would be with an Earth or Water sign. They're basically quite different. But in the immortal words of the Frenchmen: "Vive la difference!" As for building the elemental attraction into a stable relationship, there's a good chance they can succeed if his Moon or Ascendent is in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus or Capricorn - or if her Moon or Ascendent is in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,

Gemini or Aquarius. Before the Pisces girl is married, her phone rings constantly, with one male

after another calling her for dates. She has an awful time deciding between Tom, Dick or Harry - because she hates to hurt Bill, John and Bob. Anyway, she really loves Jack, if she could only forget Roger. Life is full of frustrations. Like deciding which one to marry - or deciding whether or not to allow half a

dozen or so of them to protect her against poverty and boredom, by paying her rent and taking her to Sun Valley to ski. Things like that. Maybe lending her their cars, an occasional Porsche, a BMW or a Saab. It's such a rough life. The omen's Liberation movement doesn't move Pisces females much. The whole from. It certainlyhis troubles. Not part sleeping - or knocking around with his pals.A girl Fish is an exquisite listener. That's how she gathered all those admirers, beginning with grade school. She's also beautifully humble, and sympathetic,and who feels, finally, that her individuality is being smothered by the dominant ego of the Aries man she loves, usually won't protest loudly, or argue about it with any degree of intensity. No matter how desperate she becomes, she's more likely to keep smiling.... but with a blank expression in her eyes. When he loses his temper with her over a trifle, she normally won't fight back. She'll just blink

a few times, and yawn. But the yawn may be a silent scream. If she seems to be drifting and dreaming, if her smiles are vague, and her attention wanders, the Ram should ask himself if he has been perhaps overlooking her needs in pursuing his own, which is easy for him to do, though he never does

it intentionally. An Aries man is seldom aware of his occasional selfishness. It's more thoughtlessness than selfishness anyway. He's so intent on living-being doing every moment, he just doesn't take the time to look around him. When it's pointed out to him that he's been rude or inconsiderate, he's invariably surprised and embarrassed - and sorry. It was never his intention to be cruel or unfeeling. No one can be more sentimental, kind-hearted, foolishly generous and fiercely loyal in love than Aries. But her Neptune passivity can not only encourage his unthinking selfishness and his latent chauvinism, it can blind him to any hurt he's given her. If he realizes it, he'll probably apologize profusely, and behave like a perfect angel (until he forgets again, and has to be reminded). So you can't blame all their troubles on him. The Pisces woman must accept at least half the responsibility for her own unhappiness, and ask herself if she has been leaning a little heavily on the martyr routine. There's not much need to analyze their sexual relationship in detail, as we did with the other combinations, because, as you can see from the astrological facts stated at the beginning of this section, it's clear that this is the perfect Romeo-

Juliet, Tarzan-Jane blending, in a sexuality sense. The result, in relation to their physical intimacy, isn't difficult to guess. She'll not only be sensitive to his every lover's mood, wish and desire, she'll decode and fulfill them, almost before they're formed. In return, he'll gratefully give her an exciting display of his

Mars intensity, and much tender (for him) affection. None of the boys who used to call her on the phone, and lend her their BMWs, could have prepared her, emotionally or otherwise, for the kind of passion that rages in the heart of a Ram, once he's found a woman he can call completely his own. This brings us to the subject of sexual and romantic infidelity (a subject we always eventually reach in every Aries chapter). The girl Fish is not a flirt, mind you, but what it is, you see, is that - well, men flirt with she just thinks that admiration from members of the male sex is the nicest part of being a female.

