Hey Peeps, I am back from my training seminar. Most of you know I'm a corporate trainer so this was a Train the Trai
I'm a 24yr old cap, and she just turned 26 (Sept.10). We met pretty much on twitter, but had a lot of mutual associates.
When you introduce someone to your family...... does this mean anything to yall? Or is it no big deal? One day recen
I need your Virgoan perspective on my new guy's chart. Feel free to pick him apart :P Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Time un
The Soul-Mate Seeker: Someone who is doing everything she can to find The One. The Phoenix: A woman who recently had
Ladies, if I say I will fix it, I will there is no need to remind me every 6 months about it.
so me and the sag guy were having a conversation and he was telling me about how he got fired from 2 jobs for showing up
Hi I am a Pisces sun,Scorpio moon, Cancer rising because of this combo I am too sweet as per my colleges .. dumb, l
Hi all, Just out of interest, do any of you clever Leo's care to take a look at me and my boyfriends chart? It wou