Need help understand my Aries GF

This topic was created in the Aries forum by mk1234 on Saturday, June 3, 2017 and has 2 replies.
Me (Sagittarius) and my Aries girlfriend have been in a long distance realtionship for a year now. I met her last year when her dad passed away and I offered my help if she ever needed my help and she really liked me since we didnot know each other and I was nice to her from that day. We live in different countries and contents actually. I used to travel to see her every 2 months to spend sometime with her until we get married later this year. My whole life over the last year have been unstable due to me losing my job couple of months ago, family illness, bottom line wasnot in the best shape this year. Every time I traveled, we had a great time together but we still managed to fight at least one time during the 6 times I traveled to see her. I usually start the fights due to things that she does but she doesn't get it, one time I was having a really bad day and just ruined her day, one time i told her pretty much, i started getting bored of this realtionship as you seem like u r bored whenever you are with me (on the phone alot when i traveled the other side of the world just to be with her), another time because her boy friends keep calling her phone (i trust her but it was just annoying and she says u know me and i don`t do anything wrong). She is popular in her country as she work in the media field but not like very popular, she is a tv host and she has a lot of connections and knows a lot of people by the way. Anyways, she knew from the beginning that when we get married she will leave her country and move with me to my country to live with each other. (so she knew about that from day 1 and i never lied to her) but she still always wanted to progress in her career to be honest as i always felt that from her side, anyways our realtionship was good whenever we are far we call each other by hours every day and skype, off course we miss each other a lot but until recently things didn't become the best.

Recently her brother got into a huge surgery that he was almost gonna die (same time her dad passed away last year) and I was very supportive to her (i used to call her every day every couple of hours to cheer her up and be supportive and i even offered to travel down to be next to her and she was like no dont come i dont want to see anyone or talk with anyone, even that hurted so much but i understood as she was going through alot. anyways her brother became better and she started very slowly going back to normal but again still not as before, i used to be the one who call every day and message every day, literally if i dont, she wont, she also were busy with her new work in media and her show and whenever i talk with her or ask why didnot u call or message she would be i was busy and i am tired and all of that (yet she posts pics of herself every day on facebook and insta). Anyways 2 weeks ago, i called her she was just waking up and told her honestly i am unhappy of what our realtionship became to that we dont talk as before and i feel we r distant, she went 180 degrees on me and said: what do u expect? my brother was dying off course i would change, i told u i feel like i grown up in a week like i never grew my whole life, and ur not here as well, and if someone is in pain, who should check on the other? so pretty much i became the victim on the phone when i was not in the beginning and then she was like i dont want to talk anymore. we didnot talk for a week yet she started posting on her snap chat (she wasnot active on snap chat before and she has me and like 5 more people on it or something thats about it) and posting songs about i am taking myself out of relationship and all that. so i called her, she didnot answer, then i sent her a long message explaing to her that if she doesnot wanna continue then simply tell me and i will udnerstand and respect her and just end things. she replied back with a long messgae saying she is tired that every time i travel we always fight, i am always unhappy and that she doesnot want that in her life as she wants someone to be happy with her all the time and all of this. To be honest guys I am unhappy because of me in a bad positon in my life, no job for months, no stability, and long distance but she was never understanding that.anyways told her i understand completely what you saying and i am admitting that I fought with u every single time but i love u and i promise u i will show you my good side of me if u give me another chance or again each one of us go seperate ways and I would wish u all the best. She read it and completely ignored and didnot answer.

It has been almost a week now and all I am noticing on her Facebook is posts about breaking up saying, best thing is to remove urself from negative people and negative relationships, every single day pretty much, while me on the other hand i am posting pics of being happy and smiling and looking good and i am not reacting to any of her posts. My question is why is she doing this? and why all these dramatic posts? if you wanna end things why dont you just grow up and say lets end things because clearly u made up your mind or why would you post such indirect posts to me?

ps: she check my snap chat all the time (even sometimes 1 minute after I post)

I'm not an Aries, but my ex is. I also won't generalize all aries since every aries woman is different from the other. But let me share with you an insight according to how I understood my ex. Hopefully, you'd be able to gain something.

Aries women are strong independent women, always remember that. So if she's in a difficult situation, they might not admit being vulnerable at that time. Sometimes, they would need sometime to gather their strength during those difficult moments and would want to be alone. But even then, your presence would have made the difference, they would appear very strong in a situation but they may be feeling weak inside. You don't have to even say anything or comfort her or something, just your presence would be enough.

The time you spend with her is also important. It seems you don't see her frequently, I think you should have just enjoyed your time together and just let go of the things that piss you off. If it's something that really gets into your nerves, be calm and be mature when you talk to her. She may not agree with you and may get pissed with you, but once she calms down she'll be able to think your side of the coin as well.

The aries woman I know doesn't like someone who is too possessive and jealous. But they may also expect you to prioritize them and respect them, but would still want to see you that you're able to hold stability in your life. It's better if you have financial stability, but they can look past it as long as you're strong as an individual, yet make them feel wanted, respected and loved.

Sure, aries women like the chase, that is if they really like or love the person. She may change her mind after a couple of weeks when she realizes that you're really gone from her life, but I wouldn't really bet on it. You can try and talk to her that you want another chance and admit what you did wrong and promise her that you'll change. But promises sometimes are just empty words after sometime, so if you think won't be able to really commit to it for the long run just give up now. Besides, you don't really have to change, you just have to make up for your own misgivings, but how will you be able to do that if you're worlds apart? I don't really think she would sacrifice her career especially if she worked hard for it, and you can't really tie down an aries woman, they are the go-getters of the zodiac aside from capricorn.