This topic was created in the Aries forum by AriesFireKnight on Monday, April 18, 2016 and has 25 replies.
Ok, guys, I was texting this aries girl, I set up all things nice and smooth, the conversation was at some point start to increase in intensity, we started to argue in a friendly manner, then she really got into it, so I wisley defused the bomb changing smoothly to another subject, then she started to argue about one drawing and stuff, I let her had this one too (all of this in a goofy manner) and lastly I told her that is her point (1-0) but for future points she "should read more philosophy to match with my level"...
the conversation that was friendly and flirty and stuff got a total shift... She told me that I was arrogant and to fuck off literally.

I mean... Dafuq... What I did wrong?

I tought it was a joke at first so I told her that persons that like me, like me as I am and understand why I say what I say
She said "Ok. Bye" and in that moment i knew that anything I said will be just "Seen"... So I had 2 options withc I thinked about almost 5 minutes:
1. leave her message to be the last message and treat her with a seen too int this way keeping somehow of a dominant status
2. considering it was a serious situation following her reaction, to apologise in a wise manner placing me as the underdog at the end, but acting like a gentleman

After 5 minutes, I choosed the 2nd option, so I said:
"Jokes aside, sorry if I said something rude, It wont be the first timein my texting history."
Then a "Good night" that she didn't even bothered to mark as Seen.

What to do now?

My idea is that I should act as marvellous I can, in my best disposition in the same time ignoring her completly, somehow showing her that i don't even care. Then after a while to make another step to test the waters at least.

Man, I'm an aries man to, but i didn't expected that raging hell fire Confused

Posted by Gobshite
What's hilarious is that you both saw the Aries flaw in each other but not in yourselves...

Mate, she walked on my nerves a few times and I was like "let it be", then when I thrown in the tiniest offensive I got this...

Hope she is like me, and tomorrow when she will be thinking fresh she will realise that the texting session got crazy (like from 0 to 100 in a matter of seconds) and get trough it. Me personal view on this is very simple on this, now that I have my mind clear: I personally apologised, even if I tought that was not my fault, so I did my duty. From now on I will just ignore her for a while and live my life happy, like nothing happened at all, so she have time to see that she acted stupid with no reason. From my experience she will be sorry in a matter of days or weeks. I think days... Then I see what I do next.

I like this girl tho, she seems hot and surprisingly (or not so) this dumb incident turned me on a little bitLaughing
Posted by xXxAliciaXxX
What did you say to her? That's the real question.

You claim you "wisely diffused" the situation while conveniently leaving out exactly what you said to her.

Tell exactly what went down and don't sugarcoat the story to make yourself look like the reasonable one.

"wiseley diffused" means that I avoided the fight and turned the tides in my favor with a joke then a subject change. After a while we had a friendly argument over a drawing, in the end she was claming that she won that and "she had 1 I had 0" (exact words) so I replyed like this:
"ok i will be a gentleman and let you have this one
but remember, to win points in the future facing me, you should read more philosophy to have a chance to reach my level"

then I put this emoji " :* ", that maybe was a little bit of a douchey move... idk... But, who takes this things literally in a context where we were both flirting and stuff? I mean... Seriously?!

Then she told me that I should chose my words carefully and that I sounded arrogant and to fuuck off... Srsly again?!

After that I presented her the situation so maybe she will realise how stupid it was... Like "So now I got a little bit cocky, and you feel offended by what I have said" whitout the "really?" that I feel like i should've add at the end. "You know, I got used to it, a lot of ppl do that" -- this means, "the situation is dumb, but I can get over it like nothing happened", then I read what she writed more carefully and i saw that "fuuck off" and I got a little bit hurt so I typed like "ppl that liike me, like me as i am, and understand why I say what I say"

She was like "Okey. Bye." and the rest you have in the first message.

This is literally what's happened and my thinking in every step of the process.
She didnt like that you tried to diffuse. Its like you didnt take her seriously enough to argue with her. Shes weak though lol.
Posted by Gooober
She didnt like that you tried to diffuse. Its like you didnt take her seriously enough to argue with her. Shes weak though lol.

Now that you've said that, I really argued with her a little bit, but I saw, and I known that she is an emotional person (but i wasn't expecting that for sure) so when I saw that the disscution was turning into a fight I tried to switch the subject because i wanted to keep all that light and fun. first i tried an obvious switch that she denied wanthing to continue the arrgument, but belive me it was enough... so i used a little bit of my psichologycal skills and drained her focus towards herself, then succesfully changing the subject of the conversation.

