Hi everyone, I'm new to this site but I desperately need the advice of some Aries people. I've been seeing an Aries girl for about two months now (I am a Sagittarius girl). Things started off slowly but escalated pretty quickly to where we were seeing each other everyday for two weeks. For the past week I have not seen her and we've barely been texting. She's never been a good texter but now it's even worse. I know that she is insanely busy with work and she recently injured her back but I don't understand why she has been so distant. She's also been distant with her best friend (who happens to be a good friend and coworker) so I'm not sure if it's me or if she's just stressed out and busy. I'm not sure what to do. Should I give her space and wait for her to text me or should I bring it up? I don't want to seem clingy or attached but I don't want to be led on either. Please help me!
Why not pick up the phone and call her?
Gemi, I'm doing the same thing. I've been contacting her first for awhile now and I'm just going to stop. Maybe I need to give her space to miss me? I just hope her not contacting me first isn't a sign that she's losing interest. It's so hard to read her because when she does text me first she'll call me baby or tell me she wants to cuddle. But when I contact her first its like she doesn't have the time of day to talk to me. I feel like I'm getting mixed signals.
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
SOme aries hate the phone I know I do.
Signed Up:
Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
I agree with the others. Just give her a call, ask her what she's been up to.. Go from there.
Although I don't like clingy, I do appreciate those who are concerned, so long as its not smothering concern.
Good luck.
Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 751 · Topics: 40
Posted by saggirl64
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site but I desperately need the advice of some Aries people. I've been seeing an Aries girl for about two months now (I am a Sagittarius girl). Things started off slowly but escalated pretty quickly to where we were seeing each other everyday for two weeks. For the past week I have not seen her and we've barely been texting. She's never been a good texter but now it's even worse. I know that she is insanely busy with work and she recently injured her back but I don't understand why she has been so distant. She's also been distant with her best friend (who happens to be a good friend and coworker) so I'm not sure if it's me or if she's just stressed out and busy. I'm not sure what to do. Should I give her space and wait for her to text me or should I bring it up? I don't want to seem clingy or attached but I don't want to be led on either. Please help me!
I am also horrible at text and calling, but if confronted I make a serious effort to give my partner better. If she isn't just being distant with you she could just be sorting through feelings she doesn't want to burden you with. We are more emotional then given credit for as we have a tendency to be charge and then slow when hurting. Hope this helps, cause each one of us is a bit different too.So I've talked to her. Turns out she's pretty depressed. Told me that I should run while I can because she's broken and will never be ready for a relationship. That really hurts because I know she likes me and I don't want to see this thrown away. I know I can't really do anything to help her but does anyone have any advice on what I should do?
Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 17
Posted by bkbella86
SOme aries hate the phone I know I do.
Yup. Hate it...calling anyway.Signed Up:
Feb 06, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 174 · Topics: 17
Yup. Run. I would never say that to someone I'm really interested in...unless you caught her in a moment of using that as a tool to get more attention. Just in case, tell her you're there if she wants to talk or needs a shoulder to cry on. Then see if she opens up to more talking/txting. If not, give it a few days and try again, but just say you're checking in because you're concerned. If she brushes it off, she has moved on.
Signed Up:
Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Posted by AriesinLuuuv
Yup. Run. I would never say that to someone I'm really interested in...unless you caught her in a moment of using that as a tool to get more attention. Just in case, tell her you're there if she wants to talk or needs a shoulder to cry on. Then see if she opens up to more talking/txting. If not, give it a few days and try again, but just say you're checking in because you're concerned. If she brushes it off, she has moved on.
I'm going to have to disagree with AriesinLuuuv, if I was truly interested in someone and I cared about them I would tell them what's going on. I do not think she is trying to get attention and is genuinely trying to inform you with what's going on in her life. Although saying that she'll NEVER be ready for another relationship sounds dramatic. Maybe she's not ready for one now but in time and possibly with some therapy, she'll become happier and ready for a relationship. If its meant to be, it'll happen but please don't wait around for someone who might not do the same for you..Posted by AriesIntrovert16
Posted by AriesinLuuuv
Yup. Run. I would never say that to someone I'm really interested in...unless you caught her in a moment of using that as a tool to get more attention. Just in case, tell her you're there if she wants to talk or needs a shoulder to cry on. Then see if she opens up to more talking/txting. If not, give it a few days and try again, but just say you're checking in because you're concerned. If she brushes it off, she has moved on.
