Leo female regarding Aries male

This topic was created in the Aries forum by Sjmusic22 on Monday, December 28, 2015 and has 6 replies.
Hey everyone, I am a Leo woman (August 22nd) with a few Virgo traits. I'm 18 and in college, & I just met a senior who is an Aries and he is 21 going on 22. When we met we immediately clicked! I've only dated two people before : a libra who I dated for a year and a half.. My first love and we just can't seem to get back to each other. I dated a Taurus for three months.. TERRIBLE MISTAKE. Anyway, I connect with this Aries on a couple of levels but there's just one problem, I'm a virgin and he is not. Of course I'm aware of the strong sexual attraction and how high an Aries sexual needs are but what do I do? I don't want to be too forward and ask what he wants as far as the relationship because I'm ready for a serious relationship. But it seems to be a problem that he is very experienced and I am only a little bit. I feel like all he wants is a sexual relationship and I haven't yet learned to separate sexual feelings with feelings of love and emotion. Am I thinking to much? What should I do? Please help
Have sex when you're ready - if he's a good guy, he'll understand.
You're a Leo...you'll probably not be able to separate sex and love, so don't bother trying. It doesn't benefit you to separate them anyway. You just have to learn to accept sex as part of the relationship and if it doesn't work, deal with learning how to let go after sex.

The best thing you can do is to make sure you both are at reasonably equal places in your feelings for eaxh other. If he cares for you, he'll respext that (and your relative inexperience).
I see alot of leo woman/ aries male pairings
I am an Aries male who is not a virgin, and I am dating a female Leo who is, after 2 and a half years of dating, still a virgin. She's saving it for marriage, and I'm completely supportive of that.
Christ, you overthink shit. Stop that nonsense.