How Arries came back just in 2 seconds

This topic was created in the Aries forum by Satyamsoni3 on Wednesday, May 25, 2016 and has 13 replies.
I was in relationship with him since 5 months. Everything was pefect until I wanted too much from him, put pressure on him for many things and I just gave orders to him , do this, do that, for me , etc.. At the end, because also he was doing everything for me, and I got used by this and took it as something normal , when I becomed like a queen ( actually he made me a queen for him ) giving orders only and being over spoiled by him also with gifts, flowers, attention in bed , etc. ( as any Aries tend to do with a woman ) , I tought I lost him forever when he ended up just ignoring me totally and then disappeared without any sign.
I started think then what I was wrong , in this 3 days when no sign from him . Then I could not accept lose him and after analizing everything what it was, I changed the way totally. I didn't asked him accompany me in some place ( like supermarket , like fitness, etc. ), and just texted to him with some very funny pictures of Goat, as he is a goat in Chinese horoscope. Some pictures show a goat dressed in army uniform, some other one showed a goat angry , hiting his head of a public telephone , and other one with a old goat looking far and thinking . I made a funny comment for every pic of this and like " You had a good time in the army , for the first pic with the goat in army uniform . Then for the pic with the goat angry, I wrote : but don't be so sad now, I know you miss that time a lot.." and something else like this.
I didn't expected any reply from him too soon or not at all . I was wonder then seeing his reply just in 2 seconds only., saying a "hi " and asking me " how is the result of your exam ? " I got an exam for driving permit last days. Then he said the goats are ugly ! I told him he is handsome now, but the pics are old smile He don't show up emotions, is little cold , but enjoy this start again . From what I saw, if I would not acting in this way or not at all, I think he may not contacting me back too soon. I see a very common sing with Libra man in him. Both can't acting, but if you acting first, then he responding. At least Aries responding, but Libra NO ! smile

I just wanted share this , how to make Aries reply to you if you really know what he likes, what type of humor and use the jokes which connected you before smile and also you can read your compatibility about your sign and Aries and learn what he likes, what he dislikes, what you are doing wrong , what he is doing wrong in that relationship, etc. Make a clear idea, then a way will come . smile
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
This never happens. He swears!

I was also so wonder to get his response in 2 seconds only ! It was like he was just waiting for me to do this action. And it was really a bad bad quarrel between me and him when we broken up this relationship last week.
Too late once I make my mind up its done.
I dated Aries man before, so I can ensure you that once you've gained his heart and trust, he'll always come back, as long as you know how to smile.

Aries man can (to some extent) treat you like his queen, and does whatever he possibly can just to make you happy. I had that before smile, it was a great experience. He loved me with all his heart (and even still now), put me first in his priority, and sometimes, worship me (I mean literally call me his Goddess).

If you truly love him too, just show your genuine love and passion and care. You can be bossy put dont push it too far. He can be real patient but not a dumbass you know.

Ur man reminded me a lot of mine. Wonderful time smile.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Too late once I make my mind up its done.

Yes dear Taurus, you are like this, I know. Once made your mind up, you never come back, but maybe is good also this too, is depend of what you fix your mind next and what's your goals are further. I have Taurus man friend before, once he broken with his gf, he never wnated her back smile I also met a Taurus man who wanted be with me , but I made it clear that he is not the one for me and since then never contacted me again at least to remain simple friends smile Just follow your way how God let you be, no need do what I do or others do, follow your heart and hope everything will be well for you ! smile
Posted by Satyamsoni3
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Too late once I make my mind up its done.

Yes dear Taurus, you are like this, I know. Once made your mind up, you never come back, but maybe is good also this too, is depend of what you fix your mind next and what's your goals are further. I have Taurus man friend before, once he broken with his gf, he never wnated her back smile I also met a Taurus man who wanted be with me , but I made it clear that he is not the one for me and since then never contacted me again at least to remain simple friends smile Just follow your way how God let you be, no need do what I do or others do, follow your heart and hope everything will be well for you ! smile
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Trust I do let things come naturally I don't like to rush. And I do let the light in and I'm way too intense for light hearted people especially if they are not familiar can be overly challenging.
Posted by fierceariesgirl
I dated Aries man before, so I can ensure you that once you've gained his heart and trust, he'll always come back, as long as you know how to smile.

Aries man can (to some extent) treat you like his queen, and does whatever he possibly can just to make you happy. I had that before smile, it was a great experience. He loved me with all his heart (and even still now), put me first in his priority, and sometimes, worship me (I mean literally call me his Goddess).

If you truly love him too, just show your genuine love and passion and care. You can be bossy put dont push it too far. He can be real patient but not a dumbass you know.

