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Jun 10, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 696 · Topics: 74
Ouch...sagiTAUries! hahahaha...that's pretty funny! I would disagree w/ the Mercury in Aries description you gave. However, my bf has mercury in Aries and yeah, I haven't seen his "deep side", and he can be immature! Go Figure!
i have the "infantile position" too. i think it creates huge interest in ourselves just for the sake of being ourselves and alive. if that makes any sense as to why we cant stop talking about ourselves. it gives us a kick to analyze and discuss with people. but i agree, if its the reason we cant stop talking or worrying about ourselves, i've definitely felt that and its quite a nuisance, even to us!
i dont think im very infantile though, all things that have happened in my life considered...
taurusgoddess dyou feel infantile? why did you say mercury in aries is good? i think its good too but just wondering why you thought so...
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Mercury in Aries communicators make quick decisions--so quick that you might think they don't much like thinking things over. The truth is, Aries communicators don't have a lot of patience for mulling. Their decisions are often driven by the need for instant gratification.
Mercury in Aries men and women are generally quick and to the point in their communications. They are direct and candid, and some may even think their style is crude at times. At times, they can come across as downright aggressive, but that usually happens when they encounter opposition to their opinions and ideas.
There's a certain innocent charm to Aries communicators. Many will appreciate this sign's utilitarian approach. You can pretty much count on them being straight with you, even if their Sun Sign is the more indirect Pisces.
This Mercury position favors starting new things. Aries is not attached to outdated ideas, and generally adopts an enthusiastic style . Criticism or negative feedback can be taken personally. Still, they are not afraid of a fight or a challenge, on a mental level. They have a visionary intelligence that is sometimes on the idealistic side.
New projects and ideas are taken on with an unmatched enthusiasm with this position of Mercury. However, because there is no shortage of new ideas in life, Mercury in Aries natives can be quick to dump one mental pursuit, way of thinking, or opinion for something fresher and more exciting.
Mercury in Aries people are often excellent at promoting their new ideas. When they're excited about something, their style of communication can be so motivating and fun, the enthusiasm is downright infectious. Aries is a leader, quick to adopt absolutely new and innovative methods--they get a rise out of leading too!
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
"she has very superficial placements all over her chart"
How so? I get the opposite comments from REAL people that I know. (not like internet freaks)
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
"The truth is, Aries communicators don't have a lot of patience for mulling...You can pretty much count on them being straight with you"
This has been very powerful for my workplace, with my taurus practicality people appreciate that I always get stuff done, on time.
Any others with this in their chart, just curious how it affects others.
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Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
what about mercury in scorpio?
tg, you seem to be pretty focused and serious in life but still know how to be 'albern'(german word). i like that. take that from another internet freak! LOL
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Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
truthseeker, your mercury is in cancer. how's that?
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Jun 10, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 696 · Topics: 74
well detective,
Unfortunately I do not know much about the planet Mercury, except for what it represents...i.e., communication, thinking, versatility, etc. For me, personally, I'm a true blue feeler! I base most of my decisions off of gut intuition. I use my emotions to determine what could be wrong w/ me mentally...i.e., I've been FEELING down lately which explains why I've been a bit lazy and sleepy. I'm also extremely introspective which can be enlightening and burdensome at the same time. I emote over fact, it's very hard for me to be logical and think w/ ration...although I'm getting a little better. People's moods effect me, also...I can tell when something is wrong w/ members of my inner circle...friends, family, etc.
As far as merc in scorp...I agree w/ what the "people" have said. I think that position adds more depth to a person's thinking and intuition. Also, there should be some similar characteristics to those of merc in cancer, although cancer may be a bit more nurturing and naive while scorpio is more suspicious.
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Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
"I've been FEELING down lately which explains why I've been a bit lazy and sleepy."
be carefull with that one! i love to just be lazy and sleep a lot, but it can be a form of escapeism... go out and experience new things from time to time! what's bothering you? you relationship, still? btw, honoured lioness, are you single or in a relationship? your profile says you're single, HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA...
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Jun 10, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 696 · Topics: 74
"be carefull with that one! i love to just be lazy and sleep a lot, but it can be a form of escapeism... go out and experience new things from time to time! what's bothering you?"
well, actually detective, i'm in an escapist kinda mood. The past few months have been rather hectic for me. I think I'm going to spend the month of july chillin. I leave for my trip in August, and as soon as I return, things will be hectic again w/ class and stuff. I FEEL like I should stay in and relax!
nothing, major, has been bothering me. Just some self analyzation that's buming me out. That's why I'm in the mood to retreat.
Still w/ my aries (believe it or not!) Things are actually going really well. Besides, since you're already taken, I kind of have no choice! LOL!!!
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Feb 03, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 469 · Topics: 63
its better to have mercury in air sign, mars in fire sign, moon in water sign, and venus in earth sign
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Jul 07, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 2180 · Topics: 8
ok, where can i by this package?