Aaaww duude... I feel for you. Thank you for the encouragement. I really need some inside info from the aries ladies on what to do from here... cuz the signs are there... but she has no time??? Or was she just testing me to see if I would be a burden on her?? Hmmmm....
What if I can match her coldness and maintain it? Maybe I should have this thing evolved purely around sex, lust and desire? And then be really cold after? I am deep though... like I feeeel it down to my atoms :p
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
So you want someone to help you, yet you can't be assed to proofread your own writing?
I don't help lazy people, sorry.
So does that mean she is not in to me??? Cuz she's not all over me...??
Hmmm... why would she give me all those signs at the party? Why dod she talk to me ober 3-4 days when being so busy? She could habe just ignored or let me know in thr beginning?
Why woild she tell me we are to see each other again guaranteed?
....if she just likes me as a person??? I am asking judgement free. I want answers from u..
Omg folks give it a rest!! :p i am typing on my galaxy s7 edge. The E is right next to the W.. so Woman was typed as eoman :p
I wanna get down with an aries, i am not trying to win a spelling contest...
Is this a lost case for me???
Hmmm... I can feel what you are saying. That kind of sux ass... I'm gonna crawl under my blanket now in baby position...
I like you. Are you hot??
Ok, this is to EagleScorp. I am an Aries woman who can give you some insight. I don't know how young she is or you are but, it seems like you don't even have time to go to the bathroom, let alone pursue this ball of fire we know as Aries. Young Aries women, are independent and need alot of space. They are very driven in their own achievements and are highly skeptical when a guy says things like I am not here to take your independence. You let her know you were in the building phase of your life, with career moves and establishing yourself. Aries have to be number one or none at all in their relationships. If you are the jealous type or insecure about the fact that she may not get back to you as quickly or at all as you would like, stop right now, because Aries women do not like guys who are smothery or too emotional. Also, it is good you tell her you have goals, but she may take it as you bragging or that your a big deal. You may be, but it could come off as arrogant or superficial like your of great value and she needs to give you that validation. I would hang back a bit if I were you, not repond and if some time passes, write her something, how you feel. Iknow I love to know when a former lover has told me what Ido for them emotionally, physically, it's empowering and it gives validation to ur importance. Trust me, I love deeply, passionately, Aries women are alot like Scorpio's..but, you have to fight for us if she is worthy of your affections. you seem like a sincere man, stay true to that and don't lose your bearing. An Aries woman NEEDS her man to be as strong as a titanium wall in any given situation. She will be studying your face and your body language. You have to be the Don Draper of her world. Strong, ballsy, a risk-taker, adventureous and please, don't ever get predictable. We lose interest..
You think 35-36 is old???? Nooooo....... whaaat? 45+ is starting to get old...55+ is just nasty..
I dont want older women. I want this Aries girl which is my own age..:p....but I do feel Im too mature for girls my own age
Signed Up:
Oct 30, 2017Comments: 206 · Posts: 1368 · Topics: 16
I went to a party a few weeks back with my cap and he brought his Scorpio friend.
True story.
His Scorpio friend took home the hottest aries chick at the party that night.
He exuded confidence and sex appeal in a demure way. This is the true key to any Aries girls heart.
Ok let me give u guys some undisclosed info. Before I told her "let me be straight with you"
I had already asked her where her favorite spots in town was, she replied and we had talked a bit about me being inspired and fascinated by her. She seemed to enjoy the ego boost. I then said:
"Can I get you to go out with me? I know there is much more to learn from you"
She then replied: "im not sure what I have that you can learn from me :p theres a big chance we might hit one of them nightclubs next time we meet at a get together/home party"
I then said: " ...you have everything that I can learn. But you cant teach it to anyone. Those with eyes to see, will learn from you on their own"
And thats when I wrote the "let me be straight with you" message....
So I have asked her out and I have been straight.... honestly... Im attractive, I got depth, and sex appeal... and I know for a fact thst she's a horndog... but why am I not getting a hook?
What does this mean ^^^ ????
Aaahhhh..... so much complicationzZz...makes me just wanna go to sleep. Why can't she just be more like you?! You know what...I dont think shes interested... you are probably right...
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6936 · Posts: 3915 · Topics: 152
Stop fuckin texting so much and fuckin ASK HER OUT, arrange a fuck session or dinner.. Whatever your intentions are.
You made a mistake.
Your phone is one for one purpose when you dating somebody.. To do just what I just told you..
You see all the things you talked about? You could talked about those things in person..
She hasn't replied because she got her fix. Her curiousity fix.
Wait about a week and text her again, an ask to fuckin get with her..
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6936 · Posts: 3915 · Topics: 152
And you kissing her ass too much.
Okay. She's cool, she's funny, she's attractive.
She knows this.
Sometimes a woman just wants someone that takes THEIR breath away, not someone who's breath is taken away by them.
They don't like pedestals and you giving her one and you haven't even fucked her yet.
Learn some game..
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6936 · Posts: 3915 · Topics: 152
She most likely LOST interest but that don't mean she's completely uninterested.
But, you texted her for 3-4 days in a row for what?? I thought you were a water sign, why aren't you being mysterious?
Mysterious creates curiousity, which creates attraction.
You wasted a lot of physical conversation before you could get her on a date and talk about those same exact things.
Please, give it time. Let her wonder about you. If you can help it, let her hit you up FIRST..
I’m an Aries woman and after reading the text I would strongly recommend you leave her alone. Aries don’t play coy. She told you very directly what she was willing to do and that was to see you around. We are narcissistic at times and enjoy attention. But that’s not to be confused with being attracted in return. I think your best option is to stop all contact. When you do see her socially give her a nod NO HUGGING NO TALKING and a smile then ignore her. Also be low key talk to people but don’t be loud or super extra. We like quiet mysterious guys who are emotionally unavailable. That’s an invitation to a challenge. The best way to impress her is not to try and impress her. The problem is more than likely she’ll be too flirty and you’ll be too deep. But the chase should be fun.
Signed Up:
Oct 30, 2017Comments: 206 · Posts: 1368 · Topics: 16
You funny ask her out you demand her out
I was dating an Aries man, but he kept pressuring me to be perfect and successful when I already had other obligations. I didn't like the thought of losing him but at least I now had the chance to find a man who liked as a person.