The next time I wasn't acted so wisley and... well... You have the whole situation described step by step (for a request) in one of my above replyes.
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Posted by Gooober
She didnt like that you tried to diffuse. Its like you didnt take her seriously enough to argue with her. Shes weak though lol.

Now that you've said that, I really argued with her a little bit, but I saw, and I known that she is an emotional person (but i wasn't expecting that for sure) so when I saw that the disscution was turning into a fight I tried to switch the subject because i wanted to keep all that light and fun. first i tried an obvious switch that she denied wanthing to continue the arrgument, but belive me it was enough... so i used a little bit of my psichologycal skills and drained her focus towards herself, then succesfully changing the subject of the conversation.

The next time I wasn't acted so wisley and... well... You have the whole situation described step by step (for a request) in one of my above replyes.
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Well, like Alicia said, I dont have all the details so idk who was wrong.
Posted by Gooober
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Posted by Gooober
She didnt like that you tried to diffuse. Its like you didnt take her seriously enough to argue with her. Shes weak though lol.

Now that you've said that, I really argued with her a little bit, but I saw, and I known that she is an emotional person (but i wasn't expecting that for sure) so when I saw that the disscution was turning into a fight I tried to switch the subject because i wanted to keep all that light and fun. first i tried an obvious switch that she denied wanthing to continue the arrgument, but belive me it was enough... so i used a little bit of my psichologycal skills and drained her focus towards herself, then succesfully changing the subject of the conversation.

The next time I wasn't acted so wisley and... well... You have the whole situation described step by step (for a request) in one of my above replyes.

Well, like Alicia said, I dont have all the details so idk who was wrong.
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i gave Alicia all the detalis she asked for... look upwards
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Posted by Gooober
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Posted by Gooober
She didnt like that you tried to diffuse. Its like you didnt take her seriously enough to argue with her. Shes weak though lol.

Now that you've said that, I really argued with her a little bit, but I saw, and I known that she is an emotional person (but i wasn't expecting that for sure) so when I saw that the disscution was turning into a fight I tried to switch the subject because i wanted to keep all that light and fun. first i tried an obvious switch that she denied wanthing to continue the arrgument, but belive me it was enough... so i used a little bit of my psichologycal skills and drained her focus towards herself, then succesfully changing the subject of the conversation.

The next time I wasn't acted so wisley and... well... You have the whole situation described step by step (for a request) in one of my above replyes.

Well, like Alicia said, I dont have all the details so idk who was wrong.

i gave Alicia all the detalis she asked for... look upwards
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Yeah, I reread. Maybe I missed it. You gave details about what you guys were first arguing about?

This is why having conversations via text is a BAD idea. Unless you really know the person you can't know how they will take what you said. Give her some time to cool off but make she YOU initiate and take full responsibility. I would say something like "Hey I'm really sorry for the other day I really thought I was being funny and I thought we were having a fun banter. Again I apologize if I came off as arrogant that was not my intention."

Leave it at that whether she answers or not it's up to her. Do not ignore it and act like nothing happened (that's dismissing her feelings. And if you act like you don't care she will think you don't care and that makes it easier for us to move on. I'd give it 2 days before you text that. That way it shows you respect her space, you're not being pushy, but also you're not afraid to man up and take responsibility. If she likes you she will forgive you and move on. If you don't hear from her she never liked you that much.

Big key note take into consideration her feelings. If you don't and you are dismissive about her feelings than it will make it easier to move on. We Aries are sensitive!! Just put yourself in HER shoes and how would you feel if she hurt your feelings. How would you want her to treat you afterwards? You wouldn't want her to not acknowledge it because then it's like her feelings don't matter. Regardless of what you meant REMEMBER she took it the opposite of it. And that still matters.

Again put yourself in HER shoes.

My biggest learning exp this year you get what you give. And if you give half ass you will get half ass.
Now I know why people think I'm an idiot when I tell them I'm an Aries male.
Posted by xtina
Regardless of what you meant REMEMBER she took it the opposite of it. And that still matters.

Again put yourself in HER shoes.

My biggest learning exp this year you get what you give. And if you give half ass you will get half ass.

thanks xtina, you're the best :3
I laughed like mad at that comedy central gag xD and I guess this is how things worked out for me at least yesterday... I want to clarify some things and the vision I have for the sitation right now.