As for the Ram, he's not a playboy type either. But he's not going to throw rocks at a little worship from the opposite sex now and then, which he uses to his casual encounters with other women are innocent. Hers are suspect, clearly deliberate maneuvers toward an actual act of unfaithfulness. It's not at all fair, of course. It will help if she'll realize that his attitude isn't based on romantic selfishness, but only on his well-hidden feelings of inadequacy. Being influenced and guided by Neptune compassion, she'll probably

comprehend his secret fear, and behave accordingly. Whether he's right or wrong, an Aries man will never tolerate a promiscuous or an unfaithful woman - and one slip is many more times than enough for him. If she doesn't work overtime to convince her Aries man, with all her heart, that she belongs only to

him - it's out in the cold, cold snow for little Eva. Put two completely different kinds of people together, and do they grow to love each other less and less - or more and more? With Aries and Pisces, it's not the differences between them that matter. It's what they have in common - the fear of being hurt. Her vulnerability is easily discernible - his may be disguised by Mars bravery and brashness, but it's just as real, just as painful as her own; polish up his ego. He thinks that's all part of being a man. None of this should cause any real trouble between them; nevertheless, it probably will, because, although

the Pisces girl is inclined to understand and trust her man - Aries is never as insistent on freedom for his partner as he is on freedom for himself. In the Ram's opinion, of the time. All of the time. Except on holidays, when he's resting, orthat's how she gets caught in her own Neptune web. A Pisces womanher. She's not promiscuous, ERA noise just kind of floats in one Neptune ear and out the other. The Pisces

woman feels it all depends on what you want to be liberated does. Amen, sisters! (And brothers.)

After she's married, her phone will continue to ring approximately every ten minutes throughout the day and night, but then it will be her neighbors, relatives and friends who need an ear to confide in, and a shoulder to weep upon. Her Aries husband will fly into a few Mars tantrums over her tendency to turn

their home into a therapy clinic. She should be listening to It can be quite enough to attract them in the beginning.
Men and women have told me this. Especially Virgos...but I don't get along with them either.

Libra and scorpio get along with me like peas in a pod. That's bc one keeps me grounded and the other is pretty much the same
Posted by EvatheDiva
I will prove Spur wrong Devil

Hug cyber hugs!




Since no man is more male than a Ram, and no woman is more female than a Fish, the love between these two is never flawed by confusion over sexual identification. It's a true mating, in every sense of the word you can imagine. When an Aries man and a Pisces woman fall in love, Mother Nature smiles approvingly-At its best, the liaison brings out all his shining Aries heroism, and all her tender Pisces devotion. These two are Romeo and Juliet in the flesh. At its worst, it can bring out his latent Mars sadism and her latent Neptune masochism. Even so, if he enjoys playing Tyrannical-Master-of-the-Mansion, and she gets kicks from playing Little-Eva-in-the-Snow, who are we to spoil their fun? I remember well the evening I spent with friends of mine, an Aries man and his Pisces wife, in West Virginia. After their seven children had been tucked in bed, the handsome Ram placed a protective arm around his pretty girl Fish, and spoke emphatically: "My woman doesn't run around chasing a career and joining clubs. I keep her pregnant in the summer and barefoot in the winter - so she stays out of trouble." As I started to hand her a heavy brass ashtray to throw at his head, I noticed the strangest thing. She was smiling up at him with absolute adoration and pure worship. I haven't the slightest doubt that they'll walk into the sunset

together, long after their golden wedding anniversary, holding hands like sweethearts - with him still tall, and strong - her still fragile and barefoot. It almost makes you cry, doesn't it? It was such a traumatic experience for me, I went out the next day and bought five new pairs of shoes to hide under my bed.

When my Pisces friend expressed her curiosity, I just told her, "Well, winter's coming, you know, and I may want to run out some morning at four A.M. to buy a paper or something." I don't think she understood, but I felt more secure. Aries and Pisces are not generally as compatible, over a long period of time (especially if they live in Alaska, where her feet might get frost bitten) as he would be with an Air or Fire sign - or she would be with an Earth or Water sign. They're basically quite different. But in the immortal words of the Frenchmen: "Vive la difference!" As for building the elemental attraction into a stable relationship, there's a good chance they can succeed if his Moon or Ascendent is in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus or Capricorn - or if her Moon or Ascendent is in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius,

