(long post) I need help, I cannot understand her

This topic was created in the Aries forum by Giorgio on Sunday, August 14, 2011 and has 3 replies.
I just don't see more than a friendship after reading this. Its up to you ultimately, but the timing and issues...maybe you should just let go of it being more for now.
Posted by Noosiekins
Posted by ImpressMe
Posted by Noosiekins
and i think we Aries enjoy the chase... going after what we can't have... I've been seeing a Leo guy for the last few months...and he doesn't contact me often...drives me insane not hearing from him....So maybe try the no contact for a while.

Sadly, but yep! This is true with about everyone more so with RAMS, maybe.
I just think we like manly men that will tell us no from time to time.

"from time to time" being the key message there.
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I second "from time to time" I am not an aries but if the disconnect happens too often I'll think he's not interested and bow out.
Sounds like shes keeping you on the sidelines just in case. Ie shes not that into you but might try later on. Basically she either has someone else she likes and if they say no she'll go for you or she thinks your nice but not exactly what shes looking for. In other words if she did get with you she would still be uncertain and wishing she was with someone she feels more compatible with. Thats not a nice relationship for you so I wouldnt pursue it.
Aries like people who command and demand respect so your letting her treat you badly which will make her see you as a doormat or wimpish. As a male you need to put your foot down.. show some machismo.. maybe thats why shes unsure because you look like you are easy to manipulate or mistreat. Women want a strong man. A fighter. Someone they can admire and think wow. Many men can take quite a submissive servile position letting the woman mistreat them and some women mistake this for a weakness rather than a kindness. Aries certainly see it as weakness. So I recommend showing some testosterone ie that you dont suffer fools gladly etc. Shes a ram with horns not a flower just show her you have horns too rather than letting her trample you down..then theres a basis for being able to live in a field together.