First of all, I initiated the conversation showing her my ongoing work at a novel, and beside the fact that I wanted to have some kind of direct contact with her, I really wanted a clear review of my work. I didn't forced a conversation in any means, we were booth filling the gaps and asking questions, things were flowing naturally. She wanted to talk via text and, she took the conversation where she went comfortable to do so (again I didn't forced any topic)... I have no doubt about it. She seems to be more comfortable with this kind of comunication, because in the real world she is more inhibited around me, or I don't know... The truth is that we didn't had the chance to talk often or in an convenient environment, even if I tried to approach her this way too and she seemed responsive.

Second of all, from what I saw she got offensive because we argued about some stuff and I have strong, well argumented and founded points of view for things that I belive in. I took the challange and it seems that I pretty much beat her at her own game, because i saw that the arguments were turning sharper even if it was a friendly disscution. I realised that she is very hard headed and emotionally unstable (things that remembered me about my inner self before I found my own center of gravity in myself, not in others) and for this reason I tried as I said to avoid the situations that became to risky. As I saw her thirst for proving herself right is huge, so when I standed my ground she probably thinked that I tried to dominate her. And that explained the manner that she exploded at that almost harmless remark, taking it personally.

And here is the reason for I would never apologise more that I already did: She tried to hurt me after saying me to "fuuck off", in a manner that she would treat a piece of trash. I didn't meant to insult her, but she did mean it afterwards, even if now we are just two persons that were not even friends. It is totally rude to say that to a guy that you don't even know, in almost any given circumstances. I didn't felt offended or hurt in any way, but i realised that I shouldn't accept that insult and just beg for forgivness. I just apologised in a simple manner telling her that I feel sorry if i said something that offended her and it isn't the first time I do this kind of thing by mistake. I took full responsability for my part of...
... guilt even that in that moment I was aware that I was looking like a fool. But no... I will not assume all the fault, I'm not anyone's punching bag and she should understand this for any future frienships or so. I'm not bond to her in any way, I can live my life how I want and she should respect that I'm an totally independent person and I don't force anyone anything, knowing that if she acts rude to me I would just stop any communication with her forever, without any resentments. She is a nice girl and I really care for her, but I have learned that any kind of relationship without respect is a loss.

My Aquarius ex gave me this lesson too when I acted like her right now, trowing tantrums all around when I didn't got what I wanted. She told me that she isn't forced to get hit by all my frustrations and I should learn to manage my emotions by myself. And just plain ignored me when I got mad and I was looking for a fight. She would finally just move on but she teached me this valuable thing, to respect the other individuality and his/her's natural way of being. I use to tease girls when I talk to them, and I always did it without intending to hurt someone, this is one aspect of who I am and I know I shouldn't feel bad for being this way, as I am aware that she will be the way she is and if I chose to talk to her it means that I won't try to change her and I accept her with all her goods and worse.

Now I will let the waters to clear and maybe I will try to talk to her again after the Easter holyday. I have no reason to rush... In this moment I want to get to know her well and maybe be friends. After I will be sure if I want or not to approach a relationship.
UPDATE: I saw her today when I was meeting with some friends. She was at the table with them.

I acted how I normally act in this kind of situation, being friendly with everyone and giving nobody, especially her, any special attention, because I felt that she expected me to be frustrated and sad. I was my normal chill and confident self and I think I showed her that I'm not affected in any way by what she said, I wanted to get over it without resentments, like nothing happened and I don't feel any urge to apologise again or beg for anything. By the vibe of the meeting (where I'm very respected and admired btw... they are my friends and they knew that I helped them all when they need it) I knew that she was paying attention to me and I think she felt sorry too for the end of that conversation (that besides the ending, worked really well) . But it was for sure too proud to say anythnig. I talk a little bit with her about a random topic at the end and she seemed to act like nothing happened.

I think we both need some time and after a while we will realise that it was just a small thing and just forget everything. Aries nature will work this out, at least for me.
Posted by starlover
Posted by mission
Now I know why people think I'm an idiot when I tell them I'm an Aries male.

I was with one for five years....he has sun, merc and venus in Aries

He openly admitted to me that he just didn't know how to empathise with others, only with himself

Hope that helps the OP understand a little more and as the lady above said *put yourself in her shoes*

Can you do that?
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For God's sake, I did apologised and now I'm leaving her space to get over it. I just don't want to beg for anything because I'M NOT desperate.

I just told her that " for a further she should read more philosophy to match my level" ... Ok, I understand that looking from one angle it sounds arrogant... But, for God's sake, it just scratched her ego a little bit. It was a friendly conversation, we talked about Hubba Bubba and what we liked to do in our childhoods, use some logic, why would want to insult her out of the blue????

