How is it Dating a Capricorn?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by AriesSweetness on Sunday, April 14, 2013 and has 24 replies.
I've just starting hanging out with this Cap guy. He seems really cool, especially with me being an energetic Aries. He's a little assuming, and crosses boundries. Does anyone have opinions on these 2 signs hooking up?
I wish you luck! Caps and I don't mix because I find them totally interestingly boring! I know that sounds strange but that's what I came up with. They intrigue me at first and then I find myself stifling yawns. I am friends with a Cap man and he's hilarious. So they're good as friends for me--nothing else.
Thanks for your responses! I get really nervous about guys who don't respect boundries.
Financially they are great. They love money and will work hard to make sure you have what you want. However,I just find them too sensitive to deal with our type of woman.
I'm pretty direct and could learn some tact. If he's sensitive, he'll resent the hell out of me.
Run but if you must stay to experience the Cap flame listen to Metoo.
Don't allow him to cross boundaries, men (a lot of men) do this to create a instant bond, a strong connection, a feeling of being in an instant relationship with a woman; it simply is not true, he doesn't share a connection anymore with you than the last girl. It's also a way of controlling the female, control her feelings/emotions and she's pretty easy to get. Disclaimer: I'm not speaking specifically about you. Being a strong willed Aries he has his work cut out.
Charm, Cap men ooze with charm, they tend to have that comfortable fatherly I'm your super hero and will protect you vibe about them. The Super hero Cape is a powerful mechanism that will bring down even the strongest willed woman. Don't fall for it, he won't save you from your single life and surely he does not want to spend the rest of his life with anyone. Although it can be a big charade it's powerful, many a woman have fallen for it.
Secure your boundaries and go snail pace slow, OUT SLOW him because as fast he may seem with the charm etc deep under his thick armor he's not just slow, he's turned off in the emotion department, the biggest assumption I've seen with women on DXP is if he's my man why is he so difficult and cold, he was not always this way in the beginning. A lot of women assume since he did all that wooing he's ALL IN emotionally, not.
Food for thought....
Also being an Aries going slow may be difficult for you, he's very slow, he may go quick with the wooing yet he's SLOW when it comes to committing himself to any one woman.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Ever dated a Sociopath?

+1 zillion
LMAO! The suggestion of out slowing him really resonates with me. As an Aries, I can move very fast, but I can also put a man in and out of the "buddy zone" when I want. Being in emotionally is the first thing I look for when meeting a guy. If he's not, I put him in the buddy zone. Until I find that out, I keep my distance. That's probably why he's pushing my boundries.
Thanks, tiki33!
Well clearly there are exceptions. She isn't married within 5 months with her Cap so she isn't the exception (yet).
Posted by AriesSweetness
Thanks for your responses! I get really nervous about guys who don't respect boundries.

He won't respect them.
Keep him as a friend. Avoid the relationship.
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
Im sorry but this is hogwash. My cap dad met my step mom and they were married 5 months later and have been married 20 years. I dont know How much more emotionally invested you can get than that. She is a strong wiiled gemini, no push over there. He is an emotional man but he hides it because he is a mans man but he shows it to her because he trusts her. He is a wonderful provider.

Because this one experience trumps all the the ones that are the opposite. Don't be so naive.
I can see Cap and Gemini being able to maintain a long term relationship. They have an interesting bond. It'll be interesting to see what happens with this Aries and Cap.
Thanks, xxoommmxxoo!
Posted by AriesSweetness
I can see Cap and Gemini being able to maintain a long term relationship. They have an interesting bond. It'll be interesting to see what happens with this Aries and Cap.
Thanks, xxoommmxxoo!

Whatever you want to do, but I find it lol worthy that you zero in on the ONE comment that says it "works." Why even ask if you already knew what you were going to do?
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
Posted by AriesSweetness
I can see Cap and Gemini being able to maintain a long term relationship. They have an interesting bond. It'll be interesting to see what happens with this Aries and Cap.
Thanks, xxoommmxxoo!

Your welcome love! I just think it important to point out that if a man moves fast it doesnt mean he's not serious.
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I think it's an important point that this is usually red flag behavior in any man. He may THINK he's serious, but unfortunately it ends up in "lol nvm."
My former Cap friend had a tendency to have the most fucked up relationships when he moved fast.
I am definitly going to take it slooooow with him, and with any future men. If our relationship tempos are different, I'll need to be creative. I know I've said it before, but for me it's important that I keep my boundries in place.
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
Posted by rockyroadicecream
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
Posted by AriesSweetness
I can see Cap and Gemini being able to maintain a long term relationship. They have an interesting bond. It'll be interesting to see what happens with this Aries and Cap.
Thanks, xxoommmxxoo!

Your welcome love! I just think it important to point out that if a man moves fast it doesnt mean he's not serious.