Gemini or Aquarius. Before the Pisces girl is married, her phone rings constantly, with one male

after another calling her for dates. She has an awful time deciding between Tom, Dick or Harry - because she hates to hurt Bill, John and Bob. Anyway, she really loves Jack, if she could only forget Roger. Life is full of frustrations. Like deciding which one to marry - or deciding whether or not to allow half a

dozen or so of them to protect her against poverty and boredom, by paying her rent and taking her to Sun Valley to ski. Things like that. Maybe lending her their cars, an occasional Porsche, a BMW or a Saab. It's such a rough life. The omen's Liberation movement doesn't move Pisces females much. The whole from. It certainlyhis troubles. Not part sleeping - or knocking around with his pals.A girl Fish is an exquisite listener. That's how she gathered all those admirers, beginning with grade school. She's also beautifully humble, and sympathetic,and who feels, finally, that her individuality is being smothered by the dominant ego of the Aries man she loves, usually won't protest loudly, or argue about it with any degree of intensity. No matter how desperate she becomes, she's more likely to keep smiling.... but with a blank expression in her eyes. When he loses his temper with her over a trifle, she normally won't fight back. She'll just blink

a few times, and yawn. But the yawn may be a silent scream. If she seems to be drifting and dreaming, if her smiles are vague, and her attention wanders, the Ram should ask himself if he has been perhaps overlooking her needs in pursuing his own, which is easy for him to do, though he never does

it intentionally. An Aries man is seldom aware of his occasional selfishness. It's more thoughtlessness than selfishness anyway. He's so intent on living-being doing every moment, he just doesn't take the time to look around him. When it's pointed out to him that he's been rude or inconsiderate, he's invariably surprised and embarrassed - and sorry. It was never his intention to be cruel or unfeeling. No one can be more sentimental, kind-hearted, foolishly generous and fiercely loyal in love than Aries. But her Neptune passivity can not only encourage his unthinking selfishness and his latent chauvinism, it can blind him to any hurt he's given her. If he realizes it, he'll probably apologize profusely, and behave like a perfect angel (until he forgets again, and has to be reminded). So you can't blame all their troubles on him. The Pisces woman must accept at least half the responsibility for her own unhappiness, and ask herself if she has been leaning a little heavily on the martyr routine. There's not much need to analyze their sexual relationship in detail, as we did with the other combinations, because, as you can see from the astrological facts stated at the beginning of this section, it's clear that this is the perfect Romeo-

Juliet, Tarzan-Jane blending, in a sexuality sense. The result, in relation to their physical intimacy, isn't difficult to guess. She'll not only be sensitive to his every lover's mood, wish and desire, she'll decode and fulfill them, almost before they're formed. In return, he'll gratefully give her an exciting display of his

Mars intensity, and much tender (for him) affection. None of the boys who used to call her on the phone, and lend her their BMWs, could have prepared her, emotionally or otherwise, for the kind of passion that rages in the heart of a Ram, once he's found a woman he can call completely his own. This brings us to the subject of sexual and romantic infidelity (a subject we always eventually reach in every Aries chapter). The girl Fish is not a flirt, mind you, but what it is, you see, is that - well, men flirt with she just thinks that admiration from members of the male sex is the nicest part of being a female.

As for the Ram, he's not a playboy type either. But he's not going to throw rocks at a little worship from the opposite sex now and then, which he uses to his casual encounters with other women are innocent. Hers are suspect, clearly deliberate maneuvers toward an actual act of unfaithfulness. It's not at all fair, of course. It will help if she'll realize that his attitude isn't based on romantic selfishness, but only on his well-hidden feelings of inadequacy. Being influenced and guided by Neptune compassion, she'll probably

comprehend his secret fear, and behave accordingly. Whether he's right or wrong, an Aries man will never tolerate a promiscuous or an unfaithful woman - and one slip is many more times than enough for him. If she doesn't work overtime to convince her Aries man, with all her heart, that she belongs only to