I'm going to have to disagree with AriesinLuuuv, if I was truly interested in someone and I cared about them I would tell them what's going on. I do not think she is trying to get attention and is genuinely trying to inform you with what's going on in her life. Although saying that she'll NEVER be ready for another relationship sounds dramatic. Maybe she's not ready for one now but in time and possibly with some therapy, she'll become happier and ready for a relationship. If its meant to be, it'll happen but please don't wait around for someone who might not do the same for you..
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I just don't know what to do. I tried to talk to her to understand where this is all coming from but she gave very vague answers just saying that she was really confused and didn't know what she wanted to do in life. I texted her back and told her that if she didn't want to talk about it that it was fine but I was always going to be there to talk and she's never responded. I don't want to lose her but I don't want to hold onto something that isn't there. She's not even talking to her best friend and that makes me nervous. I don't know what to do!Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 751 · Topics: 40
Posted by saggirl64
So I've talked to her. Turns out she's pretty depressed. Told me that I should run while I can because she's broken and will never be ready for a relationship. That really hurts because I know she likes me and I don't want to see this thrown away. I know I can't really do anything to help her but does anyone have any advice on what I should do?
Stand back and support, just let her know you are there if she needs to talk.Signed Up:
Jul 24, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 751 · Topics: 40
Posted by Gemini530
I also kind of disagree about the "run" comment. My best friend is a female Aries, and she's having a metric TON of issues with a divorce...I mean, TONS (combine kramer vs kramer to not without my daughter....minus the overseas hostage stuff...) Anyways, when she met her boyfriend of now a year, she told him to run several times. she didn't feel that the drama was fair for him, but he didn't run. He stayed. I think space is thebest thing for Aries, and this is where I need to heed my own advise. I've known a few, and when they're stressed ESPECIALLY about money, they get really odd. They tend to hide and don't want anyone. They're also very "me" oriented people. while when i am upset and dont want bothered, I don't go off the surface because I know people will/are worried. Aries just don't care....worry, that's what they want.
Yeah I think I'm going to just give her some space and give her time to come to me. Hopefully she does come back to me though :/Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
Saggirl64, this is a romantic, sexual relationship?
Do you know her birth info, chart?
Posted by VenusAquarius
Saggirl64, this is a romantic, sexual relationship?
Do you know her birth info, chart?
yes a romantic & sexual relationship and no I don't know her birth info/chart.Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
Posted by saggirl64
Posted by VenusAquarius
Saggirl64, this is a romantic, sexual relationship?
Do you know her birth info, chart?
yes a romantic & sexual relationship and no I don't know her birth info/chart.
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I guess her birthday may suffice but, moreso accompanied with your birthday. I want to help.Posted by VenusAquarius
Posted by saggirl64
Posted by VenusAquarius
Saggirl64, this is a romantic, sexual relationship?
Do you know her birth info, chart?
yes a romantic & sexual relationship and no I don't know her birth info/chart.
I guess her birthday may suffice but, moreso accompanied with your birthday. I want to help.
click to expand
hers is april 10, 1987 and mine is december 20, 1991Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
I will start (and perhaps end here) ??? compassion ??? not to be confused with passion, romantic love, etc. but, also referred to as altruistic love. Compassion is selfless and a true love of the other without any gain (or ???pay off?? - emotional, physical, or financial).
Compassion Consists of:
?? Free choice for the other
?? Some degree of accurate cognitive understanding of the situation, the other, and oneself
?? Valuing the other at a fundamental level
?? Openness and receptivity
?? Response of the heart
You have to decide if you have the capacity for altruistic love. Once you have mad that decision, follow the proper course. It is not up to the Aries, it is always up to you how and who you love. So although you focus on the Aries?? behavior as a deciding factor of whether you should move forward or away, it is your choice. You may or may not "get" anything out it - altruistic love. Me personally, I get alot out of it.
For some people misfortune can be a tremendous set back. Something that I would liken it to having my legs amputated. For some people, any misfortune feels like this. For others, money, death of a family member, etc. feels to them like having my legs amputated would feel to me. Think about it, what??s your ???amputee??? The reason why I use this as an example is that when people loose a limb, they are literally loosing apart of themselves. It takes a while to sit with, grieve, and get used to. All these things have to be processed alone. No one can bring your legs back. Their gone. But, people can be there to talk about it, to help you through the rehabilitation process. But the amputee has to be ready.
