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Mar 04, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1775 · Topics: 125
how do you know you just met an aries? If that person is an aries, he or she is very likely to have the following charactersitics:
aggressively opinionated
hair turns into flames when he or she is mad
never compromise with the opponent even after he surrenders
very obstinate when he's losing
gets the point of an argument several years later
picks fights with random people on the streets
a rebel without a cause
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Jun 24, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 370 · Topics: 73
it's weird but i just feel of notice when i meet a Aries person.
can't describe it ..
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Apr 27, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 547 · Topics: 36
well im an aries and i hate fighting and violence in general...i dont even like UFC or movies like "saw" because of the mindless violence
but i do love a good heated discussion and bust peoples balls and that gets me in hot water all the time
sweet as pisces brave as lion smart as gemini strong as bull
aries known to have sharp eyes , eyebrows look like horns
they also known to have a fast walk - they walk fast
The handsome, young knight falls in love, always, with an Unobtainable Lady. The obtainable ones are in his life, of course - they may be his wife. But they don't really count.
My God that is so true!
I remember people like crazy, and names, and random facts about them too. I don't even know why, I don't do it intentionally, I just happen to store that information without realizing it I suppose.
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Sep 12, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 501 · Topics: 35
"aggressively opinionated"
I think the description is true. My Aries husband wanted a divorce but now wants back into my life and we've been talking it through.. but his temper flars up and we are getting or trying to get to the core of why it happens and he says that it's because when he gets hurt when we talk or if he is frustraited he only knows how to express himself by getting loud. I'm learning... maybe it's just an Aries characteristic..maybe they don't mean anything by it. I've always taken offence to it and felt like I needed to go head on with him and that lead to fights..but now I'm starting to see that they are just aggressive in character... that's easier to deal with.
"picks fights"
Only when provoced from what i've seen...
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Oct 19, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 185 · Topics: 14
i think imma say this as of one.. Aries are smart like gemini only thing is that our intellectual powers always wonders onto the next thing somethin like a perpetual journey i would say
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Mar 28, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 21
When everything's so daym impulsive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: So can I come and see you?
Me: I'm little busy today, how about Tuesday. (2 days later)
A: I can't.
Me: Okay, another time then.
A: I'm here.
Me: Where?
A: (insert any spot 100m from you)
Me: But I thought you can't make it? I'm at the game.
% ^ $ &* $ **!!!
A: Let's go to A in next month.
Me: That sounds great, I have to inform my work first.
2 days later.
A: I'm going to A tomorrow, do you still want to come?
Me: But you said ... err?