him - it's out in the cold, cold snow for little Eva. Put two completely different kinds of people together, and do they grow to love each other less and less - or more and more? With Aries and Pisces, it's not the differences between them that matter. It's what they have in common - the fear of being hurt. Her vulnerability is easily discernible - his may be disguised by Mars bravery and brashness, but it's just as real, just as painful as her own; polish up his ego. He thinks that's all part of being a man. None of this should cause any real trouble between them; nevertheless, it probably will, because, although

the Pisces girl is inclined to understand and trust her man - Aries is never as insistent on freedom for his partner as he is on freedom for himself. In the Ram's opinion, of the time. All of the time. Except on holidays, when he's resting, orthat's how she gets caught in her own Neptune web. A Pisces womanher. She's not promiscuous, ERA noise just kind of floats in one Neptune ear and out the other. The Pisces

woman feels it all depends on what you want to be liberated does. Amen, sisters! (And brothers.)

After she's married, her phone will continue to ring approximately every ten minutes throughout the day and night, but then it will be her neighbors, relatives and friends who need an ear to confide in, and a shoulder to weep upon. Her Aries husband will fly into a few Mars tantrums over her tendency to turn

their home into a therapy clinic. She should be listening to It can be quite enough to attract them in the beginning.
Nice. Did you prove me right or wrong? Big Grin Proving an Aries wrong that is mean, but you can have a hug also. It is funny because my Grandmother and Grandfather on my Dads side was an Aries/Pisces, they stayed together for over 50 years till death did them part. My Dad married a pisces woman when he was young thinking this was a good match, he wanted a woman like his mom that would take care of him because he just wasn't capable of doing any cleaning or cooking lol. but he ended up very bitter about it and never really got over it. So I guess it depends a lot on other placments as you said.

I am an Aries as well and well I got a lot of Taurus placements so cooking and cleaning is not a problem for me. I don't need someone to take care of me in that way. The Pisces is very nurtring though. I always had a lot of respect for my grandmother. smile
Nice. Did you prove me right or wrong? Big Grin Proving an Aries wrong that is mean, but you can have a hug also. It is funny because my Grandmother and Grandfather on my Dads side was an Aries/Pisces, they stayed together for over 50 years till death did them part. My Dad married a pisces woman when he was young thinking this was a good match, he wanted a woman like his mom that would take care of him because he just wasn't capable of doing any cleaning or cooking lol. but he ended up very bitter about it and never really got over it. So I guess it depends a lot on other placments as you said.

I am an Aries as well and well I got a lot of Taurus placements so cooking and cleaning is not a problem for me. I don't need someone to take care of me in that way. The Pisces is very nurtring though. I always had a lot of respect for my grandmother. smile


Thanks for my hug. Question: If your dad married a Piscean woman and, "Ended up very bitter about it and never really got over it" did they divorce? Did they remain together for the sake of the "children" and he was "miserable"? Sad

I cannot prove you wrong, yet, as this is an "early relationship". At first he and I were like two talking parrots during the Christmas holiday last year. He's a teacher (on leave) and I was also on Christmas leave. We went out on a date on 30 Dec 2016; and after the date, we kissed good night. I was like, "Oh, my!" (he's a great kisser and I told him so). I grabbed his hand and walked him to my door and asked him to text me when he got home. He did. Come 2017, all communication ceased. Why? LOL! I told him I was going to my girlfriend's birthday party at the club (7 Jan 17) and uh, I guess he got jealous. I DID invite him, but he had grades to post. My kiddo got his report card yesterday; so in Texas, they had to get posted by yesterday's date. I KNOW Arians are busy and I respect his "career". But I sent him a message last Friday (6th) {going to gym} and Saturday 7th (I sent him a pic of Moi). He never responded to both texts; esp the latter. We last spoke on the phone on TR (5 Jan) as I had invited him to said birthday party at the club and he stated he was going to be busy posting grades, grading papers, was moving from one home to another, etc. He said twice, "Have fun". I don't care if this struck a NERVE as I am just as independent as he is. I said, "Give me a call whenever you want to go out on a date; even if it's a weekend my kiddo (10 yrs old) is with me, and I'll get a baby sitter". He said, "I will still text/call you (Have fun; said this twice); we both said good-night and that was the last verbal communication I had w/him along w/the two texts as indicated above. Nada (nothing). Balls on his court. Winking