Signed Up:
Jan 27, 2012Comments: 4343 · Posts: 13269 · Topics: 69
Now, imagine becoming an amputee in a two week old romantic relationship. Whoa, too much to process. When first experienced, an amputee will probably have problems loving themselves. It is extremely difficult to extend love to others when you don??t love yourself ??? much less in a two week old relationship.
Aries is a very independent sign. Aries has the ability for great love because of the great motto: ???I am,?? establishes self-love as a priority. The ability to love others starts with oneself.
When not afforded birth information, I reach back to the birthday books ??? with my own interpretation of what is written.
Just some adjectives describing you and the Aries (for you to ponder with consideration of the situation).
Aries ??? April 10, ???The Day of Daring??
Sagittarius ??? December 20, ???The Da of the Generator??
I see it all, do you?
Hey I'm an Aries girl and honestly I felt sorry for you when reading your message, you can clearly see you really care about this girl and I wanted to shed a little light if I could....I can only give you advice based on me though so may not be totally correct but this is what happens....Aries are so busy all the time, we are on a mission to get to who knows where but it could be just to get the milk out the fridge and if we really want that milk we have to have it now....we also hold a lot in that deeply hurts us and with the constant pace it seems to avoid these problems so we don't have to deal with them...as soon as I read that your Aries had hurt her back that is when it hit me....she has probably had to slow down her pace and when that happens she has time to think about her problems (all that has been buried) and when it hits ..it hits hard....when she says she is depressed she probably is ...and for her to share this with you is her showing trust as we don't open up easily....it's not for attention...I think also she may be scared of this relationship and that is why she said run as deep down she doesn't feel good enough....as only she knows how many problems she has on the inside....if I were you I would back off as we like to push people away and will come back if we really want it but also make sure she knows you are "there"...even if you do the I'm here if you need text....and ask if she ok....I'm sure she will be fine and will pull herself out of it soon enough and the fact that she isn't talking to her best friend shows you it's not about you....she is hiding behind her wall ...you just have to let her know that you won't hurt her and she will knock it down for you....good luck 
Signed Up:
Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Update sag girl? It's been a week, how you doing? How's she doing?
Posted by sharnope77
Hey I'm an Aries girl and honestly I felt sorry for you when reading your message, you can clearly see you really care about this girl and I wanted to shed a little light if I could....I can only give you advice based on me though so may not be totally correct but this is what happens....Aries are so busy all the time, we are on a mission to get to who knows where but it could be just to get the milk out the fridge and if we really want that milk we have to have it now....we also hold a lot in that deeply hurts us and with the constant pace it seems to avoid these problems so we don't have to deal with them...as soon as I read that your Aries had hurt her back that is when it hit me....she has probably had to slow down her pace and when that happens she has time to think about her problems (all that has been buried) and when it hits ..it hits hard....when she says she is depressed she probably is ...and for her to share this with you is her showing trust as we don't open up easily....it's not for attention...I think also she may be scared of this relationship and that is why she said run as deep down she doesn't feel good enough....as only she knows how many problems she has on the inside....if I were you I would back off as we like to push people away and will come back if we really want it but also make sure she knows you are "there"...even if you do the I'm here if you need text....and ask if she ok....I'm sure she will be fine and will pull herself out of it soon enough and the fact that she isn't talking to her best friend shows you it's not about you....she is hiding behind her wall ...you just have to let her know that you won't hurt her and she will knock it down for you....good luck 
I wish I had read this sooner. After a week of no talking, she texted me a few days ago apologizing for everything. She said she didn't want to bring me down with her and she kept saying how "fucked up" she was. I feel like a terrible person now. Because we were going to get together this week and talk but I texted her today and told her I didn't think that was necessary because everything had already been said. I told her that I am here and I want to help but I also told her that I think we are looking for two different things so it's better if we just stay friends. She hasn't responded. And now I feel like I've hurt her. I didn't want to do that but I didn'twant to see her in person because I knew it was going to hurt, probably the both of us. She's told me that she's not ready for a relationship but I am. So how is that going to work? I so badly want to be with her but I just can't see it happening at this time. I'm not sure what to do now. Wait to see if she responds? Or text her again? :/
Ok to me honestly I think she has reached out to you but has felt rejected so she has then decided to retreat back into the corner and as a defence mechanism said she doesn't want to be in a relationship .....it's like what you said hurt I'm just going to make out I don't care and hit you harder....it's quite silly and she wouldn't mean it as if she didnt want anything she wouldn't of text at all....I think you should text her one last time and tell her how you feel..how you want to help and what you want .....and if she feels the same way about you that you could get together and talk .....by her saying she wanted to talk was really her needing you ....Aries don't usually rely on anyone but them self ....so she must trust you and have genuine feelings cause I know if I don't I wouldn't bother at all it would be more like thank god I got rid of them....the best thing in this situation would be honesty....just be honest how you feel...you are already hurting so its not going to do any more damage and don't let your pride get in the way.....just let your heart do the talking.....