Ur man reminded me a lot of mine. Wonderful time smile.

Thank you for your reply ! smile Yes, he also called me his Godness and I am a Leo, Leo naturally in this sign likes so much compliments, and this things , but if you use it too much, Leo tend to wants more and more until sufocate you smile I think I was need this break up from him, just to realize what I was doing wrong and he made me now be more independend and I feel great without asking him do any thing for me, I must do things by myself also smile
Why aren't you two together now ? I just hope it was a happy end, not a sad one smile
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Posted by Satyamsoni3
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
Too late once I make my mind up its done.

Yes dear Taurus, you are like this, I know. Once made your mind up, you never come back, but maybe is good also this too, is depend of what you fix your mind next and what's your goals are further. I have Taurus man friend before, once he broken with his gf, he never wnated her back smile I also met a Taurus man who wanted be with me , but I made it clear that he is not the one for me and since then never contacted me again at least to remain simple friends smile Just follow your way how God let you be, no need do what I do or others do, follow your heart and hope everything will be well for you ! smile

Trust I do let things come naturally I don't like to rush. And I do let the light in and I'm way too intense for light hearted people especially if they are not familiar can be overly challenging.
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Yes, I know what you mean, and you also can't allow a weak person near by you. Leo has this too, we are storng, we want strong peoples and we tend to make others strong, help them become strong, etc. When he is too weak, I become too bossy. Anyway, anyone should be naturally as she /he is, no need change for others. Just change your mistakes , try to accept you had some mistakes and try to change them if you has some mistakes. But personality nobody can change it, that is how we was born with it smile
Me and my ex was best friend/couple since high school till our Sophomore year in Uni and we share tons of memories. Then he immigrated to another country.

We kept our relationship for 2 more years and broke up recently. Long distance love sucks you know. Tho we tried to work out the differences but still, the gap just becomes bigger days by days. He came back to my country to visit me once, but couldn't afford to do much (he's still student since he has to retake all the courses).

Long story short, I ended up with him. I was too tired with the whole thing. He on the contrary, still loves me dearly and says I'll be waiting for you. It's my fault after all, I let loneliness get me and let my love for him slip away. To me, no more romantic feelings towards him but appreciation for his love.

I may be regretful one day for letting him go. But still, I can't wait for him 4 more years (as he asked me for). It's just too much ...

I really hope you guys can work out again smile.
Posted by fierceariesgirl
Me and my ex was best friend/couple since high school till our Sophomore year in Uni and we share tons of memories. Then he immigrated to another country.

We kept our relationship for 2 more years and broke up recently. Long distance love sucks you know. Tho we tried to work out the differences but still, the gap just becomes bigger days by days. He came back to my country to visit me once, but couldn't afford to do much (he's still student since he has to retake all the courses).

Long story short, I ended up with him. I was too tired with the whole thing. He on the contrary, still loves me dearly and says I'll be waiting for you. It's my fault after all, I let loneliness get me and let my love for him slip away. To me, no more romantic feelings towards him but appreciation for his love.

I may be regretful one day for letting him go. But still, I can't wait for him 4 more years (as he asked me for). It's just too much ...

I really hope you guys can work out again smile.

Have you ever think that this may your life's mistake ? smile Please reconsider and think again ! 4 years is nothing ! It will pass as tomorrow. You can keep contact, go to visit him also, he may come to visit you also too. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease, don't give up something so good if he was really good to you ! and if he does not hurt you in special and he keep loving you....

I think you can do more, really. Don't be selfish now , because later you will regret. Try to remember all what connected you and why say your love was vanished ? Have you ever loved him really in your heart ? or you just took him as a friend only ? He will not give up on you if he loves you , but if you push hi away, then he will go . Is a pity to let it go , BUT if he do nothing for you two and he is just nice guy, then yes, you must let it go. Some men do nothing, just want you wait them and in this time, you never know if he is with other one and keep you on a list of waiting only.. If he really loves you , he could transfering his school in your country, if you have a common country. Other way time is passng an memory will be gone , means eyes which don't see each others, will make to forget each other.
Are you with someone else now ? You know, sometimes, even you are with someone else for a while, if he is to be yours, at the end he will be. No matter what you do in this time. smile
@Satyamsoni3 thanks soooo much. You r a really nice girl I can tell smile.

It's hard for me to apply for an American visa and visit him, so it's just him coming back to hometown to see me around. It's hard for both of us, since the ticket from his place to mine is really expensive and he can only see me once a year at the most.

I know he tries his best to pursue me, as always. And still wait for my answer, my "coming-back" things. He sent many, many gifts just to let me know he thinks a lot for me. I know I'd never meet the same sweet guy like him again.

