Question about an aries woman

This topic was created in the Aries Women forum by mcaesar69 on Monday, May 15, 2017 and has 22 replies.
So I've been talking to this girl for a few months now, it's only been the past 2-3 months that we've been talking much more regularly. However absolutely confused and not sure if I've been super friend zoned or there is some interest there...

1. She has opened up to me about a lot of personal stuff, her life, career etc. I assume this is good however more often then not it leads to relationships and she always says she's looking for the right guy, she rejected some guy and regrets it (like years ago), which makes me think ok friend zone :/

2. At parties, I've caught her staring at me or having a look at what I'm doing or who I'm with. And when she comes over she gets very close - almost invading my personal space a bit. I didn't pay much attention to it cause alcohol but maybe something of a signal there

3. We share common interests, activities and have had similar upbringings so we've been able to chat about that quite a lot but again just background, not much to read into there apart from being in similar situations

But yeah just kinda not sure if I'm being friend zoned or maybe she's feeling it out or interested. I mean I heard Aries are direct but she is not the direct type at all so I'm in all sorts of confusion. Thoughts guys??
I am very direct too, however, there are moments when I'm extremely indirect and those are because I'm not sure where the other person stands. I am the Aries that WILL NOT make a move unless I'm 100% positive you won't make me feel like a fool. Ego, for sure. I'll do everything but tell you how I feel.

Like toxiccotton, I was going to say I'm very open too. Just because I'll tell you all about my past relationships doesn't mean you should assume you're friend zoned.

Have you asked her to hang out? If she says 'no' - that's your answer.
To my knowledge, she doesn't have heavy water placements,

Her moon is in Gemini (which is my Sun), Mercury is Aries, Venus is in Taurus and Mars also in Aries.

When you mention she might have done it to test me? What's the reaction you'd look for in that situation. I guess for me i'm cautious of revealing my position too quick, I feel like Aries love the chase as much as a Gem so i'm trying to slowly reveal more, but she has started to become a lot more open with me so I return in kind. I'm letting her set the pace.

And again, when you say, 'Just because I'll tell you all about my past relationships doesn't mean you should assume you're friend zoned.' - what would you mean by this. Are Aries normally selective with the information they let people know, as a Gem i'll be very open with conversation.

No, I haven;t asked her to hang out as in just us two, she recently asked me to go an an event which she will be at. But that's like a party thing, not a one-on-one type of thing.

Im on the same train as mcaesar,

I talked with this aries girl for a week or so, during the day and during the night. She wont respond to flirts, its like shes ignoring them, but wont say anything to put me off. We talked about previous relationships and how she hates guys that take her for granted. Also said that if she wanted to kiss someone shed go first without hesitation, typical aries trait. Our convo topics were different everyday and even unfolded her feelings, emotions and fears. Its like shes saying i like you but i dont. Ive dated aries girls before and to be honest this is the first time i feel cornered. Any advice will be appreciated!
@sipsipsip7 I 100% agree with you..... literally had the exact same conversation where she's said she would make the first move on a guy, however she'd do it if it didn't really mean anything aka a random hook up.

Makes me wonder whether she's saying this stuff cause i'm in that friendzone or she's trying to test me, see how i'd react.

@toxiccotton - when you said you've done that aswell to see if we get mad or jealous. What reaction would you have wanted? Personally, I have rarely gotten jealous, maybe it's just the gem in me but I find jealousy a waste. An aries being known as 'passionate', would you have liked that person to have come on strong, or been calm about it?
ahh right, I getcha, I getcha.

I meant about the jealousy, would you have liked them to give you that hint that they may have that jealous side or just played it off.

Cause I played it off, like I said, I just don't see the point in jealousy lol
@WolfInRamsClothing yeah fair enough, I think you might be right. We've seen eachother once or twice since your post and I notice little stares here and there. But our conversations eventually turn into her previous flames and relationships. So i'm definitely thinking im some sense i'm just a level head she can talk to, turn to, and enjoys the free flowing conversation. Friend zone is probably the right read right now, what's interesting is she is so quick to comment if i'm around other girls or talking to other girls.

Guess it's all just banter right now haha

We'll see what happens!
Posted by mcaesar69
So I've been talking to this girl for a few months now, it's only been the past 2-3 months that we've been talking much more regularly. However absolutely confused and not sure if I've been super friend zoned or there is some interest there...