Signed Up:
Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Posted by Bohemianrhapsody74
Posted by sharnope77
Ok to me honestly I think she has reached out to you but has felt rejected so she has then decided to retreat back into the corner and as a defence mechanism said she doesn't want to be in a relationship .....it's like what you said hurt I'm just going to make out I don't care and hit you harder....it's quite silly and she wouldn't mean it as if she didnt want anything she wouldn't of text at all....I think you should text her one last time and tell her how you feel..how you want to help and what you want .....and if she feels the same way about you that you could get together and talk .....by her saying she wanted to talk was really her needing you ....Aries don't usually rely on anyone but them self ....so she must trust you and have genuine feelings cause I know if I don't I wouldn't bother at all it would be more like thank god I got rid of them....the best thing in this situation would be honesty....just be honest how you feel...you are already hurting so its not going to do any more damage and don't let your pride get in the way.....just let your heart do the talking.....
+ 1..
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+1 +1 +1 +1/4Posted by sharnope77
Ok to me honestly I think she has reached out to you but has felt rejected so she has then decided to retreat back into the corner and as a defence mechanism said she doesn't want to be in a relationship .....it's like what you said hurt I'm just going to make out I don't care and hit you harder....it's quite silly and she wouldn't mean it as if she didnt want anything she wouldn't of text at all....I think you should text her one last time and tell her how you feel..how you want to help and what you want .....and if she feels the same way about you that you could get together and talk .....by her saying she wanted to talk was really her needing you ....Aries don't usually rely on anyone but them self ....so she must trust you and have genuine feelings cause I know if I don't I wouldn't bother at all it would be more like thank god I got rid of them....the best thing in this situation would be honesty....just be honest how you feel...you are already hurting so its not going to do any more damage and don't let your pride get in the way.....just let your heart do the talking.....
So we've talked. She says she still doesn't know what she wants and we've agreed to be friends. I told her I would always be there for her. Seemed to go over well. Today I found out she's been hanging out with her ex girlfriend. I feel like I've been played.To me your girl has gone back to something familiar......I'm not really sure as to why.....but I would definitely call her on it....just say you want her to be honest....no crap ....and if that is the way she works that you couldn't possibly be there for her when you feel like she hasn't considered your feelings...tell her while you have been worried about her it's like she hasn't cared about you and have only hurt you.....when all you were doing was caring for her....I don't really understand her behaviour at all....maybe her ex has seen her at her worse before and she felt she could lean on her as she understands her ... I do that at times if I'm not great as i only open up to a certain few..... But if you don't feel like texting her again ....if she decides to contact you one day then you could have your say.....
Gemini 530..., do you really want my honest opinion???
So much words...
This must be a chick thingy..
First of all I don't need the attitude ...the reason i asked is some people can't take true honesty as it comes across blunt but really it's just straight up.....but to me it sounds like you have gone "I want it all and I want it now".... That is the first mistake to do to an Aries. I would be out the door in a second flat. We like a challenge ....but the second I feel pressure from anyone or any expectation - they get NOTHING.... we like to chase, it's like the more you hold back the more we want it but not many people know how to hold back....and no one tells us.....some try but don't succeed...we will do the opposite of what you are saying just so you know you cannot tell us.....if you could hear our words it would be some thing like "you think you can tell me...ok CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.....I think this guy was interested in you to begin with but if you have made too much contact, too many demands and expected too much you have only sent him packing. Aries need to breathe.
Posted by sharnope77
To me your girl has gone back to something familiar......I'm not really sure as to why.....but I would definitely call her on it....just say you want her to be honest....no crap ....and if that is the way she works that you couldn't possibly be there for her when you feel like she hasn't considered your feelings...tell her while you have been worried about her it's like she hasn't cared about you and have only hurt you.....when all you were doing was caring for her....I don't really understand her behaviour at all....maybe her ex has seen her at her worse before and she felt she could lean on her as she understands her ... I do that at times if I'm not great as i only open up to a certain few..... But if you don't feel like texting her again ....if she decides to contact you one day then you could have your say.....
