I'm trying to reach out to my ex boyfriend because I miss him and want to friends with him , and after giving him some time after our "kind of" mutual break up he's just been ignoring tf out of me! I don't think he has a real issue with me , he liked my recent new picture,...but he simply won't message me back?.. he just went on a trip with his cousins so I'd assume that being paired with he fact that Aries move on quickly he would be decent enough to be able to respond and if he does not desire to be my friend say so ?? I mean Aries are known for being blunt right? He always says he's straightforward and honest but uhhh why if not interest in a friendship or relationship why does he never stand up and say so?
He's Aries sun cap moon sag rising Aquarius Venus Leo mars
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Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8572 · Topics: 67
Sometimes the things we don't say, speak louder than the words we can or could...
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Jun 27, 2016Comments: 975 · Posts: 5791 · Topics: 44
Seems like you're pushing for this friendship only because you miss him. Let me tell you, it's not going to make you happy. You need to be 100% over him before you can be friends.
We are always the bad person because we to savage to want to continue fucking with somebody. If he wants to talk to you he will its that simple. We can move on and not care and still not want nothing to do with you. There nothing more blunt then ignoring somebody.
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
When I'm deeply hurt or angry I get really quiet.
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Jun 11, 2015Comments: 57 · Posts: 5858 · Topics: 191
This is more, perponal rant about your little problems that only apply to you, and less about astrology.
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May 14, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 55
I don’t understand what you want, I wouldn’t reply to you either, it’s waste of time. Go find some friends somewhere else?