March or April Aries??

This topic was created in the Aries forum by haubli on Friday, February 2, 2007 and has 13 replies.
Very interesting and funny book.

Aries, Ex or Next
(the Ram, March 21-April 19)
Aries Rude-iments
I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you but, when it comes to men?and whether or not they have good relationship potential?you have to look at two things: first, his Venus (love sign). And then his Sun sign (the basis for his personality in general). But with Aries it's different. There are three things you must consider. Lucky you. After you've sorted through the first two?and have thrown out the last of the used tissues?you must ask yourself one necessary, though frightening, question: Is he an Aries with his birthday in March or in April?
Listen to me. Astrologers don't give you this one big piece of information. Maybe they're protecting you. Maybe they just don't want you to throw the baby out with the bathwater (ha!?actually a fitting reference, considering who we're dealing with here). But you're gotta know. You simply must:
If he's an April Aries, okay. Maybe you'll be okay. If he's a March Aries (especially one near the Pisces cusp), run! Get out of town! Hop on the bus. Make a new plan, Fran. Be coy, Joy. And set yourself free.
You should know that it's gonna take your March Aries a little more time to grow up than you'd hoped (like 120 to 130 years longer . . . you'll be dead by then), and in the meantime he might even just be a little psychotic and an insensitive bastard (oh, but he may also be good at convincing you, at first, that he's not). That's right. He's Chucky and Chucky Returns. Combined.
I'm not playing around here. There may be a difference between your March guy and your April Aries guy: a straitjacket, designed especially for you.
So I just thought you'd want to know this now, going in. Consider yourself forewarned. Read on, knowing that there's some hope to make him a decent boyfriend, and I'll tell you how. Go. Go in peace.
Just remember that Luke resisted the Dark Side. And so can you.
Aries Tongue Lashing
"You want me. You know you do."
"No I don't!" you insist, lips pursed. It kills you that this man's got you. You hate it. You hate him. You're beginning to hate yourself.
Aries man licks his lips, penetrates you with his eyes, and smiles so cockily you'd like to smack him. But you don't.
Damn, he's good.
"I'm going to kiss you. Now."
"No you're not!" you hear yourself whimper, impressed. Damn, he's sexy. Your head whips around to check if others are listening in on the unfolding scene. You almost wish they were. You giggle, feeling ridiculous for imitating a fourteen-year-old virgin. (Get real. You know he's gonna do it anyway, but it's?let's face it?fun to let him charm the pants off you. Literally.)
"I'm going to caress you with my tongue and make your loins ache for me."
"Not in front of all these people!" you assert, louder now, with conviction. But you're smiling. Unabashedly. Swooning. Pretending that you don't like the public displays of affection when, in fact, your knees are jelly under the table. You wish he'd just do it already and shut up.
You love it. You love this man. You see yourself walking down the aisle to him. You see him as the father of your children. You imagine him in the future as the romantic, spontaneous, charismatic fool for you he is now. The love of your life. The one. Showering you with love and affection. Rocking your world in bed and in life.
Wait! (Record scratches. Violins abate.)
Not so fast. Are you sitting down? Really? Good. Take a deep breath and listen. About your Aries man: Six months of erotic, sexy quicksand. A sinking ship made of lead. Seriously. In the beginning, he's soooo charming. Then something changes. All of a sudden . . .
He wants to be pampered. He wants you to think like he thinks. He wants you to be perfect. Always. He wants his mommy. He wants you to be his mommy and to put him in his place. He wants to see you as his lover, his confidante (his webcam partner?he's so big . . . on political issues). The absolute love of his life. He wants. He wants. He wants.
Are you noticing a pattern?
Aries are the children of the zodiac. Make no mistake. That "grounded," "super-smart," "sensitive," "moralistic," "self-assured" "man" you've just nabbed (or are dying to) will cry, whine, and stamp his feet if you take his ducky from the tub
Aries: Is He into You?
Out of nowhere (and you're privy to the inane consequences of your actions) you start flipping coins, wondering if it's going to last. You feel it won't. You absolutely do. But there's that little voice inside you saying, "Shut up, Goddamn it! I'm doing the best I can here!"
Because you just can't help yourself. Because Aries men are like those little boys who are so cuuute, you just can't stop staring at them: You know the ones. They make you want to have kids and dress them up in snappy little overalls with preppy starch-collared shirts and parade them all around the park in front of the other jealous mothers.
"Look at him!" you screech gleefully, unable to contain yourself. "Don't you just wanna pinch his cheeks and take him home?" And they do want to. Because he's got something. He's special. And he knows it.
And so do you. Damn it.
Aries guys can make awful boyfriends because they're just so easy to fall in love with. They have their good points. The power thing is sexy. The righteousness thing they've got going on gives you a sense of security. And it may just be a false sense. He seems like he's a take-control guy. All roads point to the fact that he can take care of you. This is, alas, perhaps an illusion. Financially, he can. Emotionally, he may just have problems?serious ones. And you need to know this, friend, right now. Listen up: You need to take control.