One thing I can say for sure, I wont show up wiht flowers and chocolate at her door because of this nonsense, if this is what you're expecting.
further disscution*
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Ok, guys, I was texting this aries girl, I set up all things nice and smooth, the conversation was at some point start to increase in intensity, we started to argue in a friendly manner, then she really got into it, so I wisley defused the bomb changing smoothly to another subject, then she started to argue about one drawing and stuff, I let her had this one too (all of this in a goofy manner) and lastly I told her that is her point (1-0) but for future points she "should read more philosophy to match with my level"...
the conversation that was friendly and flirty and stuff got a total shift... She told me that I was arrogant and to treetrunk off literally.

I mean... Dafuq... What I did wrong?

I tought it was a joke at first so I told her that persons that like me, like me as I am and understand why I say what I say
She said "Ok. Bye" and in that moment i knew that anything I said will be just "Seen"... So I had 2 options withc I thinked about almost 5 minutes:
1. leave her message to be the last message and treat her with a seen too int this way keeping somehow of a dominant status
2. considering it was a serious situation following her reaction, to apologise in a wise manner placing me as the underdog at the end, but acting like a gentleman

After 5 minutes, I choosed the 2nd option, so I said:
"Jokes aside, sorry if I said something rude, It wont be the first timein my texting history."
Then a "Good night" that she didn't even bothered to mark as Seen.

What to do now?

My idea is that I should act as marvellous I can, in my best disposition in the same time ignoring her completly, somehow showing her that i don't even care. Then after a while to make another step to test the waters at least.

Man, I'm an aries man to, but i didn't expected that raging hell fire Confused

Rookie mistake *FACEPALM* A DXPnet username chnage is in order. YOU NEVER LET THE ARIES KNOW YOU'RE LETTING HER WIN. And then you proceeded to give off an air of arrogance AFTER you gave up? Amateur. Your cute has got to outweigh the sarcasm you dish, otherwise you're what society calls a "f!ckface," and Aries don't have time for that. I get playfully annoyed at my BF when he gets me good, but he has finesse when he does it. He's suave and actually clever. Plus, he's cute. So all it takes is for me to bite him and we're "back on good terms." You just sound annoying like you're trying so hard to dance the Aries dance by numbers. =.=
Posted by starlover
Posted by mission
Now I know why people think I'm an idiot when I tell them I'm an Aries male.

I was with one for five years....he has sun, merc and venus in Aries

He openly admitted to me that he just didn't know how to empathise with others, only with himself

Hope that helps the OP understand a little more and as the lady above said *put yourself in her shoes*

Can you do that?
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TBH I have a hard time showing empathy. It feels superficial and I can't bring myself to pretend to be as emotional as the person who suffered. However, that does not mean I don't feel really bad when someone suffers or has been done an injustice. I feel sympathy & empathy, and I'm very well able to put myself in others' shoes, and it helps me to make decisions and be sensitive towards others, but being the awkward person I am, I have a really hard time comforting others, no matter how I wish their pain did not occur.
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Posted by xtina
Regardless of what you meant REMEMBER she took it the opposite of it. And that still matters.

Again put yourself in HER shoes.

My biggest learning exp this year you get what you give. And if you give half ass you will get half ass.

thanks xtina, you're the best :3
I laughed like mad at that comedy central gag xD and I guess this is how things worked out for me at least yesterday... I want to clarify some things and the vision I have for the sitation right now.

First of all, I initiated the conversation showing her my ongoing work at a novel, and beside the fact that I wanted to have some kind of direct contact with her, I really wanted a clear review of my work. I didn't forced a conversation in any means, we were booth filling the gaps and asking questions, things were flowing naturally. She wanted to talk via text and, she took the conversation where she went comfortable to do so (again I didn't forced any topic)... I have no doubt about it. She seems to be more comfortable with this kind of comunication, because in the real world she is more inhibited around me, or I don't know... The truth is that we didn't had the chance to talk often or in an convenient environment, even if I tried to approach her this way too and she seemed responsive.

Second of all, from what I saw she got offensive because we argued about some stuff and I have strong, well argumented and founded points of view for things that I belive in. I took the challange and it seems that I pretty much beat her at her own game, because i saw that the arguments were turning sharper even if it was a friendly disscution. I realised that she is very hard headed and emotionally unstable (things that remembered me about my inner self before I found my own center of gravity in myself, not in others) and for this reason I tried as I said to avoid the situations that became to risky. As I saw her thirst for proving herself right is huge, so when I standed my ground she probably thinked that I tried to dominate her. And that explained the manner that she exploded at that almost harmless remark, taking it personally.