I am literally so confused with this girl right now. We agreed to be friends and then I found out about her seeing her ex girlfriend yesterday but today she texted me to see what I was doing and we had a conversation in which she told me she missed me and that I didn't understand how much she missed me. Her best friend, who is also a really good friend of mine, thinks she's feeling this way because her ex girlfriend isn't around. I don't want to put myself out there again just to get hurt. I want to be her friend and I do miss her and would love to have her back but I can't have her playing with my feelings like this!ok this is for Gemini 530.... I think you realize yourself that you probably did contact too much ... if you already think you are contacting too much you probably are.... yeh I know what you meant about typed words i always say the same there is no emotion in text... but it was a vibe I got from you... but anyway... the bit about focusing on his career was probably is way out... If we want something and really want it we will put everything aside and go full pelt for whatever it is we want and although i think his job is important its not the most important thing in the world... so to me that was just his way out... and I think i can now see your major mistake... you know the sex thing... man make him want it and need it and appreciate it. Obviously he is one of those guys that gets what he wants and then is gone. Maybe you could count your losses and just learn from this one?
I am literally so confused with this girl right now. We agreed to be friends and then I found out about her seeing her ex girlfriend yesterday but today she texted me to see what I was doing and we had a conversation in which she told me she missed me and that I didn't understand how much she missed me. Her best friend, who is also a really good friend of mine, thinks she's feeling this way because her ex girlfriend isn't around. I don't want to put myself out there again just to get hurt. I want to be her friend and I do miss her and would love to have her back but I can't have her playing with my feelings like this!
Ah I knew she had feelings for you .. she wouldnt be back texting you if she didnt ... I think you should just go straight to the point and tell her how confused you are, how you know she was hanging around her ex and how you feel stupid when all you tried to do was be there for her... and see what she says.... just say you want to be there and be a part of her life but you need to be honest with each other first. What you wrote .. your last sentence to me above is perfect... but say that you feel like she is playing with your feelings... that's how it makes you feel... there is nothing wrong with telling someone how they are making you feel... I know I wouldnt like if I hurt someone .... especially someone i care about...
Sorry I'm new to this and dont know how to quote your previous message but message above is for saggirl64 lol
That's ok..I'm glad I can help
... My question to you is this....it seems to me that you have worked him out...so why would you give him anymore of your time ? ....you have read his behaviour well and said yourself once the clothes started coming off he changed so why knowing this would you settle for second best? Because that is what he is.....the thing is we all make mistakes but you learn from them and it is what helps you to grow and hopefully not make the same mistake.....if I were you I would test him....see if he will meet u in a public place without having sex and see if he still wants to spend time with you ..if he doesn't it proves he is only using you and get rid of him....that way you can make way for someone new who deserves your time as this guy has no respect at all....but you need to tell yourself that....you deserve more and dont stop saying it til you believe it...... Soooooo when is the decision yours??? To me it sounds like its all about what he wants ....when he wants....when does it be about what you want? I think you should start focusing on that ...look deep and see what you truly want and when you know don't settle for anything else.....
Ah I knew she had feelings for you .. she wouldnt be back texting you if she didnt ... I think you should just go straight to the point and tell her how confused you are, how you know she was hanging around her ex and how you feel stupid when all you tried to do was be there for her... and see what she says.... just say you want to be there and be a part of her life but you need to be honest with each other first. What you wrote .. your last sentence to me above is perfect... but say that you feel like she is playing with your feelings... that's how it makes you feel... there is nothing wrong with telling someone how they are making you feel... I know I wouldnt like if I hurt someone .... especially someone i care about...
We haven't really talked about anything that we probably should but we are back to talking like we used to when things were good. I'm not allowing myself to become fully invested in whatever sort of relationship we have going on right now though. I know she cares for me and she likes me but I don't want to be the person she wants when she's lonely. She's been hanging out with her ex-gf and the ex-gf's current gf, which I think is weird. She says that her ex is her "best friend" and she knows her better than anyone else. All of this information was told to me from her other best friend. I know she doesn't want to hurt me. She told me that straight out. But I can't help but feel like she's playing games. Not purposely of course, but she clearly is very confused. For me, I feel like my mind is telling me to just stop the flirting and just be friends, but my heart wants to hold on....it feels like something good could happen. Now I'm confused!Signed Up:
Mar 04, 2013Comments: 146 · Posts: 119 · Topics: 14
im an aries girl & i hate using the phone & definitely hate getting phone calls. i just dont have the patience to sit on the phone *shrugs*
i think Aries will respond better in person. no matter if they're mad or trying to avoid you, if you catch them in person they're bound to give you answers to whatever questions you have.