The foregoing is excerpted from He's Just Not in the Stars by Jenni Kosarin. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced without written permission from HarperCollins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022

Aries sun sign is generally sucks smile
So there is no need to be sorry about March/April difference smile

On the good side, Aries people are pretty funny people.
Man, the description for the March Aries is dead on for me, though not neccissarily the immature part (just because you stand up for yourself doesn't mean you're immature), but definately the slightly crazy part, and sometimes I am insensitive in that from time to time I just don't give a fuck, ya know? All this negativeity goes away and everything is hunky dorey after a short while though.
QUOTE: "Six months of erotic, sexy quicksand. A sinking ship made of lead. Seriously. In the beginning, he's soooo charming. Then something changes. All of a sudden . . .
He wants to be pampered. He wants you to think like he thinks. He wants you to be perfect. Always. He wants his mommy. He wants you to be his mommy and to put him in his place. He wants to see you as his lover, his confidante (his webcam partner?he's so big . . . on political issues). The absolute love of his life. He wants. He wants. He wants."
'Sounds like ALL men to me!
ANYWAY, as a March Aries (Hey, don't start throwing things now! Just wait a minute! Give me a chance here! Geesh!). As a March Aries, yes, I am a little kid inside. I love keeping that sense of wonder and enjoying gadgets and art and learning new things and teasing and joking and enjoying life. WOULD I like a woman who will pamper me? OF COURSE! Every man would! DO I change in my relationship with a woman? Yes, but most find it better because we are more PARTNERS than just PALS. I have April Aries friends and, guess what, ALL of them are self-centered and have TERRIBLE tempers and believe the world owes them a living and everything should be served to them on a silver platter. They are DISGUSTING. March Aries are not perfect by any means, but, for some reason, seem to me to be more sensitive than the April Aries.
NOW you can throw whatever you want! Ha!
"They are DISGUSTING. March Aries are not perfect by any means, but, for some reason, seem to me to be more sensitive than the April Aries."

LOL...One thing I have noticed about Aries - They can even divide clans and fight !
What is more important than anything else is individuality and a Win. Frankly, Aries natives may be having N number of weaknesses but what offsets it all is their devotion to finding, uncovering and stating the truth, generally speaking. They normally have clear ideas about the root-cause of most of the issues and they arent afraid of open confrontations.
"Aries sun sign is generally sucks "
I am in one those moods today where I would say - This kind of criticism is so widespread and pervasive that it forces me to assume that perhaps therez some basis to it.
"thats how you ussually feel GA if there is any thing that you are looking for to change that ask

I didnt get U FT ?
"oh loook evil b.tchy haffo is back how nice.welcome back amigos"
Yo faggot!
" thats how you ussually feel GA if there is any thing that you are looking for to change that ask"
"I didnt get U FT ?"
Isn't this obvious? He's a faggot after all.
Take me as an example.
By being a Pisces, I alrady have a Scorp inside.
Being born in March as a third decan, makes me Scorpio decante.
Having Scorpio Rising is another addition to arsenal.
Funny isn't it?
I scare away most of Scorps...
"you remind me of a strip club i once went too,the strippers coulndt keep themselves away from me(no i wasnt paying Big Grin hahaha) "
Perhaps you were too shy to look at them, and they wanted to help you.
hi all smile

march aries have deplucate mars
31 to 10 april mars & sun

10 to 20 mars & jupitur

most stars are april aries
as i c
they all good smile