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May 09, 2018Comments: 2 · Posts: 235 · Topics: 11
This Aries man and I recently met/ reconnected about a few weeks ago. I in no shape or form had any plans to be interested in someone so soon because these men of my generation...whew chile!! (different story) & I'm so quick to cut people off when I sense BS ..
However.. it's hasn't been the case with this Ram & since he lives less than 5 minutes away from me I've been spending most of my days this past few weeks with him...
So a little bit about me... I've been single going on 3 years now and haven't been sexual with anyone since, he knows this and to my surprise he told me he finds that attractive. NYE he wanted us to bring the new year in together and once the clocked strike 12 we shared our first kiss. That's when the fire ignited and it's been so hot lately...
When I'm around him we have such interesting & deep conversations, it's like I've been knowing him for years. Also, I am so myself around him which is a first for me especially this soon. A couple of nights ago I end up spending the night at his place & although there was no sex, I wanted to so bad. I just feel like it's a little too soon & (don't hate me for this comment) I honestly enjoy the chase. Anyways, that night we spent half the evening talking about our lives and the other half teasing each other...four play without the play play!! I kept stopping him because I didn't want his hopes to get too high but he didn't care ...His aggression and how passionate he is is what I like most about him...with all that being said my question is
Does this pair work? or will the fire only be hot for so long before it dies?
Sun: Aries
Moon: Taurus
Rising: ?
Mercury: Aries
Venus: Aries
Mars: Gemini
Sun: Virgo
Moon: Cancer
Rising: Leo
Mercury: Virgo
Venus: Virgo
Mars: Gemini
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Aug 20, 2018Comments: 3863 · Posts: 2108 · Topics: 3
this looks fairly compatible - I'm sure the experts will chime in soon