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Mar 07, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 36
are there any differences between then in terms of personality?
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Jun 24, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 73
I'm a Aries born onm the 28 of march. So i'm a early Ram. My best friend from School is born on the second week of April. He is a bit different than me. Let's just say he is a late Ram.
Now we went to a big ''Fair'' yesterday and i saw some great attractions wich go over the head and go VERY FAST. I was flabbergasted to hear from him that he didn't want to go in those attractions. It was like .. he is not a real Aries...
Anyway, i did go into those attractions and i can tel;l he really missed something because they were great. When we went back with the train i asked him why he didn't go into those attractions and he said he doesn't like attractions wich go over the hgead.
Later on, i read a book from, the train. Those books are full with ads from people who want to meet a person they saw in the train. so i read some and my Aries friend totally disagreed with me that it was romantic to place a AD for someone you want to meet again. I thought all Aries were romanticuses but he totally wasn't. I didn't asked his girlfriend how romantic he is , but i will ask her. Because i thought we were a romantic sign.
So, this is my conclusion about what the difference is between a March -Ram and a April -Ram.
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Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
Sweet, I'm a March Aries. Woot! We rock.
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Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
Sweet, I'm a March Aries. Woot! We rock. I rock at least. Yeah.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The only thing I've noticed about the different rams, are the first decans seem to be very reflective and fantisize a lot, the second are the most self-centered ones and have to be first all the time, and the third are more home bodies and like their peace and quite times alone.
I do know an Aries who doesn't like thrills, so much. She's very dignified and considers an attraction like that immature. But, I don't know if it's an Aries thing that makes her that way . . or, just being her.
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Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
I'm pretty much a hothead at times, so the website's desc. of the first Aries decan is fairly accurate.
could the possessiveness of first decan aries have to do with the waning influence of pisces?
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Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 232 · Topics: 18
well a couple of things about aries that I know (I am a 3rd decan aries) are:
first of all if they are born in the end of March have some of the qualities of Pisces . . . they are the more emotional aries. The ones born in May have some of the taurus qualities (stubborn, quiet, etc). Also many other factors of your chart determine your personality. Your sun sign is not the only sign you have qualities of. . . if you know your sun, moon, rising sign then you can get a pretty decent understanding of what a person will be like. You can go to to find out your sun, moon, rising
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"The ones born in May"
ooops . . we know what you meant. lol
Personally, I like the 3rd decans the best. Or, should I say, I get along with them the best. I like everybody . . most everybody, lol. But, the third ones are the easiest to talk to. The 2nd ones, have a tad bit harder time maturing into their place as a ram.
But, all in all . . Aries, in my opinion, offer more to the world then most of the other signs. Mainly, because of their enthusiam and originality. They have the uncanny ability to take something old and make it brand new from a different perspective. That's something we really need in this world, because, well, everything has already been done, hasn't it? But, the ram can shed a new light, see it from a different angle, and voila . . . it's new and exciting again.
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May 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 220 · Topics: 33
My b-day is April 2nd, what decand does this fall under?
this is totally true...I'm second decan....I'm not very patient...but super intelligent...high sex drive....humor comes naturally. etc...