unless she's a bad aries .. she'll js walk away as if you're not even talking to her. bt hopefully you dont have one of those on your hands
Gemini530 I am in the same situation. I met this guy about two months ago, we were inseparable for two weeks. He called all the time, even while at work as I insisted he'd get in trouble. He texted all the time. He sent me pictures of himself and wanted me to keep sending him my pictures. He was telling me things like, "do you want to just live with each other so that we don't have to keep doing this [me not being able to come over as much as he wanted me to]," "I want to marry you," "i want you to have my kids," "I hope me saying that isn't scaring you but I'm so glad that I met you." I can appreciate a straightforward, genuine guy so I quickly fell for it. I had a two week trip that I went on. The day before I was going to leave, I asked him if he had plans that night so that we could say our goodbyes and because my friend is having a graduation party. I said it'd be a fun way to meet my friends and that he could come pick me up so that he could meet my dad, which he was asking since day #2 if he could come over and ask my dad for permission to be with me. (This is just tradition in mexico so pretty cool that he was so respectful even though I didn't ask for it and we are old enough to not need permission lol. Anyway, I didn't hear from him all night. I figured I'd text him at 9pm to give him some time to maybe get home from work and shower. He texted me back at 11pm saying he was tired, he just got home from church band practice. I was understanding to practice except he didn't tell me anything about it, my understanding was that we were going to see each other. I called him and just listened to what he would say, maybe something important came up. No clue, so I asked about our plans, he said he forgot. That hurt on so many levels. He says well come over. I can't because I'm still packing and need to wake up at 4am and told him that I was going to overlook everything and ask him to come over at 11pm when I called him but to forget about it. He got pissed, said, "how many times do I need to say I'm sorry." I didn't want to have this on my shoulders during my vacation so I called him before I left the country and we patched it up. I basically swallowed my pride, trying to tell myself not to take it personally maybe he did forget? (sounds silly). I heard a last voicemail from him saying, "why'd you have to leave, I miss you," etc. I couldn't make calls so all I had was facebook-wifi, and wasn't really hearing from him. Maybe it was the time difference
Night here and morning there. I was okay as long as I got my ???I love you??s,?? and so on. After week #1, I notice he writes on a girl??s picture saying how beautiful her eyes are. He writes this to her while I have yet to receive a response from him for a whole day. (Facebook shows when someone viewed your message, so he didn??t respond). I heard less and less from him. I finally called him when I got to the U.S. and he sounded so excited for me to be back. I saw him the very night I came home for a quick 30 minutes, I still had yet to go home and see my family and I was exhausted. The next day was valentine??s day. I was depressed because I left such a beautiful country and met new family and came back to my still non-existent relationship with my mom, haven??t heard from him all day, I got a ticket which I texted him that I got it because I was distracted with thoughts of my mom and ran a stop sign. I expected he??d respond with why are you unhappy about her. I didn??t hear from him, oh well, he??s working. 4 hours later, I see him write another girl??s picture saying you are so stunning. Nice. He calls me 3 hours later and is confused as to why I??m pissed. I let the first one go, now I??m wondering if I??m not just paranoid about the difference in attention I??m getting because he??s giving it to other people. He defends himself saying they are just old time friends and it??s an innocent compliment. Although I explain that it hurts me because I cannot share the same compliments he gives to me with other girls. I explain that I don??t give second chances with matters like that (makes it so that the guy sees what he can get away with). But I told him I want to be with him so here??s your second chance. We saw each other the next day and we were happy. That night, after 30 minutes of leaving his house, I see that he wrote the same girl, ???I??m impressed every time, u are so beautiful.?? I texted him saying thanks for the disrespect. His sister agreed with me and told me that she spoke with him about the situation and she said he seems to understand. He and I spoke and he still insisted that he did nothing wrong. So I laid it out, if you want to do that, go ahead but I won??t be around to watch. Everything else between us is perfect except for this one thing. He??s surprised and asks if I??m asking him to change. I said no, it??s a matter of what??s important to you. He said ???I love you, don??t be so paranoid because I haven?
seen you in a few days.?? so I took it as an apology.
