First things first I'm a sagitarious female, with an Aries men. People are pulling me in different angles and I need some insight from either Aries men and people with experience. Question 1: do you guys lie when you tell someone you love them. He tells me through texta and even In person to my face. Do guys mean what you say and say what you mean with no beating around the bush?
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
For starters: How long have you known him? What is your relationship status (and for how long)? How old are the two of you?
We have been talking for about 2 months just as friends and we have been dating for 3 weeks and went exclusive for a week. He's 21 and I'm 25
Signed Up:
Aug 27, 2009Comments: 334 · Posts: 8771 · Topics: 323
and... you've had sex?
Some men are more like women sometimes...
He's infatuated, give it time.
Signed Up:
Sep 29, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 1652 · Topics: 19
Gonna' have to know a bunch more than what you have given us to have any clue at all. How is he acting, how long, etc.
But yes, we Aries tend to mean what we say, and say what we mean. We also move very quickly when we make up our minds.
Well we did have sex. It Wasent on the first date we were together. He did try but nothing happened. He wrote me poems and drew me picures. He dedicates country love songs to me. I mean ii know this is stilll in the beginning of the relationship. He told me withing the first week he loved me. I told him at first I do have feelings for you but it's not love yet we need to talk more and spend time together . So he started to grow on me. 2 nd time we were together we were eating and he held my hand called my name and said I love you. I told him that I'm not used to hearing thT saying. We went and watched a movie. Then after words we messed around.I was up front to him about how I felt about that and such. When I went to go drop him off. He kissed me and said he loves me. On my way home he told me I love you insert my name. Then I couldnt sleep. I can bemyself around him, we have a few things in common. I'm seriously starting to fall in love with him. So, I couldnt sleep. I texted him telling him, you make me happy, I can be myself around you, you make me laugh giggme. Then. It hit me that I ove him. So I sent that text knowing he was asleep. He sent me a text In the morning saying in love you too. I felt likehad to tell him even if it was late he didn't get upset by it.
I was with my Aries for quite a few years we met when I was just 18 he was 21 and we fell in love quickly said the ILU's within weeks of being together and he meant it and still does even though we are not together we still have that love for one another! Aries men are very passionate,loyal and loving they love hard and will tell you 100 times a day how much you mean to them the thing I love about Aries is they are not afraid to show emotion unlike the Virgo man! Aries men are also very outgoing and social the life of the party and they love their freedom and time to do their own thing! they are extremely active and strive to be the best at everything the set out to do! They are hardworking and overall great guys, the only down fault to the Aries is they can be very selfish and they tend to never really "Grow Up" my Aries is still in my life now he is in his 30's and still acts like a big kid lol
Oh ok. I'm just scared you know? Bc I really do care for and love this guy. If Aries men sttart to loose interest would they be upfront and honest?
And another thing that is kinda bothering me is that he gave me a ring to symbolze that I'm taking and I'm his. At frst I was confused by it, but I started to like the idea of wearing it. And even more when we talked about us being in an exclusive relationship, but when I took him home he was asking if the ring had fit. Then he asked me to give it to him and he was looking for the size and tool it back to use to size something. He told me I have a suprise for you at the moment it scared me I told him I feel like your dumping my by taking the ring back and he said. no imhe needs it to size a ring. I Told him I feel naked with out it and need something to replace it lol the ring was a very important ring to him. It had a prayer on it . I'm thinking I'm just overacting a tad lol this love is new to me
Aries men are extremely possessive and Jealous so I am not surprised he has given you a ring to symbolize you belong to him! I am sure you are overacting about him taking the ring back for sizing maybe he has something to add to it who knows? Hopefully not a engagement ring this early in the game lol I got proposed to by my ex Aries within 1 year, they are fire sign so they move fast and want to let everyone know you are theirs! and yes if he was losing interest they are very honest and direct, he would tell you. Aries men can be very insecure too and they are always wanting validation of your love to him quite often, but at the same time want their space and freedom and don't like a clingy women.
I honestly think he likes you and what he feels he's being honest.
My two cents, this is a tad bit fast to say I love you, something to watch out for. Have fun, enjoy your time spent with him, don't get too attached but do return the love back until it is known for sure he's going to stick by you in the long run if this is your desire.