Please tell me I'm not the only one that absolutely HATES inconsistency! Currently talking to a cancer, he has made several suggestions about meeting up, has said the next weekends he's available and now when I try to confirm to make sure that's okay noth
Okay I slept with a girl for the first time about a week ago. Without going into but so many details I guess I had a hard time keeping her aroused. After dropping her off the next day (a week ago) we haven't spoken. 1.Okay so guys, is it just me or is
I learnt that aquas don't like ppl who play games but for some reason they make a great pair with geminis who play A LOL of games sometimes? Does this not repel aquas?
Question for sag males feel free to answer.why do you disappeare when in a relationship??
Do you crabs like clingy people? Your opinions on clingy people? People that may not be emotionally needy but wants to be around you.
I feel I need a break from it. So, I'm going to try to keep it deactivated for a month and cleanse my mind from the fake crap. Have you guys felt this way? I do, like it for keeping up with important events for my kids but I started posting tho
Scared I am never gonna have the chance! No man is safe in my presence in this mode.
Hello :-) Moon in cappie rising sagg and venus in leo! I'll be honest ...sort of..