Now I??m starting to hear from him only twice a day, good morning and good night, no response to my messages throughout the day, no more phone calls. It??s been a week that I haven??t seen him. I??m patient enough until I see that he wrote the first girl ???I like this one wow you have the face of an angel the most beautiful eyes.?? That one made me cry. Hard. Huge blow. Especially since he said he??d call that night. It was midnight so I thought he was fast asleep again, tired from work, although the message was from 9pm. The next morning he asked what was wrong and I said you never called. He said I passed out. I said how did you manage to write your friend a ???compliment?? then? He immediately got upset, defended himself, ???forget it, I??ve been loyal and u are just too jealous.?? I reminded him that I know he would never cheat and although his intentions were ???innocent?? as he claims, you just can??t say stuff like that to girls, especially when you??re with someone that you seriously want to be with and it sounds like you are just giving up so easily because you can??t do whatever you want. He said that??s not so, ???you??re my beautiful angel.?? Goes on about how he hates texting and talking on the phone because I??m wondering why I haven??t been hearing from him. Not even compared to how much we used to talk/text, but I was barely getting any good mornings or goodnights. I brought up if he hated it so much, that??s more offensive to me that he chose to write her something so adoring rather than a simple goodnight to me. That ticked him off again, he starts talking about if I??m checking on his facebook and how can I see the comments if I??m not friends with her (um newsfeed). And then I cannot believe that his resolution to this ???drama?? is to block me from seeing his posts. Not keeping his comments to himself. Before I blocked him myself, I looked at a few of her past pictures and see that he wrote to her a year ago something about how beautiful she was, and he was going to take her out the next day. That he still liked her but she responded ???sorry I like someone else.?? Old crush. I asked him, did you ever like any of those girls or they like u? ???No, I never liked either of them, but I don??t know if they ever liked me.?? ???Are you lying to me??? I asked. He cooly said no. That was enough for me to block him, I didn??t want to see anymore.
I feel stupid for sticking around. I??m so stuck on the first few weeks that we had together that I??m putting up with so much dumb stuff that he??s being selfish about. It??s going on two weeks that I haven??t seen him. Over the weekend, he finally called. We hadn??t talked on the phone for a week now, well since the last time we saw each other. He says I should come over Saturday night, and I??m hesitant because now it??s on his terms and I??m just not exactly feeling like it??s genuine..almost like he??s just asking me to go just to settle my restless mind about the time gap. Well, I texted him Saturday morning about our plans, his tournament got cancelled so I was excited, I??d have extra time with him. He never called or even said goodnight. I didn??t get my hopes up, I was with my friends because I had a feeling that would happen. Last night, I decided to see what happens if I try to change the tone and see what his reaction was. I took a picture of myself in my bra and underwear as I got out of the shower and teased ???do not open if at church?? then sent one of myself in my work uniform saying ???I??m a good girl again.?? He wrote back ???ew, that??s nasty. Sike?? He texted back not 2 hours later saying, ???sorry I just got home and charged my phone.?? Hm okay I got his attention. I just went casual with it ???no worries, I??m at work anyway?? and I texted him when I got home, he texted back right away saying he was at practice. I sent him another photo of myself and he responds ???aww.?? I ask, ???idk if I should send you the last one, could u handle it??? he says, ???doesn??t matter..if u want.?? I couldn??t really read that so I rolled with it and said, ???yea I want to, it??s for u..?? a classy black and white photo of me in my work uniform unbuttoned. And I quickly said goodnight. He responds with a short ???nice?? and ???goodnight babe?? then ???Sorry we haven??t seen each other I miss you.?? I just say ???I miss u too, muah.?? This morning I sent him a goodmorning text, and no response until 11pm tonight, a simple ???goodnight.?? I am being as patient as I can be. Of course my friends are in the background saying I deserve better but at the same time, there must be something wrong because we had a totally different relationship when we first met. I think it??ll be easier to tell once we see each other, but who knows when that will be, it??s been two weeks and we live 15 mins from each other??_
I also think it's interesting about how difficult it could be for a patient and forgiving gemini, who needs constant attention, love and support to be able to stay strong and willing through a relationship with an aries
Posted by Gemini530
Hey SagGirl
I'm in a similar boat with an Aries Male....and I don't claim to be an expert on Aries, I'm just as confused as you, but one of my best friends is an aries woman so hopefully I can shed some light.