And here is the reason for I would never apologise more that I already did: She tried to hurt me after saying me to "fuuck off", in a manner that she would treat a piece of trash. I didn't meant to insult her, but she did mean it afterwards, even if now we are just two persons that were not even friends. It is totally rude to say that to a guy that you don't even know, in almost any given circumstances. I didn't felt offended or hurt in any way, but i realised that I shouldn't accept that insult and just beg for forgivness. I just apologised in a simple manner telling her that I feel sorry
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I see. I didn't know this tidbit of information. But I'm an Aries I have no patience so honestly I only read your initial post and commented from there 😂.

That being said, it sounds like she just might be immature then. Then your way of dealing with it is best. But I would be wary about giving her another chance. Personally, I wouldn't give her another chance but that's just me I prefer mature people. If she's treating you like this now who knows how she'll be in the future. People tend to put their best foot forward in the beginning.

I'm not 100% sure though it's hard to say with only having your side of the story. So it's totally your call. You could probably best tell, more so than anyone here, what was really going on. Good luck!
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Posted by starlover
Posted by mission
Now I know why people think I'm an idiot when I tell them I'm an Aries male.

I was with one for five years....he has sun, merc and venus in Aries

He openly admitted to me that he just didn't know how to empathise with others, only with himself

Hope that helps the OP understand a little more and as the lady above said *put yourself in her shoes*

Can you do that?

For God's sake, I did apologised and now I'm leaving her space to get over it. I just don't want to beg for anything because I'M NOT desperate.

I just told her that " for a further she should read more philosophy to match my level" ... Ok, I understand that looking from one angle it sounds arrogant... But, for God's sake, it just scratched her ego a little bit. It was a friendly conversation, we talked about Hubba Bubba and what we liked to do in our childhoods, use some logic, why would want to insult her out of the blue????

One thing I can say for sure, I wont show up wiht flowers and chocolate at her door because of this nonsense, if this is what you're expecting.
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Hhmmm... Apologizing and then condescendingly saying she needs to brush up on philosophy totally negates your apology FYI. Only saying because that's something I'd do and had to be told by my libra friend 😂😂😂

But I agree showing up with flowers will make her lose respect for you.
Rookie mistake *FACEPALM* A DXPnet username chnage is in order. YOU NEVER LET THE ARIES KNOW YOU'RE LETTING HER WIN. And then you proceeded to give off an air of arrogance AFTER you gave up? Amateur. Your cute has got to outweigh the sarcasm you dish, otherwise you're what society calls a "f!ckface," and Aries don't have time for that. I get playfully annoyed at my BF when he gets me good, but he has finesse when he does it. He's suave and actually clever. Plus, he's cute. So all it takes is for me to bite him and we're "back on good terms." You just sound annoying like you're trying so hard to dance the Aries dance by numbers. =.=

cuteness* -- I struggled a little bit trying to understand that one

Look, the situation got really tensed there and her arguments became more of an "I am right whatever you say" without any logic. She is very impulsive and hard headed, so I told her that she had that one just to let her chill off.... because she would continue arguing even if I didn't opposed her opinion... becauseeee the tempo of the conversation was so fast that we almost skipped reading eachother messages (especially she). So I told her that I let her have that one but she should improve her argumentation skills next time she faces me.

Also, it was total war from her there... No room for cuteness. Idk why she involved herself like that in a friendly discussion...

I hope I got this clear to you. Belive me that if I would've argued more it would've end up 1000 times worst.
Posted by xtina
I see. I didn't know this tidbit of information. But I'm an Aries I have no patience so honestly I only read your initial post and commented from there 😂.

That being said, it sounds like she just might be immature then. Then your way of dealing with it is best. But I would be wary about giving her another chance. Personally, I wouldn't give her another chance but that's just me I prefer mature people. If she's treating you like this now who knows how she'll be in the future. People tend to put their best foot forward in the beginning.

I'm not 100% sure though it's hard to say with only having your side of the story. So it's totally your call. You could probably best tell, more so than anyone here, what was really going on. Good luck!

Thank you for reading all that book I've writen up there, just to be capable to give me this answer Big Grin It means a lot to me.

And about her...

