No words wrom aries?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by Canceriannn on Monday, January 30, 2017 and has 8 replies.
Hi dear ariessmile in what situation you will not speak to your partner permanently?my friend (pisces grl) is married with aries boy and after great 6months he said to her:"i wont to talk to you anymore". She tried to comunicate with him to figure why or what did she do wrong but he wont even look at her. She is so sad and she thinks about moving out. Well,question is,what do you think went wrong?she is questioning herself everyday without a clue.
Just to add that she is great wife and greater person. She goes to work and after that cook lunch for them, clean the house, great housewife indeed! He has everything he wants, but I think that she said something in joke that hurt him. What things can hurt you so badly that you stop to comunicate to the other person?
what did she say?
Posted by Ophiuchus
what did she say?
I dont know, probably something that is not serious. Joke. And I fugure what words can hurt him? Are you so sensitive?
Posted by Canceriannn
Posted by Ophiuchus
what did she say?
I dont know, probably something that is not serious. Joke. And I fugure what words can hurt him? Are you so sensitive?
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Well until he says I guess no one will ever really know. Can make assumptions if you want but they're just that, assumptions

Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by Canceriannn
Posted by Ophiuchus
what did she say?
I dont know, probably something that is not serious. Joke. And I fugure what words can hurt him? Are you so sensitive?
Well until he says I guess no one will ever really know. Can make assumptions if you want but they're just that, assumptions

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I'm just curious what in general aries hate to be told?
Posted by sakuraflowers
Posted by Canceriannn
Just to add that she is great wife and greater person. She goes to work and after that cook lunch for them, clean the house, great housewife indeed! He has everything he wants, but I think that she said something in joke that hurt him. What things can hurt you so badly that you stop to comunicate to the other person?
For Pisces/Aries pairing, the first scenario I could think of is walking on eggshell scenario. This can really frustrate a Ram fast, especially if it involves the Ram having to guess what the problem was. Too much of this would likely make him think she's playing mind games with him. Has she ever said anything about what she thinks of him?

Second thing I can think of is something hurt his pride. I think the fastest way to piss an Aries off would be to some form of trying to tell the Ram what to do, or look down on the Ram.

IMO smile
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okey, if it's a pride hurt is there any chance to apologize to aries? Do they accept apologize or she need to be persistent and tell him over and over again she's sorry? I really dont know aries much, not so interested until she tells me her story smile

I think if you are her friend, then you won't know the details of the relationship as they are. She might tell you things but then this will be because she wants you to tell her she hasn't done anything wrong. If she wont tell you what she said or if she tries to change the context slightly to make it sound better, then this is something she is obviously feeling guilty about.

But having said that, Aries will always forgive jokes and things said once or twice, they will only stop talking if it was a toxic relationship , or destructive, and I think for that it has to be a bit continuous. I've never known an Aries to hold a grudge, but if it is really a continuous problem then they will force themselves to really leave someone. So I think it is something serious, and regularly occurring, and I doubt it will just be words.

I left an Aries woman but with Pieces rising, after living with her for seven years, although there were other reasons, one of the main things was down to her being Pieces rising. The problem is Pieces are very emotional, they are water and it dampens the fire of Aries. It's really about how much she talks about her emotions, for me, I would come home from work and not have time to get a drink or take my coat off, after three hours of listening to her emotions (usually about how she felt about other women at her office), I would be exhausted. And every day I asked her to let me rest a bit first, or offered to go out for dinner, but it would be straight three hours after work everyday. I never had time to relax or do anything else. I don't think an Aries guy can get a Pieces woman on that kind of emotional level.