1. She has opened up to me about a lot of personal stuff, her life, career etc. I assume this is good however more often then not it leads to relationships and she always says she's looking for the right guy, she rejected some guy and regrets it (like years ago), which makes me think ok friend zone :/

2. At parties, I've caught her staring at me or having a look at what I'm doing or who I'm with. And when she comes over she gets very close - almost invading my personal space a bit. I didn't pay much attention to it cause alcohol but maybe something of a signal there

3. We share common interests, activities and have had similar upbringings so we've been able to chat about that quite a lot but again just background, not much to read into there apart from being in similar situations

But yeah just kinda not sure if I'm being friend zoned or maybe she's feeling it out or interested. I mean I heard Aries are direct but she is not the direct type at all so I'm in all sorts of confusion. Thoughts guys??
I think she likes you. Just not the most. So she's keeping her options open in case something she wants MORE comes along.. (Which will probably be no good for her btw) Brutally honest I know, but it's the truth sometimes. Do you give her attention? We like to feel wanted by a man. So if you lay it on us (not too much, we don't like that either) just a little more and she pushes away, she's not interested and yes, your friend zoned. But even THAT can change with time. Our attraction to man can vary depending on our mood..!
@FiercestFire yeah fair enough, can't really blame her if that is the case haha

Well I give her attention, as in i'll start conversations and stuff but tbh to a certain extent I feel like she's holding herself back. As in, when I see her in person she's always around, in my space, looking at me and stuff....yet msgsing and stuff not too much. We haven't exchanged numbers or anything, trying to keep it organic.

Will see what happens over time, maybe i'm just thinking how she is in person would translate to every other facet outside but we're both keeping options open haha
The Aries I'm seeing has Cancer moon and Venus in Taurus. She likes you. She's going to be VERY slow in the love dept. take your time and BE PERSISTENT. Don't be too pushy but stay in contact daily. Be her friend and just be genuine. Then, one day she will just latch on (if it's mutual) and she'll never let you go.

You have a good woman on your hands. Treat her good and she'll be good to you
My venus is in Taurus and I have a perfect picture of a boyfriend and a friend. First look, first talk, first meeting and I know whether I want a relationship with you or not. 3 months is too long. You're not wanting her enough. Or making her feel special. Shower her with gifts, compliments. Ask her for a date. Actions is what she wants. SHOW what you wrote above. Chase her first to chase you.
Posted by mcaesar69
To my knowledge, she doesn't have heavy water placements,

Her moon is in Gemini (which is my Sun), Mercury is Aries, Venus is in Taurus and Mars also in Aries.

When you mention she might have done it to test me? What's the reaction you'd look for in that situation. I guess for me i'm cautious of revealing my position too quick, I feel like Aries love the chase as much as a Gem so i'm trying to slowly reveal more, but she has started to become a lot more open with me so I return in kind. I'm letting her set the pace.

And again, when you say, 'Just because I'll tell you all about my past relationships doesn't mean you should assume you're friend zoned.' - what would you mean by this. Are Aries normally selective with the information they let people know, as a Gem i'll be very open with conversation.

No, I haven;t asked her to hang out as in just us two, she recently asked me to go an an event which she will be at. But that's like a party thing, not a one-on-one type of thing.

Lol, same sun, moon and mercury with my ex. So here is my take.

With her moon in gemini, she likes to talk A LOT. It doesn't matter the topic, as long as you can keep up with her, and make her interested with the topics you guys are talking about you're good. Also show that you're interested to what she says like asking follow-up questions, remembering the details of what she said then bringing that up to show that you are listening and not just hearing what she says. So don't get turned off if you feel friendzoned because she talks about her ex or such. In fact, go ahead and also talk about your fun, funny moments with your exes too. As long as she's talking to you about a lot of stuff, even opening topics to discuss, she's definitely interested. But if she's replying just to have a reply, that you have the need to always come up with something to talk with her, then she's not interested at all. If I were you, read about something that really interests you, and have an fun, animated talk with her about it. If she finds it uninteresting then move on to another topic or you can make it apply to her life. Just display how knowledgeable you are with a lot of sense of humor, and you're almost guaranteed to win her heart.

If you don't have her number, try to get it. I'm not sure, but my ex played hard to get with me. Sometimes I have to make a lot of bold moves as well. I even went to join a singing competition once, and she was there to watch. Afterwards, I treated her with some friends with the cash prize. Lol! If you're timid, she might get bored.