She is a great girl, but her friends told me that she had some big emotional problems in the past, for idk what reason. I really like her because I saw myself in her person, with all my insecurities and shyness that I tried in the past to hide by showing a cold mask and isolating myself from people. She reads a lot, is very sensitive but in the same time being very proud...
She probably waited (and still waits) for her knight in shining armor, but she told me that all boys disappointed her, and I couldn't argue with that, because I know that all the guys around her were just trying to get in her pants, not caring very much about who she really was. But daamn, she is smart and she have really cool ideas, and beside the fact that she is hot, I value more at her is the cuteness and innocence that she have hidden deep inside.

Yeah, I known from how she would text now when she got a little bit comfortable with me (I was patiently hitting her once in a while for 2-3 months to get past her cancer ascendant and her shy or cold shell) that she is immature and egocentric, but I guess that one of the reasons why she acted like that is to test my ability to deal with her.

When I saw her today I assured that I gave her the sensation that I was doing perfectly fine and that I was a little bit turned off by her rage, still giving her a little bit of attention. I plan to invite her at a coffee to get to know me better in a week... Until then I let her clear her mind.

Thanks again xtina, if dpx would've have badges or stars or idk, you would've got mine for 100% Big Grin
Posted by xtina
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Posted by starlover
Posted by mission
Now I know why people think I'm an idiot when I tell them I'm an Aries male.

I was with one for five years....he has sun, merc and venus in Aries

He openly admitted to me that he just didn't know how to empathise with others, only with himself

Hope that helps the OP understand a little more and as the lady above said *put yourself in her shoes*

Can you do that?

For God's sake, I did apologised and now I'm leaving her space to get over it. I just don't want to beg for anything because I'M NOT desperate.

I just told her that " for a further she should read more philosophy to match my level" ... Ok, I understand that looking from one angle it sounds arrogant... But, for God's sake, it just scratched her ego a little bit. It was a friendly conversation, we talked about Hubba Bubba and what we liked to do in our childhoods, use some logic, why would want to insult her out of the blue????

One thing I can say for sure, I wont show up wiht flowers and chocolate at her door because of this nonsense, if this is what you're expecting.

Hhmmm... Apologizing and then condescendingly saying she needs to brush up on philosophy totally negates your apology FYI. Only saying because that's something I'd do and had to be told by my libra friend 😂😂😂

But I agree showing up with flowers will make her lose respect for you.

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She blown up after I told her to "brush off her philosophy to have a chance of reaching my level", telling me that I was arrogant and stuff, and THEN I apologized... Ik that if I told her the "philosopy stuff" after an apologize would've broke all I've did xD

Never showing up again with flowers to a girl if it's not my girl yet, and even if it is, just in occasions (I like to spend tons of money on the best flowers I could afford tho) *lesson learned a while ago*
Posted by starlover
Posted by AriesFireKnight
Posted by starlover
Posted by mission
Now I know why people think I'm an idiot when I tell them I'm an Aries male.

I was with one for five years....he has sun, merc and venus in Aries

He openly admitted to me that he just didn't know how to empathise with others, only with himself

Hope that helps the OP understand a little more and as the lady above said *put yourself in her shoes*

Can you do that?

For God's sake, I did apologised and now I'm leaving her space to get over it. I just don't want to beg for anything because I'M NOT desperate.

I just told her that " for a further she should read more philosophy to match my level" ... Ok, I understand that looking from one angle it sounds arrogant... But, for God's sake, it just scratched her ego a little bit. It was a friendly conversation, we talked about Hubba Bubba and what we liked to do in our childhoods, use some logic, why would want to insult her out of the blue????

One thing I can say for sure, I wont show up wiht flowers and chocolate at her door because of this nonsense, if this is what you're expecting.

I am not expecting anything ~~ just sharing my experiences with an Aries man i knew

Putting yourself in someone else's shoes doesn't have to entail flowers and chocs......ii never said that

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Is ok, I just got a little bit annoyed about the ppl telling me that I'm kind of selfish and I should put myself in her shoes and blahblahblah... I did that, I tought very carefully 5 minutes after she blow me off, IF and HOW I should apologize and then proceded to do that even if I known that I was putting myself in a weak spot.

I even started a dpx thread just to know other people's opinions, to know if it is something that I would've miss, because, yeah, I care about her and her feelings... My cancer ascendant help me to empathize, even if most of the time I get caught in my own needs. Just for ppl here to know, I'm not heartless at all.
Teasing doesn't work for everyone and it seems that it has led to more failure than success. To reiterate what's already been said, sarcasm probably shouldn't be used in texting unless you know the person really well. The most you can do is apologize and hope that she comes around and forgives you. Which has already been done.