How to tempt an Aries man

This topic was created in the Aries Men forum by Ohdear on Sunday, July 26, 2015 and has 6 replies.
Ok so I wrote a previous post which gave me some insight into Aries men personality but now I would like some advice on how to handle the situation.

So got into some heavy flirting with Aries guy we were going to hook up after his work trip but not heard anything in 2 weeks when I text to ask if he changed his mind I got no response so is it best to

A) forget about him he's not interested and I'm unlikely to hear from him again
B) give him more time, he'll contact me when he's ready
C) leave it a bit longer then send him a flirty text that he can't ignore
D) any other advice ???
Tbh, it' seem like he's ignoring you. I don't think that's a good sign. Maybe something stressful is going on in his life.
D) Go on living your life, and if he contacts you, great, if not, he probably found another prospect.
Posted by busyeyes88
Obviously A. You answered your own question with this :

"So got into some heavy flirting with Aries guy we were going to hook up after his work trip but not heard anything in 2 weeks when I text to ask if he changed his mind I got NO RESPONSE"!!

But you do seem very very desperate!!!!!!!! "ohdear"!

I am busy eyes and it's a horrible feeling. Time to slap myself round the face and move on
Posted by dixie
Well if he's anything like my Aries husband was he's probably in a relationship or married. Business trips they are free to play...get back home and not so much...but not to worry...I'm sure his next business trip he will contact you again. These men know how to very successfully compartmentalize and live true double lives and most people will never know...not even their best friends. I will never in my life let an Aries man suck me in. It's all great and grand for play but once you start paying the bills with together. ..get ready to be his mother

Love your feisty response, they cheer me up thankyou x
Tbh OP you would be hearing from him if he was interested. Aries are not wish washy when they are interested or like someone.

If he wasn't wishy washy why didn't he just reply with a simple "yes I've changed my mind" or "can't do this now" or even block me or something instead of leaving me hanging