Something good to post about, for a change!

This topic was created in the Aries forum by MadMarchRam on Thursday, July 2, 2015 and has 6 replies.
It feels good to be able to post something positive, that doesn't need analysis!

So a few wks ago I started dating a (Pisces sun/Scorpio moon) guy, NEVER thought I would go near another Pisces again after my sons father.

Anyway, since we first met online (don't judge pls lol) we were talking on the fone after 2days met after 5 for our 1st date, it's been great! Don't get me wrong I'm 36 and cynical due to experience, but we just instantly clicked. Everything about this man was everything I've ever wanted in one package!

Ever since then we've dated regularly and to my delight, our connect seems to get stronger. For the 1st time ever I feel like I can open up without fear, judgement
or repercussion.
So the 'chat' has been had and we're on the same page and want to be exclusive.

It's early days, but I'm optimistic, I've never been in a situation/relationship that's felt so natural and easy. There's always been some issue, test or something to prove or give up to make it work.

Yet this is a nice natural, easy unforced pace. It's been 6yrs since I let someone in emotionally and in glad I did!

That is all! _ ?
Good for you! ^__^
Thank you guys!

I will keep you updated from time to time even if I'm wrong, I'm not to proud to admit when I am lol
Posted by tiziani
36 and cynical lol

Good stuff. I'm hapoy for you.

Lol I did say due to experience
congrats smile
Thanks guys _ ?