i know we like challenges...

This topic was created in the Aries forum by xonsie on Thursday, March 12, 2009 and has 6 replies.
but do you like challenging people/relationships or do you prefer physically challenging activities?
Hmm...I am really bad at sports, but I love to excersize. My older brother is an Aries like me, and he is wonderful at sports, Wrestling and Football, he beats everybody in it. But thats just him, he is a very active Aries I should say. But me, nah, im not good at sports, but I HAVE to excersize everyday because if I don't I can get very angry fast, and excersizing is a way to release my anger and stress. So I think I like to challenge myself in excersizing sometimes, but im more of the challenger in other people and relationships. I am always getting in debates and things like that with my friends and family ahah :p
that's kinda interesting. i like challenging people that are hard to get to know. it's pretty hard to discourage me and people that are interesting and quiet usually end up being good company. difficult people piss me off though so i dont even bother (the ones that go out of their way to be fussy and challenging). challenging activities are great though. im kind of a control freak like that and i need to do everything from start to finish because i need to understand every step of the process. challenging in the sense of physical strength is good too because again, it's a sense of control. nobody else can make me fat except me. the same goes for being thin because i put the food in my mouth and i make myself workout
Good question. I noticed the other day that whenever something emotional becomes too messy (libra moon), I'd turn to physical exercise to release some of my pent up energy. I have heard it is better to deal with issues as they are and not displace anger to other parts of your life. But honestly I'd rather go do something physically challenging than deal with some of the emotional BS happening right now. Ironically most of it doesn't even have to do with me...I end up hearing about it...but put in the role of a friend I don't want to be insensitive. But having repeated my advice/thoughts for the nth time, I realize I'm 1) ineffectual 2) wasting my time.
So suffice to say I'd rather work on my rock climbing, or marathon training...than deal with issues/people who can't see how they are getting in the way of their own progress in life

I challenge stupidity.
Posted by xonsie
but do you like challenging people/relationships or do you prefer physically challenging activities?

activities... more predictable results or effects... so if you chase and suck the juice out, activities don't get hurt, try to change you, pin you down or judge you to their standards, unlike people/relationships