Posted by MadMarchRam
I know a couple with this combination and they've been together about 15 yrs. They seem very happy
Posted by Kittyclaw
I can't think of anything worse than a Leo!
Posted by bmoon8Posted by starlover
Fire and water....ouch!!
Scorpio cowards to the right, please.
What's the population over there now? ScorpioCowardVille, 1 billion +
And it is not like anyone can control when they are to expand
Posted by tiziani
Generally speaking the Pisces women I've spoken to seem to think Aries get extremely childish and petulant as time goes on, owing to the very accommodating nature of Pisces in the early stages.
So I guess have a firm sense of what you will and won't put up with - having said that, these are just trends and every relationship is unique. You never know until you give it a good bash.