I think it's an important point that this is usually red flag behavior in any man. He may THINK he's serious, but unfortunately it ends up in "lol nvm."
My former Cap friend had a tendency to have the most fucked up relationships when he moved fast.

I can see that. My dad is probably an exception to the norm but i think its important to point out that it can happen. My gemini step mom shhesh, you gotta get past her to get to him. She is like his human sheild. Lol
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That's exactly what it is- an exception. You came into this thread, touting your situation as the be all and that everyone else was wrong in their experiences. As a female, you are doing an absolute disservice by stating a clear exception as anything but. Women like you are the ones perpetuating exceptions as a standard when they're merely a small percentage of what actually happens in dating.
The OP can do as she pleases, but I'm finding it a little concerning that she's already ignoring one red flag- his lack of respect of boundaries. She needs to tread lightly. I don't care what sign the guy is, if your issue is respecting boundaries and you see this early on that the guy won't respect them, hello? You're setting things up for disaster- especially if you don't address them.
OP- if you want to continue, so be it. But it sounds like you want to jump in because of warm squishy feelings and are willing to sacrifice your own standards for that. Don't get me wrong, Cap guys can be really cool, but just pay attention to this boundary thing. I wouldn't be surprised if he started abusing that.
I have the chance to reverse things, since we are early in hanging out. Yes, he has tried to abuse that and I'm now better prepared to check him on it. I've had to a couple of times, and he seemed to respond well. Warm and squishy feelings are'nt a part of this. He's a cool guy, but it's too soon for that.
We'll see what happens, can I keep you posted? I like your input!
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
i think the op can make a decision about her man. A lot of women on this site paint men as bad and it gets old. it takes two to tango in any relationship and last time i checked it was ok to enter a thread and offer a different POSITIVE perspective. OP, good luck with your man!! smile

Thanks for your input!
I had one semi good friendship with a cap dude until he barked on my one day like no man ever has....i never spoke to him again.
That was during my first and worst relationship. He started out not respecting my boundaries and never did. He was much much older and took advantage. Drama queen, explosive temper, habitual lying and cheating, when confronted he ot scary. He had emotional problems that's for sure. Went thru that bs for almost four years, then I just walked away no explanation nothing and never looked back. I ran into him a couple of years ago and it just felt so wierd that I was ever involved with him.
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
i think the op can make a decision about her man. A lot of women on this site paint men as bad and it gets old. it takes two to tango in any relationship and last time i checked it was ok to enter a thread and offer a different POSITIVE perspective. OP, good luck with your man!! smile

Positive does not equate delusional or unrealistic.
You can keep it real and still be positive. I find it sad that so many people confuse realism with negativity. If you consider realism "negativity" you're living in lala land.
I hope it does work out with the OP. These guys can be really cool friends. She should just tread lightly if it goes beyond that.
I think some Cap. and Aries can work, but eventually I think the Aries will get bored of the Caps. games that are needed for reassurance.
Caps. are hard as fuck on the outside, but sweet as pie on the inside...actually they are quite the mush. Aries has to dive deeeeeeep to get to the Caps. heart. However, once there, it??s like a flower blossoming in the spring.
Cap. men are a hot fucking mess in a relationship, though. I think they are feminine as hell. Act just like a chick sometimes. I just stare at them or get quiet when they start acting dumb and doing dumb things so they can think about their actions. However, Cap. men that are evolved to a point where they are secure within themselves are awesome., those are Cap. men I like to call ???Daddy?? in the bedroom. Hehe??_

Posted by bkbella86
I had one semi good friendship with a cap dude until he barked on my one day like no man ever has....i never spoke to him again.

Typical Cap reaction. Pent up emotional stuff that gets released at the worst possible time. He probably did feel guilty after like no other but what's done is done.
I am actually friends with three Aries women and we get along great. Lots of fun, never a dull moment. But romantically... meh. More like a hugging big-brother type of relationship.
From what I've seen is that Aries women will put you in the 'buddy-zone' quickly when you get along. For Caps however that means you get labeled as 'not an option'. It will take a long time for them to change that if the Aries woman changes her mind later. By the time he finally realizes she is interested she has already moved on. When his engines get rolling she sees it as him being pushy and not respecting boundaries. Caps will steamroll to get what they want.
Different paces.
And there is a reason why the Goat has "I use" as a mantra. If he can get away with it, he will. Everything is a game of power and play. Define your boundaries clearly. If the rules are laid out, you can enjoy a really good time with them. Winking
Like Caplove said:
Posted by Caplove

Do NOT be afraid to call him out on it! Put him in line when he's doing it and lay down the law. Hold firm and stand your ground. He will respect you more for it and he should back down after you've told him so. If he keeps pushing it, then for me, it is a huge red flag.
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Like all men; Some are lying assholes, some are incedibly nice guys and most of them are much more emotional than you will think at first. Just be ready to change your view of them and be honest in everything you say and do.