I am a Taurus sun,a Leo moon, and Taurus in Venus. I am wondering why the heck I keep attracting Aries and Leos. I am on a dating site and all my matches are in fire signs. When I checked out the matches I am "suppose to go well with" (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) the few I checked out seemed arrogant. What is strange is that I was in a seven year relationship with a cap. All together I have known him for twelve years (were friends).
So is my leo pulling these fire signs in? If so what the heck am I suppose to do with a head first ask questions Aries? Or a braggy Leo? I say hi to the guys and withing two messages they give me their number and I get thrown off so bad. Or I finally see a guy and I am given cutesy names like darling after the first date. That was a turn off... since it was so soon. I feel like I am trying to date in the wrong century.
I use to be extremely shy. I can be shy even now when it come to going to a bar full of people. I feel out of place but I like to do spontaneous things like biking, pool, bowling all without planning. Any advice would be great. Full chart below.
lilith- pisces
asc nod-gemini
ive just text aries and i shouldnt have.
So this is normal and go with it? I was reading how I would have to keep an aries on his toes to keep him interested. That doesn't sound stable and way to much trouble for me to bother with. However the in the bed part sounds very interesting to me indeed. I went on a date with a Virgo and he creeped me out I ran for the hills. Mabe I should give arie and leo a try. I wouldn't bother with a sag. My brother is one and he fights over everything.
Omg my brother is a Sag and single. He will start to ask for advice on how to get women and to get their number. He says he is shy. My advice is that he starts off as friends and then later when your both ready ask for a relationship. He gets defensive and says "why do I have to be in a relationship"? Huh?? I take it he wants to chase and be chased but never get caught.. ever.