My Aries guy is also insanely busy with work...he won't text me what is goin on there, but when I see him (which isn't much) he does open up. My friend is also rather ghost when she is busy, but she at least replies. Aries are concerned about their money and their future. The women seem a lot more considerate of others than their male counterparts, but aries men just don't think much outside of the realm of their own noses. Mine yesterday mad a comment that made me furious....It was Valentines day and he didn't mention a thing about it til we were talking about pornography, and he said this porn star he likes was his Valentine. I took that as a giant eff you, though, I think maybe he was joking. They seriously lack any couth. My friend and I weren't even friends the first few years we knew each other...she legit scared me. So, I'm also kind of baffled about this guy. I'm tired of being the first to make contact so I'm leaving him alone, and If I don't see him soon he's done. I like him, and understand this is partially Aries traits but that doesn't mean i have to like it/
Posted by feb16aqua
hmmm. I don't know what to say. I think you should consider walking away from this one...
I knew an aries who would do that when he lost interest in a woman but did not want the drama...just a slow fade out, and maybe a hook up here and there.
I'm really sorry. Hopefully I am wrong.
I sure hope so. Especially because I hear that Aries are quick to fall in and out of love...Posted by Geminivixen
So who's the 'stud'? Or are you both 'Femm's' ? Seriously.. just asking..?
Lol, I'm the femme. She's a soft butch.Signed Up:
Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Posted by Gemini530
I heard many Aries are "flash in the pan."
Wtf does that mean?Update: We've been hanging out and she's been contacting me a lot. I always wait for her to contact me first because I don't want her to think I'm ready to just jump into this again without having some serious conversations. She's opened up to me twice in the past three days telling me that she has been hanging out with her ex and texting her ex and she even admitted to having sex with her ex in the two weeks that we didn't talk. She says that she will always love her ex but she doesn't want to get back together with her because it was a bad relationship. At the same time she's told me how much she likes me and how much she has missed me. I told her that I can't do this if she doesn't want this to go somewhere serious and she said she agreed. She even texted her ex and told her that they can't have sex anymore but she did tell me that she can't/will not stop talking to her/hanging out. I asked if I could meet her ex and she said yes. So I don't know what to do. I like this girl a lot and I want it to work out but I'm nervous about the ex situation. I told her that I can't do this if I'm going to be left for the ex and she told me that wouldn't happen. What do you Aries think? Do you think she's being truthful or do you think, given the opportunity, she would go back to the ex? :/ She also told me that the way she felt when she first started dating her ex is how she feels about me. Good thing? Help!
Signed Up:
Oct 02, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 2726 · Topics: 31
Posted by saggirl64
Update: We've been hanging out and she's been contacting me a lot. I always wait for her to contact me first because I don't want her to think I'm ready to just jump into this again without having some serious conversations. She's opened up to me twice in the past three days telling me that she has been hanging out with her ex and texting her ex and she even admitted to having sex with her ex in the two weeks that we didn't talk. She says that she will always love her ex but she doesn't want to get back together with her because it was a bad relationship. At the same time she's told me how much she likes me and how much she has missed me. I told her that I can't do this if she doesn't want this to go somewhere serious and she said she agreed. She even texted her ex and told her that they can't have sex anymore but she did tell me that she can't/will not stop talking to her/hanging out. I asked if I could meet her ex and she said yes. So I don't know what to do. I like this girl a lot and I want it to work out but I'm nervous about the ex situation. I told her that I can't do this if I'm going to be left for the ex and she told me that wouldn't happen. What do you Aries think? Do you think she's being truthful or do you think, given the opportunity, she would go back to the ex? :/ She also told me that the way she felt when she first started dating her ex is how she feels about me. Good thing? Help!
I'm not exactly sure what this girl is all about and I'm not sure what you should do since I don't have a whole lot of experience on dating but I would take her word for it. Try posting this in the sagittarius section too. They have some good advice as well.UPDATE: Things have been really good between us! There was a little snag in the road but we got through it and things finally seem to be going in a good direction I think. Over the weekend we went out for her birthday and I met the crazy ex girlfriend. While we were out and before I met the ex, my girl told me she loves me. I was so happy because I feel the same way about her. The thing is, though she loves me and I love her she still "isn't ready for a relationship" What gives?! She tells me she's not ready because she's not happy with herself because her job sucks. To me, that doesn't make sense. Ever since she's told me she loves me though I feel like she's been more distant than usual. Is she scared? What should I do? I'm trying to back off a little and give her room and time to miss me so I'm not texting her as much but I feel really hurt when she doesn't text me because I feel like she doesn't want to. I told her it was fine that she isn't ready and that I can wait but I also did express my fear of her never being ready. Do you think I've put her on the spot? What should I do?!