Not a bad holiday season...

This topic was created in the Aries forum by aries ignited on Sunday, December 30, 2007 and has 6 replies.
Not bad at all. First off, Christmas was ok. Not like when you're a young kid, but it's great to see the family that you grew up with gather together for this one special occasion a year. Also, Christmas night I was finally able to put some differences aside with my ex-Taurus. We had a heart to heart talk and finally my understanding of her situation is now clearer than it was before. It was NOTHING to do with me like I thought it was. I mean she's young(20 years old), she's just getting out on her own with her new RA job(living on campus), plus being a full-time student. That's a lot on one's plate for being so young. I know know deep down in her heart she is verry sorry(and she said so) and she said it would end no matter who it was and that she wish she would have ended it better. For this I feel we can come together as good friends because I hate to lose her simply because of what I or she couldn't control. She was my first love after all and a sweet, intelligent, funny, and fun person to be around to boot. She'll always have a special place in my heart and I'll always have one in hers. Out of this we both gained something we thought neither of us could have: from me, I never had anyone to really care for me, love me and respect my ideas as a unique indiviual as much as she has, and for her, I showed her that not all guys are insecure, controlling cheaters and liars. There are faithful men out there, and I'm proud to say I was one till the end. Another chapter closed, a friendship gained and a promising new year ahead. One step at a time. First I'd like to finish school, then get a good paying job and finally be on my own by the end of it all! I've very optomistic and my Aries drive will see it through!
Hope your holiday went good as well and God bless!
*did not was*
Where in Virginia are you?
Smithfield, pig captial of the world. Oink oink.
Is that in the Tidewater area, or just northwest of it?
In the Tidewater area. I live about 15 min from Newport News(where I was born).