Is Ignoring an Aries the most feasible solution?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by urbansophisticate on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and has 13 replies.
I am ignoring my aries friend because I'm starting to feel like he's not into me the way I'm into him. He'll make plans with me and never follow through. I've known him for a year but I've yet to meet any family. When he first started courting me, he kept saying how much he wanted to be in a relationship then it changed to him wanting to work on one with me. He'll text me before he calls but he'll barely call. Now I'm feeling neglected & don't think he really see's me as he did before. And that's fine, I can accept that. So I asked him to his face and he said he is afraid of opening up but he definitely cares a lot about me. My response was maybe I'm not the one if you're afraid of opening up to me after one year.

He's been texting me but hasn't picked up the phone to call ONCE since Ive been ignoring him. I am ignoring him because I feel like I've been too available to him and I need time to really feel things out. Is this what I want? Should I just fall back a little? These are some questions I ask myself. However, I don't want my emotions to overcloud my judgement.

He just text me "Are you ignoring me?"

I know it's odd to not get a response from me, I ALWAYS respond to him. Can anyone tell me should I just continue moving forward in life without him or should I express myself. If I say anything, it's going to be a flood of emotions and that won't help. He doesn't have any depth to him whatsoever so I feel like it's pointless. Or maybe someone else is in the picture.

I don't want to play games I just want to truly be happy and I'm not Sad He's changed so much
Well you are playing a game and youre right about that, Aries men have no depth.

Just let him know how you feel. If he doesnf change, you got your answer.
NEVER ignore an Aries!!!!

This will drive us insane. Sometimes it will make us act crazy too ?

Posted by Iridessaries
NEVER ignore an Aries!!!!

This will drive us insane. Sometimes it will make us act crazy too ?

That soo true. i hate it. if it happens to long i just move on
Posted by DMV
Well you are playing a game and youre right about that, Aries men have no depth.

Just let him know how you feel. If he doesnf change, you got your answer.
thats not true. I have met many Aries men and their depth is in their action not words.
Posted by urbansophisticate
I am ignoring my aries friend because I'm starting to feel like he's not into me the way I'm into him. He'll make plans with me and never follow through. I've known him for a year but I've yet to meet any family. When he first started courting me, he kept saying how much he wanted to be in a relationship then it changed to him wanting to work on one with me. He'll text me before he calls but he'll barely call. Now I'm feeling neglected & don't think he really see's me as he did before. And that's fine, I can accept that. So I asked him to his face and he said he is afraid of opening up but he definitely cares a lot about me. My response was maybe I'm not the one if you're afraid of opening up to me after one year.

He's been texting me but hasn't picked up the phone to call ONCE since Ive been ignoring him. I am ignoring him because I feel like I've been too available to him and I need time to really feel things out. Is this what I want? Should I just fall back a little? These are some questions I ask myself. However, I don't want my emotions to overcloud my judgement.

He just text me "Are you ignoring me?"

I know it's odd to not get a response from me, I ALWAYS respond to him. Can anyone tell me should I just continue moving forward in life without him or should I express myself. If I say anything, it's going to be a flood of emotions and that won't help. He doesn't have any depth to him whatsoever so I feel like it's pointless. Or maybe someone else is in the picture.

I don't want to play games I just want to truly be happy and I'm not Sad He's changed so much
My husband for 28 years doesnt follow through with anything he plans for us and he is a virgo. How much do you call him? I think its better to be straight with him. I dont think it is a sign thing has much as it is a male thing. one of the biggest problems women have with men is them following through in what they say. Women can do it too. just seems that women are more up set about it then men do. Maybe you are needing time away from him. its ok to take a break.
in this case, yes. also be vocal about why you're choosing to ignore him.
be blunt, say you are being ignored because you treat me badly. If he can't admit to that then you're probably better off moving on, because it's not a healthy situation for either of you. Ignoring an Aries is bad, but sounds like this one deserves it.
OP, it really depends on his Moon/Venus/Mars (and if you are a younger generation, ascendent as well)

can you post his other planets? I agree, Aries are not really deep, but fair

but! depends a lot on his other placements, when it comes to love and romance

what are your other planets? and his?

Posted by Iridessaries
NEVER ignore an Aries!!!!

This will drive us insane. Sometimes it will make us act crazy too ?

Very true. NEVER ignore an Aries. We absolutely hate it.

I can't speak for other Aries, but I don't ignore someone unless I am busy and have forgotten to get back to them. It takes a lot for me to actually mean to ignore someone; like if they have persistently annoyed me, or I'm just done with them all together.
Posted by krimsinandklover
Posted by Iridessaries
NEVER ignore an Aries!!!!

