Emotional, sensitive, blunt and honest. A bit of a story teller. Doesn't give any fucks. Easily bored. Lives in the past. Can't forget past love. Music. Oceans. Intuitive. Introspective if mercury retrograde. Day dreamer. Forgives easily. Often acts in ha
Not that I've heard many people say aqua mercs are difficult to communicate with, but I rarely hear them mentioned at all when there's a discussion about good/bad communicators.
I have never met an aqua merc I couldn't communicate with well and I have ba
What does it mean and what influence should it have on individual signs?
So there is an improvement, but I still can't see it in the forum threads or comments.
This is my Libra female my age I have a little of romantic history with. She texts me out of the blue at 9am, saying literally that she's messaging me out of the blue, and that she needs $200. She goes on to say how I'm a good person at heart, and she kno
Sometimes I think we take astrology to literal.
For example, I have 6 planets in the 5th house.
The 5th house is the house of creation, kids, love affairs.
I have zero kids and I'm not on the lookout for any.
But my creations are my kids. I give birt
I am into Parkour right now so I need Music. I dont know any good Technoartists. But I am looking for a easy grooves,
not high intense stuff.
I want this:
I dont want this:
I have a question about a topic that caught my attention. Why do men stay in long term relationships with no plans to marry? I mean I’m hearing about 16 year relationships just breaking up and the woman are expected to move on like nothing happened and is
What can you tell me about this aspect?