Cyber hugs! Hug



Posted by AriesLisaM
I am a 3/26 Aries female and new to the message boards. I have been told I am intimidating to men a few times. Actually most of them have been Pisces men. I ask them why and I cannot get straight answer. Any help is much appreciated.
Even though they may find us intimidating at first, them Pisces men just love us Aries women!
I know a Pisces woman - Aries man couple and they have 2 kids and have been together for 15yrs this time round. They had like a 5yr gap but were together for about 3yrs before the gap.

I know another couple same combo 1 child and they've been together on and off about 9-10yrs. But these 2 are toxic, they cheat on each other all the time, split, get back together etc.

Posted by EvatheDiva
Nice. Did you prove me right or wrong? Big Grin Proving an Aries wrong that is mean, but you can have a hug also. It is funny because my Grandmother and Grandfather on my Dads side was an Aries/Pisces, they stayed together for over 50 years till death did them part. My Dad married a pisces woman when he was young thinking this was a good match, he wanted a woman like his mom that would take care of him because he just wasn't capable of doing any cleaning or cooking lol. but he ended up very bitter about it and never really got over it. So I guess it depends a lot on other placments as you said.

I am an Aries as well and well I got a lot of Taurus placements so cooking and cleaning is not a problem for me. I don't need someone to take care of me in that way. The Pisces is very nurtring though. I always had a lot of respect for my grandmother. smile

Thanks for my hug. Question: If your dad married a Piscean woman and, "Ended up very bitter about it and never really got over it" did they divorce? Did they remain together for the sake of the "children" and he was "miserable"? Sad

I cannot prove you wrong, yet, as this is an "early relationship". At first he and I were like two talking parrots during the Christmas holiday last year. He's a teacher (on leave) and I was also on Christmas leave. We went out on a date on 30 Dec 2016; and after the date, we kissed good night. I was like, "Oh, my!" (he's a great kisser and I told him so). I grabbed his hand and walked him to my door and asked him to text me when he got home. He did. Come 2017, all communication ceased. Why? LOL! I told him I was going to my girlfriend's birthday party at the club (7 Jan 17) and uh, I guess he got jealous. I DID invite him, but he had grades to post. My kiddo got his report card yesterday; so in Texas, they had to get posted by yesterday's date. I KNOW Arians are busy and I respect his "career". But I sent him a message last Friday (6th) {going to gym} and Saturday 7th (I sent him a pic of Moi). He never responded to both texts; esp the latter. We last spoke on the phone on TR (5 Jan) as I had invited him to said birthday party at the club and he stated he was going to be busy posting grades, grading papers, was moving from one home to another, etc. He said twice, "Have fun". I don't care if this struck a NERVE as I am just as independent as he is. I said, "Give me a call whenever you want to go out on a date; even if it's a weekend my kiddo (10 yrs old) is with me, and I'll get a baby sitter". He said, "I will still text/call you (Have fun; said this twice); we both said good-night and that was the last verbal communication I had w/him along w/the two texts as indicated above. Nada (nothing). Balls on his court. Winking

Cyber hugs! Hug



They divorced. My dad was with my mom (Cancer) after that, that was rocky also because my dad never got over his past, but in anycase my grandparents lasted over 50 years with this combo Aries/Picses, but then that was a different time. So who knows haha. I like the pisces independence too, and they are very thoughtful people. My dad had issues with the perception of her reading his mind and getting angry at him when he thought anything negative. Even though he never told her anything, and after my dad's first son was born he described her as going nuts very mean, but I met her recently at Christmas she seemed like a really nice lady. I never spent anytime with her because my dad never allowed it while he was alive. Anyway not to be negative about it. There is a lot of factors involved.