Just be careful of mind games. And even if she does, just stand your ground. If you can't handle it anymore, back off a little, like showing her you're losing interest in her or something. Lol! NEVER give her one-word replies, she'll get bored and blow your chances. Just be confident about yourself, show you're interested but also not quite.

With her sun and mars in Aries, find exciting things to do together. Go out to fun and stimulating activities with just the two of you or with friends. It'll take a bit of time for her to commit though. It also took my ex almost 5mos just to "try" having a commitment with me, then we lasted for almost 4yrs, just short of 1month. Lol! Don't be afraid to flirt with her, it makes her feel wanted. If she gets interested, she would find a way to initiate something. But hold a bit something back, so she would want more.

If you do win her heart, it's important not to be too possessive or jealous. If she wants to hang out with her friends then let her, if she invites you then go with her. But also, be prepared for her jealousy. It's like she chose you, so she would expect you to have her as your number 1. It's like you should be submissive to her but also hold your ground and not become a push-over. Really complicated, right? So I wish you luck Big Grin
Posted by ariesx3
Posted by adikted0916
Posted by mcaesar69
To my knowledge, she doesn't have heavy water placements,

Her moon is in Gemini (which is my Sun), Mercury is Aries, Venus is in Taurus and Mars also in Aries.

When you mention she might have done it to test me? What's the reaction you'd look for in that situation. I guess for me i'm cautious of revealing my position too quick, I feel like Aries love the chase as much as a Gem so i'm trying to slowly reveal more, but she has started to become a lot more open with me so I return in kind. I'm letting her set the pace.

And again, when you say, 'Just because I'll tell you all about my past relationships doesn't mean you should assume you're friend zoned.' - what would you mean by this. Are Aries normally selective with the information they let people know, as a Gem i'll be very open with conversation.

No, I haven;t asked her to hang out as in just us two, she recently asked me to go an an event which she will be at. But that's like a party thing, not a one-on-one type of thing.

Lol, same sun, moon and mercury with my ex. So here is my take.

With her moon in gemini, she likes to talk A LOT. It doesn't matter the topic, as long as you can keep up with her, and make her interested with the topics you guys are talking about you're good. Also show that you're interested to what she says like asking follow-up questions, remembering the details of what she said then bringing that up to show that you are listening and not just hearing what she says. So don't get turned off if you feel friendzoned because she talks about her ex or such. In fact, go ahead and also talk about your fun, funny moments with your exes too. As long as she's talking to you about a lot of stuff, even opening topics to discuss, she's definitely interested. But if she's replying just to have a reply, that you have the need to always come up with something to talk with her, then she's not interested at all. If I were you, read about something that really interests you, and have an fun, animated talk with her about it. If she finds it uninteresting then move on to another topic or you can make it apply to her life. Just display how knowledgeable you are with a lot of sense of humor, and you're almost guaranteed to win her heart.

If you don't have her number, try to get it. I'm not sure, but my ex played hard to get with me. Sometimes I have to make a lot of bold moves as well. I even went to join a singing competition once, and she was there to watch. Afterwards, I treated her with some friends with the cash prize. Lol! If you're timid, she might get bored.

Just be careful of mind games. And even if she does, just stand your ground. If you can't handle it anymore, back off a little, like showing her you're losing interest in her or something. Lol! NEVER give her one-word replies, she'll get bored and blow your chances. Just be confident about yourself, show you're interested but also not quite.

With her sun and mars in Aries, find exciting things to do together. Go out to fun and stimulating activities with just the two of you or with friends. It'll take a bit of time for her to commit though. It also took my ex almost 5mos just to "try" having a commitment with me, then we lasted for almost 4yrs, just short of 1month. Lol! Don't be afraid to flirt with her, it makes her feel wanted. If she gets interested, she would find a way to initiate something. But hold a bit something back, so she would want more.

If you do win her heart, it's important not to be too possessive or jealous. If she wants to hang out with her friends then let her, if she invites you then go with her. But also, be prepared for her jealousy. It's like she chose you, so she would expect you to have her as your number 1. It's like you should be submissive to her but also hold your ground and not become a push-over. Really complicated, right? So I wish you luck Big Grin
This is pretty much all you need to know! Although, if I may, I wouldn't want a guy to act "submissive". I can't speak for all aries women, but I think we just want someone that acts as our equal; challenges us, but at the same time looks up to us.

