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Dec 20, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 106 · Topics: 19
Hey all,
So recovering from my apparently cheating ex Sag (was secretly filled in by our mutual friend who didn't want to say anything before) I've been going on dates and found this bloke.
We've got same background, moved to AUS when we were young but still in touch with our roots. Texted a bit first, not too often, ended up going on a date where we wanted to do a walk, so i shower up in my gym gear (thank god i did my hair and make up). It started raining so I had to hop into his car and we just hung out, had a bit of a walk, talked a LOT, lots of banter but not necessarily romantic... He did touch my leg once very briefly just when talking with his hands.
We ended up spending over 4 hours together as after our walk (and a brief drink to hide from the rain) he took an initiative to just drive around, then get food then take me to his place for a late lunch and some tea. So overall we had a great time and I just let him take me with the flow, he was a perfect gentleman opening doors for me, giving me his jacket when it rained, gicing me a hodie at his home and even gave me his socks as mine got soaked. We got along perfectly, i'm just worried it was a bit too casual rather than romantic. We agreed on a lot of things and are both into astrology and a bit of new age and meditation.
He dropped me off at the train station as i live quite far from him and said it was an interesting date. I leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. Now I feel completely smitten and wondering what Aries's normally are like after the first date, do they text you, when would they normally do it or maybe they like a bit of attention with a "thank you text" after it... I haven't felt this comfortable and wanting to be affectionate with a guy so i'm really really hoping he will ask me out again (and i will wear a pretty dress) but thought i'd ask you guys for some tips on how to act ATM. First day after and i've already got butterflies.
Thank you!!!