It sounds like he is just busy to me based on what you're saying, but maybe he is a little bored now that he captured you. Instead of making it easy for him to ask you out again make it a little harder, and yeah ball is in his court. See if he comes around. Worst thing to do is to beg for a date from an Aries. They will want to go after it themselves usually.
Posted by spur
Posted by EvatheDiva
Nice. Did you prove me right or wrong? Big Grin Proving an Aries wrong that is mean, but you can have a hug also. It is funny because my Grandmother and Grandfather on my Dads side was an Aries/Pisces, they stayed together for over 50 years till death did them part. My Dad married a pisces woman when he was young thinking this was a good match, he wanted a woman like his mom that would take care of him because he just wasn't capable of doing any cleaning or cooking lol. but he ended up very bitter about it and never really got over it. So I guess it depends a lot on other placments as you said.

I am an Aries as well and well I got a lot of Taurus placements so cooking and cleaning is not a problem for me. I don't need someone to take care of me in that way. The Pisces is very nurtring though. I always had a lot of respect for my grandmother. smile

Thanks for my hug. Question: If your dad married a Piscean woman and, "Ended up very bitter about it and never really got over it" did they divorce? Did they remain together for the sake of the "children" and he was "miserable"? Sad

I cannot prove you wrong, yet, as this is an "early relationship". At first he and I were like two talking parrots during the Christmas holiday last year. He's a teacher (on leave) and I was also on Christmas leave. We went out on a date on 30 Dec 2016; and after the date, we kissed good night. I was like, "Oh, my!" (he's a great kisser and I told him so). I grabbed his hand and walked him to my door and asked him to text me when he got home. He did. Come 2017, all communication ceased. Why? LOL! I told him I was going to my girlfriend's birthday party at the club (7 Jan 17) and uh, I guess he got jealous. I DID invite him, but he had grades to post. My kiddo got his report card yesterday; so in Texas, they had to get posted by yesterday's date. I KNOW Arians are busy and I respect his "career". But I sent him a message last Friday (6th) {going to gym} and Saturday 7th (I sent him a pic of Moi). He never responded to both texts; esp the latter. We last spoke on the phone on TR (5 Jan) as I had invited him to said birthday party at the club and he stated he was going to be busy posting grades, grading papers, was moving from one home to another, etc. He said twice, "Have fun". I don't care if this struck a NERVE as I am just as independent as he is. I said, "Give me a call whenever you want to go out on a date; even if it's a weekend my kiddo (10 yrs old) is with me, and I'll get a baby sitter". He said, "I will still text/call you (Have fun; said this twice); we both said good-night and that was the last verbal communication I had w/him along w/the two texts as indicated above. Nada (nothing). Balls on his court. Winking

Cyber hugs! Hug



click to expand
They divorced. My dad was with my mom (Cancer) after that, that was rocky also because my dad never got over his past, but in anycase my grandparents lasted over 50 years with this combo Aries/Picses, but then that was a different time. So who knows haha. I like the pisces independence too, and they are very thoughtful people. My dad had issues with the perception of her reading his mind and getting angry at him when he thought anything negative. Even though he never told her anything, and after my dad's first son was born he described her as going nuts very mean, but I met her recently at Christmas she seemed like a really nice lady. I never spent anytime with her because my dad never allowed it while he was alive. Anyway not to be negative about it. There is a lot of factors involved.

It sounds like he is just busy to me based on what you're saying, but maybe he is a little bored now that he captured you. Instead of making it easy for him to ask you out again make it a little harder, and yeah ball is in his court. See if he comes around. Worst thing to do is to beg for a date from an Aries. They will want to go after it themselves usually.

