need a headbutt please...

This topic was created in the Aries forum by ReallyNiceAriesPerson on Monday, April 22, 2013 and has 23 replies.
where is dofacc?

Just need a reminder that it would be really totally uncool and unRnap-like of me to go on a "date" with a guy when I am still hung up on previous guy.
Remind me that I wouldn't like it if someone did this to me.
Posted by xdimplez
you wouldn't like it if someone did this to you

don't mind the polar bear gifs...i always correlated them with you. how are you? i was unaware you were a female! surprise surprise!

I'd love it if taurguy did that to mesmile
Why would it be a bad thing? I'd only see it as a bad thing if you went out multiple times and were like "lol nvm, I'm still hung up on dude."
Going on just one would help give some perspective and may help snap you out of being hung up on the guy. It's not exactly too healthy to stay hung up on someone when you have other good options being presented to you
But if you think the guy is cool and would be down to just hang out one night for shits n giggles to see how things would go, I don't see the harm. First dates always have that leeway for both parties to bow out if something doesn't seem right anyway.
If this is all about just a means to get over other guy and you aren't all that into this one, then no, don't do it. It would definitely be uncool.
Nah, he is not an "option" - I would just be going out with him because I can't have the guy I want so I have basically given up trying. All wrong. Totally uncool.
I knew it was wrong when I hit "post message" but now that I see it all typed out I can't believe I would even consider doing it. Thanks y'all.
I am not seeing that as "giving up." While things may not be working out with the one you are really interested in, there is no reason to roll over and play dead. If nothing else, you will need something/someone to lift you spirits.
My point is, it has been my experience that me "paying attention" to someone who has been left behind can do a lot to make their pain better. Making a sad person feel like they have value, and they are interesting in and of themselves, can be a very positive thing that you can do for this someone. I would argue that it is your turn to get some of this positive feedback, and you shouldn't brush it aside. You are a very worthwhile person, and you need to be reminded of this.

And along another line, catch me up, the potential persons of interests are like falling out of the woodwork suddenly?!?!?!?
Dang RNAP, take it and RUN WITH IT!!!!!
Or RAM WITH IT, as the case may be...
Yes, it would be great for him. He doesn't get a lot of offers of dates and I am sure I would be jolly company and he would have a great time (I am actually quite jolly when not grumbling away here on dxp!!) but I would feel icky because I am not there because I am interested in 'dating him' (or doing anything else to him for that matter.) That's not fair to him.
He is an Aries too, I might add. He doesn't need my pity. He needs to go out with someone who is genuinely into him.
We all do. Dammit. Anything less is just not good enough.

*****Who has persons of interest falling out of woodwork? I just have the same two for about a hundred years.
How could they BOTH hate me???
**headbutts wall**
Well, points to you for not leading Mr. Third Choice on. We all have been on the receiving end of game playing, and those of us who are decent human beings would not do that to someone else.
As for the same old two, well, I suppose I haven't been paying attention, and didn't remember them. I do on the other hand know about being "hated." I expect your heart is in the right place,though. Even if you hurt, you aren't headed out to spread the pain. Doesn't help your pain any, but perhaps it will keep you from hurting your soul.
Oh, btw, I hope you appreciate that I had to take my heart out of that secret cryogenic storage facility to tell you this stuff.
So what is it that pumps all that ice water through your veins dofacc? Do you have a pacemaker or something?

Yes, props to me for not causing a "Cold Aries bitch went out with me a couple of times and I thought we had a great connection and now she just wants to be friends WTF" threadsmile
RNAP, I am not aware of the situation you're going through but you seem a sweetheart to be disliked by two men smile
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson

Yes, props to me for not causing a "Cold Aries bitch went out with me a couple of times and I thought we had a great connection and now she just wants to be friends WTF" threadsmile

Exactly! After all, just reading the title would be exhausting and emotionally draining.
As to what pumps that ice water through me, a "Snow Machine," of course....
Posted by Whisper
RNAP, I am not aware of the situation you're going through but you seem a sweetheart to be disliked by two men smile

Not married to = they must hate me. If they loved me they would be married to me. I'm not married ergo I must be unloveable.
I don't do well with grey areassmile
I think one of my coworkers is crushing on me.
Oddly enough, we're birthday twins, ha. Don't plan on entertaining it though. He's a baby and I'm not going there/interested.
Just surprises me because it kinda came out of left field this last week.
Anyway, just comparing my "attracts all the wrong ones" to your "they hate me" scenario. I feel your frustration.
Ooooh, a brother Aries AND a co-worker. That's nice and complicatedsmile
Hmm well, who ever is the right man might happen to be the Third One besides these two. smile
Throwing it out there. Big Grin
-Giggles and poofs-
So, RNAP, you quit banging your head against the wall, or do I need to replace the batteries in my hearing aides?
Yes, all good now. Can't believe I was even considering itConfused
Part of me wanted to dismiss the idea immediately and another part (the idiot part that needs a cuff upside the head) was saying things like, "well maybe this is all there is left." "This might be the only date you ever get offered for the rest of your life."
And what if I was dating Not The One and one of my The Ones suddenly decided I was their The One? How does one extract oneself out of that night mare?
"Cold uncaring Aries girl dumped me for no reason after 4 dates"
"Are all Aries chicks bitches?"
Don't need any of that drama!
Returning to normal scheduled programmingsmile

Thankyou linesmen, thankyou ballboys.
Posted by Whisper
Hmm well, who ever is the right man might happen to be the Third One besides these two. smile

If this was directed at me, then no. #3 is not right for me. Probably right for stacks of others though (strange then, that he is single.) (Why am I single???)
Tall. Blonde. Fit. Steady job. Seems like a nice enough guy but does not have the much needed and often (usually) elusive X factor.
A Different Point of View:
Both men wanted are not chasing, only yourself know the full details up to this day, I am not saying this Third Man might be The One, Anyone who happens to be the Right Man, appears to happen out of Two as the Third Man. The Two meets at its fault, coincidences do not happen without fault until when coincidence do meet at its fault, a new portal opens, leading you to meeting the Third One who ever the Man is. smile
The One happens to fall while you're not looking watching your every move. Bells ring when the right one comes along, though it may be hard to notice at first if not paying any attention, smile. Apologize for the late response.
s'ok IrMo. Situation sorted.
1 and 2 were bellringers, 3 not. Hence we have let Mr 3 slide.
I am sure he will make someone very happy but it would be 100% wrong for me to be with him when my heart belongs to another. (Yes I know there are people out there who do this but I don't align myself with that behavior.)
I am not totally inconsiderate and mean and unspeakably horrid, even if I am a self centred Aries who doesn't care about anyone else but me me me.

Ask Lildol - there are good ones out there! We aren't all complete bastardssmile
RNAP, I do not see you as a mean person, neither do you come off as one. smile I always thought you are nice, really. Who ever your heart desires is the one who you think it is worth. This third guy you were seeing is someone I was not implying, it could be anyone, or it could be any of two that you like. I do not know the details of the story.
I would like to point out, I see a lot of mixed emotions. Because it implies to my theory I had once before,
Individual finding to be found in a position of a situation where it is at fault with two choices. Fault not as in a negative sense, fault falling into a weak and vulnerable position and state of mind not knowing what to do, whatever the choice may be; choosing one out of the two. Speaking of emotions, emotions take over eventually, feeling guilt and resentment, not being able to coop with both. A third one came into scene, revolving to push away, in which in turn, could be anyone. Anyone could be your new portal out of these two men.
Who do you want, one of the two? That is something you have an answer within you.
This is my perspective, no one can change it and neither can I change yours. smile
*officially poof*