This will drive us insane. Sometimes it will make us act crazy too ?

Very true. NEVER ignore an Aries. We absolutely hate it.

I can't speak for other Aries, but I don't ignore someone unless I am busy and have forgotten to get back to them. It takes a lot for me to actually mean to ignore someone; like if they have persistently annoyed me, or I'm just done with them all together.
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Yeah same here, I like to think of myself as a mirror, so if a person ignores me long enough. I will just stop talking to them. Same treatment. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. So ignoring will not work in the OP's favor most likely, better to be straight.

This virgo has ignored me for 3 weeks. Normally I wouldn't have tolerated it for that long, tried really hard to understand her excuse for doing so, but I gotta take care of myself. I just deleted her. Cause honestly not good for my mental health, Normally I don't delete people from facebook (3rd person I have ever deleted) I told her that and left. Ignoring confuses the hell out of us because we may have thought you liked us, and now we think you don't. Makes us go insane emotionally and mentally. For me anyway I can't function at all. Can't work/sleep or eat. Almost like depression except I can be happy still haha. Our emotions as Aries can flip on a dime so in 24 hour period under these conditions we can go from happy/sad/angry 75 times in a day. That's what ignoring will do to me anyway.

Aries don't ignore people intentionally, most of the time they just forget to message back. It's a tedious task, let’s be honest. Also why don’t you post your sign, more help that way? Of course you can make an Aries crazy (if you trigger some sort of obsession), but I’d say there’s a 1% chance of this, because Aries forget they don’t message back, they Aries people posting here aren’t remembering the ones that didn’t make them crazy, plus eventually I think Aries say “f**k it” and move on, so it doesn’t end well even if you did it.

Ultimately it's coming down to a change in pace, you want to go quicker than he does, but don’t rush moments. Aries men want to give themselves to love, but they are also commitment-phobes and they always want the next challenge, they rush in to a relationship quick, shoot first and ask questions later. Then maybe when the dust settles, they start to ask questions like “is this what I really want”. If you really like someone, then you let them set the pace and go along with that pace.

I think you just need to keep the communication going, no games, Aries and open and honest, they like to talk about anything, the messages must be like a back and forth conversation, you don’t get this by ignoring him. This should be your goal. Occasionally you want to show that you have a busy life style and your time is high value, so occasionally you message back late and say why you messaged back late, like you were having a great time with friends or at the gym, being genuine is good but make it up if you have to.

Showing emotion is fine with an Aries, after all they want to be the protector, but you cannot show too much emotional investment without an equal amount shown from him in return, show more than him if you want to but do not get confused, wait till you are thinking logically and assess the situation, if the levels of investment become too separated (ie your level much higher than his), the relationship is over.

Do not show whiney complicated clingy emotional behaviour about why the relationship isn’t happening.

Do not enter conversation with him about this whole “ignoring you” thing, change your mindset and hope he forgets (you do not want to risk coming across as emotionally unstable, a control freak etc)

Remember your happiness is not dependant on whether he messages you back or not, stay busy, do your thing.

Posted by spur
Posted by krimsinandklover
Posted by Iridessaries
NEVER ignore an Aries!!!!

This will drive us insane. Sometimes it will make us act crazy too ?

Very true. NEVER ignore an Aries. We absolutely hate it.

I can't speak for other Aries, but I don't ignore someone unless I am busy and have forgotten to get back to them. It takes a lot for me to actually mean to ignore someone; like if they have persistently annoyed me, or I'm just done with them all together.
Yeah same here, I like to think of myself as a mirror, so if a person ignores me long enough. I will just stop talking to them. Same treatment. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. So ignoring will not work in the OP's favor most likely, better to be straight.

This virgo has ignored me for 3 weeks. Normally I wouldn't have tolerated it for that long, tried really hard to understand her excuse for doing so, but I gotta take care of myself. I just deleted her. Cause honestly not good for my mental health, Normally I don't delete people from facebook (3rd person I have ever deleted) I told her that and left. Ignoring confuses the hell out of us because we may have thought you liked us, and now we think you don't. Makes us go insane emotionally and mentally. For me anyway I can't function at all. Can't work/sleep or eat. Almost like depression except I can be happy still haha. Our emotions as Aries can flip on a dime so in 24 hour period under these conditions we can go from happy/sad/angry 75 times in a day. That's what ignoring will do to me anyway.

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Yep yep yep!!!

And ofcourse this Aries looses her heart to a scorpio. Guess what they do best... ?

My emotions would be flying all over the place within 10 minutes. I'd hate him/love him/kill him/comfort him in 1 phonecall to my best friend ???

Just don't ignore an Aries...