And it's really not complicated if you're the right guy for the job smile Remember that
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You're right. I think I used the wrong term with "submissive". More like you respect her, listen to what she's got to say. Aries women don't like push-overs, but definitely likes feeling wanted. It's like it's alright for her to feel jealous, but you don't. Well, I think it's fine if you do get jealous from time to time, but be cute about it. Never make her feel suffocated. So be prepared to learn to balance making her feel that she's you're priority and that you're well grounded and sure about yourself as well. When my ex was out with friends, I don't text her too much only replying when she texts me. But when she does, I reply right away. I think mercury in aries doesn't like waiting. Lol!

Oh, I'm not sure about the girl you're interested in. But sometimes, my ex would get mad over silly stuff like getting jealous over the games I play. If you do get into that situation, just talk to her calmly and explain your side, apologize if you realize that you did wrong. I don't know, I think my ex kind of also enjoyed having little fights with me. But sometimes, my temper gets the better out of me and we'll both be really mad. And with her mercury in Aries, you'll be starting an apocalypse. Lol! But her temper tantrums doesn't really last long. So when we've already settled an issue between us, it wouldn't hurt if you spoil her like getting her small gifts as an "apology token". My ex likes food so I tend to get her favorite food. Lol

If I may add, NEVER EVER let her get bored and feel taken for granted. Complacency is never an option if you're serious in getting in a relationship with her. That's what I did, that ended the relationship.
I guess my only concern is what happens when they become too comfortable? I feel like you only get one chance at an aries but not sure if you get them being overly friendly, telling you random things, whether you lose your chance cause they do like the mystery of it all.

As in, when do you know it's progressed past that stage where it's only friends. I feel like i'm treading that fine line at the moment. Some signs you can get away with being friends first, I don't see that in Aries haha
Posted by mcaesar69
I guess my only concern is what happens when they become too comfortable? I feel like you only get one chance at an aries but not sure if you get them being overly friendly, telling you random things, whether you lose your chance cause they do like the mystery of it all.

As in, when do you know it's progressed past that stage where it's only friends. I feel like i'm treading that fine line at the moment. Some signs you can get away with being friends first, I don't see that in Aries haha
I'm not really sure about aries women with venus in taurus, since my ex has hers in pisces so she would give someone sooo many chances until they get fed up.

I'd say you'd actually need to get to know her well because of her Gemini moon. Don't worry about starting off as friends, with her placements I think it'll be alright if you want to start at that stage. And as far as I know, Aries women values trust so much so starting out as friends brings an advantage.

Yes, at some point she'll get really comfortable around you if you both talk a lot. The only remedy for this is have exciting activities together. Also, let her know that you are interested in her. Make sure you compliment her and flirt with her so she'll be able to consider you as a romantic partner. Don't be afraid to be bold on your moves. Just be playful, she'll be obvious if she also feels the same way.

But you may encounter some difficulties with her Gemini moon, because she might play some mind games with you. I think you'd actually need to know when to push and when to pull, because you can't smother her too much of your attention and feelings, she'll run away. And you'll need time to pull yourself out of the situation to recuperate when you're getting confused with her. This also would help her realize her feelings for you or something. Lol

Hmmm kind of caught in that regard, as much as i'd like to let her know in some explicit terms i'm interested and lets see where this goes. She's told me many times that alot of guys get crushes on her, I don't want myself to be lumped into that category as in 'just another guy with a crush'. So i'm biding my time, continuing the banter. Ties in to what I said before, the flip side is whether or not being friends and stuff could lead to something more.

Hard to tell with this Aries girl, I know she wants something to happen (as in relationship), but of course picky. And considering every man and his dog has had a crush on her, if I reveal that too soon I don't think i'd be able to stand out from the crowd.

May need to compliment a bit more, ive been trying to go hot and cold with the banter. As in, playfully making fun of her but also being serious and talking about serious topics. Thank god i'm a gemini and can be versatile haha BUT you're absolutely right, I have 0 clue whether her attempts at saying 'friend' all the time etc., are just mind games, cause i've called her out on a few things. Half in jest, half serious. And she lowers her guard a bit so I take that as being good. But she's very stubborn, hard shell to crack haha
Posted by mcaesar69
Hmmm kind of caught in that regard, as much as i'd like to let her know in some explicit terms i'm interested and lets see where this goes. She's told me many times that alot of guys get crushes on her, I don't want myself to be lumped into that category as in 'just another guy with a crush'. So i'm biding my time, continuing the banter. Ties in to what I said before, the flip side is whether or not being friends and stuff could lead to something more.