But thing is, his family is against our relationship, and wants him to stay in the US. And to make thing worse, they try to manipulate his mind and thinking, no matter how hard he tries to resist such.

So everything gets me deeply and my ego too. I'm so lonely, I've been waiting for him for 3 years and just ended the whole thing early of this year. And you're right, it's my fault, I don't love him that much. Being with him is like a comfy habit that i'd love to maintain (since he's so nice to me), but love may come from his side only Sad.

I doubted whether it's love or not before, but I know now for sure Sad. I'm seeing someone else, and I feel happy again. It's been so long from my last time going out on a date with someone. And i feel free to do that, no more guilty feelings towards my ex.. (I feel sorry for being a villain here tho).

Posted by fierceariesgirl
@Satyamsoni3 thanks soooo much. You r a really nice girl I can tell smile.

It's hard for me to apply for an American visa and visit him, so it's just him coming back to hometown to see me around. It's hard for both of us, since the ticket from his place to mine is really expensive and he can only see me once a year at the most.

I know he tries his best to pursue me, as always. And still wait for my answer, my "coming-back" things. He sent many, many gifts just to let me know he thinks a lot for me. I know I'd never meet the same sweet guy like him again.

But thing is, his family is against our relationship, and wants him to stay in the US. And to make thing worse, they try to manipulate his mind and thinking, no matter how hard he tries to resist such.

So everything gets me deeply and my ego too. I'm so lonely, I've been waiting for him for 3 years and just ended the whole thing early of this year. And you're right, it's my fault, I don't love him that much. Being with him is like a comfy habit that i'd love to maintain (since he's so nice to me), but love may come from his side only Sad.

I doubted whether it's love or not before, but I know now for sure Sad. I'm seeing someone else, and I feel happy again. It's been so long from my last time going out on a date with someone. And i feel free to do that, no more guilty feelings towards my ex.. (I feel sorry for being a villain here tho).

I can understand what you feel. I was hurt like this by a Libra before. I loved him so much, but just because soneone else worked on his mind ( his family ) to chnage him, he just kept away from me... I was waiting him 3 years and tried always be nice to him, no matter what, but he never set his mind again and probably just can't go out from his culture's way. We were different culture and nationalities. I still love him in my heart . But I gave up and too tired of his actions.

My thing with this Aries is nothing for future . He will never also be with me. He is just a good friend for me I am afraid I start falling in love with him as I wanted him bacl so badly Sad but I try keep emotions far , because a future with him is impossible ( at least now, but as I told to you too, never know what can happen in future ). He was the single man in my life who treated me nice .

About your Aries, I sugest you tell him the truth . Other way he will be waiting for you forever if he loves you. He will block his life in this way. I was doing this thing for that Libra , then realized maybe he never loved me . It is very painful to see how you lost some years for someone you loved so much then. What you told me here, you can tell him. Let him know you can't accept his family's behaviors and actions against you and him. Let him know that he must set his mind.
If he really loves you, why not ask you marry him ? In this way you can live in US with him, find a job there . Not his family is the first who must decide, but HIM . If he can't , then is not a real love from him.

If you are with someone else, now you can compare and choice smile and think 3 things :
1. Is the new person worth tha him ? Look at his actions , personality, tretament on you, etc..
2. Are you ready/want to lose him forever ?
3. Are you sure this is not love from you too ? Have you ever lost him and did not wanted him to come back ? You know, when we lose someone , then we can know if there is love or not. If you can let him go and no regret and can stay without talk to him at all, then you are set free smile

Talk with him and let him know you want meet someone else, Maybe is not so good to tell him you already are with someone else, then he will be hurt, but tell him someone else give you attention recently and you think maybe you can give a try as you are lonely. See his reactions. In my opinion, no matter what makes him change his mind or put you on a waiting list, no matter if himself or his family, but a man must to take action , a man must ask your hand, etc.. no matter his family is against. The men who can't pass their family , means they are not really worth , not really can be ready for you and a future with you. As the Libra I told you, family was against, just because a stupid reason : he was married before with a woman from a country near my country who destroyed his life and his family influenced him and told him that all women from Europe are same. Probably his friends said the same. At least I gave up even I loved him so much, but if no value my love, then is non sense.

Think all this and put all in a balance. See which side is less than the other smile Anyway , keep him around until you are very very sure the other man you are now with him, do not hurt you.

I know couple who married over years............. They did not waited for each other, things was bad from one side , as usually happen. they separated, they was with someone else in this time, then they met again and married,. Once they met, all good memories came around and nothing made them separate again smile

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