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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
Can it be safe to say that after knowing someone for 5 years and meeting with them through mutual friends and nothing has ever happened and they have had a relationship during this time that the Aries would be over that crush?
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Forever... To the point where I know they don't like me back and that nothing will ever happen between us and I still like them. It's quite obsessive.. Maybe it's my Venus in taurus. Or it could be because I'm mentally unstable.. *shrug*
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
I don't want him will make things awkward because he is coming for a visit in 4 weeks to my town and wants to catch up with me...normally, I go home and we meet with a group of mutual friends.
he hasn't made a move yet? i guess it depends on his venus cause my venus is in aries and i move really fast, once i like someone that's it it'll be obvious and i'll do little things to win them over but the thing that sucks with having venus in aries is that i move on quickly too. aries men are weird lol idk i even hate talking to them and im an aries myself. i know an aries guy who constantly flirts with me but doesn't do anything about it like he'll msg me on fb and we'll talk for a little while and then he'll dissappear from the convo and then msg me like a week later and say "hey what's up?" like wtf who does that 0.o i'll tell you an aries man does lol.i think that's part of their game *sigh* who knows but good luck hun =)
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Mar 24, 2006Comments: 163 · Posts: 6615 · Topics: 326
No he hasn't made a move yet, I think I intimidate him. But then as I said, we normally have a lot of friends around. This time he is coming here to my country and it will be just him and I.
He must realise nothing will ever come of it, it's just a crush. I don't want any awkwardness, so will either invite another friend to come out with us and go somewhere really public. He's not the heart on your sleeve type of guy, more the macho type.
If I had a crush even if it's a mere temporary, possibly find them attractive.
If I find out they're not into me, I will usually stop crushing on them.