Yeah, she was nice to you. Why? Because you don't/didn't live with her. Feb/Mar Pisceans are different; esp the "dates", I am 2 March (Texas Independence Day) and I met a Female Piscean 13 March that was mean as a witch! She was sleeping w/my married boss, she was jealous, and she was A WITCH!

Thanks for the explanation; as yeah, that's typical for an Arian. I'm not at any man's beck and call. Gotta say if he doesn't come thru, "He closed that door for someone else to open a door" and/or my famous one, "He lost the best treetrunking thing that came into his life!" Also, I don't play "games". I'm too old/wise for that. Besides, the last game I played was Monopoly when I was 11 years old Winking

Cyber hugs! (sending you two!) Hug Hug



PS: I informed him that I wanted to "slow down" with a new relationship that I will be involved in. If he wanted to have sex with me that first date; sorry! That's not me. Angry

Yes I've been told this exact thing. Funny thing is, it was a male Aries who had a crush on me who told me this.
I have been told it many times. My own husband said i was when we first met and he is a virgo. I dont know why. i am soo perky. I have a big smile.Laughing
I do Lisa...and only have Aries rising smile

Apparently i come across as very confident to men? Don't seem to get the same reaction from women for some reason?

..no.. quite the contrary actually..
Yes! People are sometimes flat out intimidated by me, so a lot of times I get what I want... then my Pisces is like, awww, you didn't have to, really... I don't feel like I am at all... I am sweet and petite? but my kids say how I say things sometimes comes across as strong or harsh? I am trying to figure this out myself!
Be proud of who you are, you can pretend to be less intimidating but why would you want that, just find men that can handle it. As a few of my Aries females friends say, they don't want a guy to be a "wet willy" (I dunno if you have this phrase in whichever country you live, but in England, we would call someone a "wet lettuce" ... lol I don't know how you describe it exactly, but sometimes women change it for laughs to "wet willy")

Anyway, it will be more about your body language than anything, Aries men don't actually have it as much, but Aries women can actually take charge and be bossy, they have little patience and they have the courage to ask for what they want. This includes being the one to ask a guy out, or even ask a guy to get married. They can be very direct, and they will take what they want through force, passion and perhaps even bullying the other person. This is kind of a natural state, and as with everything has pros and cons, Aries women tend to succeed in business for this reason. But when it comes to romance, stay away from the guys who can't handle you, the ones you might offend or overpower too much, (the wet willies).
Thanks everyone! I am 5'10 and thin, with long hair. I think its my insane energy too. I am proud of myself and I walk with confidence. I was just amazed by this comment.

I have tried to be less intimidating, but it shows. I think its my body language and my way.

Posted by NappTune
My youngest brother and sister in law are Aries. I'm very calm and can easily absorb people's energy. Aries energy can throw me off if I'm not paying attention. It feels like loose energy because they can't stand still.
So cliche

I'm very calm and chill until angered
Posted by AriesJo
Be proud of who you are, you can pretend to be less intimidating but why would you want that, just find men that can handle it. As a few of my Aries females friends say, they don't want a guy to be a "wet willy" (I dunno if you have this phrase in whichever country you live, but in England, we would call someone a "wet lettuce" ... lol I don't know how you describe it exactly, but sometimes women change it for laughs to "wet willy")

Anyway, it will be more about your body language than anything, Aries men don't actually have it as much, but Aries women can actually take charge and be bossy, they have little patience and they have the courage to ask for what they want. This includes being the one to ask a guy out, or even ask a guy to get married. They can be very direct, and they will take what they want through force, passion and perhaps even bullying the other person. This is kind of a natural state, and as with everything has pros and cons, Aries women tend to succeed in business for this reason. But when it comes to romance, stay away from the guys who can't handle you, the ones you might offend or overpower too much, (the wet willies).
Yup it's my body language. My step dad used to say I act like a cop lmaooooo

I can see when people read me then their body language changes and they go on defense. So then I try to adjust my body language to bring them back and make them feel at ease. But I do have an authoritative air to me. Can't help it.