is this an aries thing?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by heyhey on Monday, April 22, 2013 and has 9 replies.
so im concerned with my best friend (she's an aries smile) . she told me she had a libra moon sign? i dont know what that means.
She's quite an odd aries though, cause from what ive read aries people are supposed to be loud,blunt and such. Though she does have her "ram-moments" she's rather reserved and would rather not waste her time arguing with people (which i assume other arians have a knack of doing)
okay so,my main concern is, She doesn't want to be in a relationship and she is just oblivious when a guy shows motives on liking her.
She's so clueless that sometimes it would be funny (one time she asked me why me and my boyfriend needed to text each other all the time.Laughing )so when a guy does like her,ofcourse he would ask her to hang out and such then i would tell her that the "guy" obviously likes her . then she'll insists that the "overly-nice things he did for her" were just friendly gestures.
then the guy will eventually tell her that he likes her and she'll come running to me. Saying that she doesn't like the guy that way but doesn't wanna be mean or something. Its actually a little amusing to watch her being frustrated when this happens. (this isn't the first thing this happened)
so what im trying to say is, I dont think she does it on purpose because she treats everybody like that.I just think she's not aware off anything happening.(i didnt think this was possible,but apparantly it is)
then the guy will eventually tell her that he likes her and she'll come running to me. Saying that she doesn't like the guy that way but doesn't wanna be mean or something. Its actually a little amusing to watch her being frustrated when this happens. (this isn't the first thing this happened)
Hmmm, so she isn't into whoever, and doesn't want to hurt their feelings. I am failing to see why being kind and not screwing with some poor suckers heart is a bad thing.
How old is she? Because this is something I used to do when I was younger... well actually, I still do this. Tongue
If her mind is tuned to 'not looking' she will completely discard any idea that someone is into her and explain it away. Maybe she is just too busy or focused on something else.
hey guys. thanks for answering . smile
yes I would probably say that she could be "too nice" to some people but it usually ends bad cause she unknowingly sends the wrongs signals to the guy that she's not really into? i dont know how to define it really .
she's 18 . we go to university together and she majors in architecture ..and is really focused.
I dont think she's gonna be into a guy anytime soon and she would always say that she doesnt wanna be in a relationship (complaining of all the things couples do like telling each other what you're doing or where you're going) . But it seems like relationships are always going in her direction. and she's completely unaware of it.. theres always gonna be that guy the likes her and then the same things will happen again.
It makes her feel bad. (This is what I want to avoid) when she doesn't like a guy back,cause she doesn't really know how to put down guys and she feels putting them down is mean or rude.What she does is try not to give the guy any special attention or sometimes she would avoid the person.Most of the time the guy will stop being friends with her (she hates this)
So how can we work with her being "oblivious to men? "
I have actually sat at dinner with a bunch of people, politely answering questions from the guy sitting next to me and my friend sitting opposite had to kick me under the table and whisper "You're getting chatted up."
I still do it. If I am not hot for the guy he can parade around naked inf front of me and I wouldn't notice.
do you know where her venus sits in her chart?
Posted by dofacc
then the guy will eventually tell her that he likes her and she'll come running to me. Saying that she doesn't like the guy that way but doesn't wanna be mean or something. Its actually a little amusing to watch her being frustrated when this happens. (this isn't the first thing this happened)
Hmmm, so she isn't into whoever, and doesn't want to hurt their feelings. I am failing to see why being kind and not screwing with some poor suckers heart is a bad thing.

Dofacc, you are truly bloody awesome.
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
I have actually sat at dinner with a bunch of people, politely answering questions from the guy sitting next to me and my friend sitting opposite had to kick me under the table and whisper "You're getting chatted up."
I still do it. If I am not hot for the guy he can parade around naked inf front of me and I wouldn't notice.
do you know where her venus sits in her chart?

that is totally her . haha .. you guys are amusingLaughing
her venus is in pisces. smile
is it retrograde?
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
is it retrograde?

i dont think so.