Hard to tell with this Aries girl, I know she wants something to happen (as in relationship), but of course picky. And considering every man and his dog has had a crush on her, if I reveal that too soon I don't think i'd be able to stand out from the crowd.

May need to compliment a bit more, ive been trying to go hot and cold with the banter. As in, playfully making fun of her but also being serious and talking about serious topics. Thank god i'm a gemini and can be versatile haha BUT you're absolutely right, I have 0 clue whether her attempts at saying 'friend' all the time etc., are just mind games, cause i've called her out on a few things. Half in jest, half serious. And she lowers her guard a bit so I take that as being good. But she's very stubborn, hard shell to crack haha
Lol! I understand what you mean. Telling you that she's got a lot of options to choose from. And implying that she's keeping her options open. I've got sag rising and leo venus so I got really competitive to win her.

Anyways, I think you'll be able to win her heart. It's really like playing a chess game to win her. But if you do win her heart, I think she'll be loyal unless the relationship becomes boring.
Posted by mcaesar69
To my knowledge, she doesn't have heavy water placements,

Her moon is in Gemini (which is my Sun), Mercury is Aries, Venus is in Taurus and Mars also in Aries.

When you mention she might have done it to test me? What's the reaction you'd look for in that situation. I guess for me i'm cautious of revealing my position too quick, I feel like Aries love the chase as much as a Gem so i'm trying to slowly reveal more, but she has started to become a lot more open with me so I return in kind. I'm letting her set the pace.

And again, when you say, 'Just because I'll tell you all about my past relationships doesn't mean you should assume you're friend zoned.' - what would you mean by this. Are Aries normally selective with the information they let people know, as a Gem i'll be very open with conversation.

No, I haven;t asked her to hang out as in just us two, she recently asked me to go an an event which she will be at. But that's like a party thing, not a one-on-one type of thing.

I have all of the same aspets as this girl! Weird... Be direct that you are into her.
Posted by ariesx3
Hmmm. I don’t know if this is the case for all aries women, but I can definitely change my mind about a guy - most often against my own will. Let’s just get to it… When I get to know a new guy, I either see him as a potential friend, or as someone I want to bang. If I just want to have sex with him, I’ll be very direct about it and just get right to it. It has happened that I’ve developed feelings after.

If I, however, just see him as a potential friend, feelings will sooner or later start to develop for either me or him (or both of us). That honestly never fails. But even if I develop feelings, I will continue to act as a friend for a while; wouldn’t want to blow my cover. So I have developed feelings for someone, even though I just saw him as a friend at the beginning. The reason I started to get feelings for him, was because he started to pursue me, and that got me noticing him as well. The thing is, if he doesn’t do anything about it, I will just continue to see him as a friend, or think that he just wants to be friends.

In a boyfriend, we want both a friend and a lover. So it’s not bad to start as friends, as long as you make your move sooner or later.

And yes, tell her that you’re interested. If that’s too scary, ask her to do something instead. And compliment her and flirt with her, yes!

How long have you two been talking? In that time, have you seen a change in how she dresses/how much make-up she puts on, etc?
Yep, I agree.

So as an Aries (male) who's been with enough Aries women my experience has always been to take the direct approach with them. This isn't just because "aries are direct etc.." It's because we can be indirect if we're not sure where you stand.

Also take it from me, it's better to know the bad news than to be in the dark hoping for good news.

Take her somewhere nice, a legit date, feel her out a bit and CASUALLY let her know ur into her.

None of that "I've loved you since i first met you bs". Just make it clear that you have interest in her and ask her if she has interest in you.

If you get a no, then it's no.

If you get a yes,then it's yes.

If you get a "let me think about it" then it's probably yes but give her the time to actually think about it.

That's my advice anyways.
I hit it off so well with Gems in the beginning, it's so much fun. You guys can be so romantic.

There's no need to come right out and say I like you tho. Just show it in your actions. Don't be too direct. That kills some of the fun imo.

Just be free and real.
I have a Taurus Venus too btw. The reason you don't want to just lay it out is because she may still be unsure and you don't want it to get awkward. Be cool, confident and a lil mysterious. But still be there and consistent. If that makes sense.