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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
So, ive been hanging out with this Aries like literally 3 times a week for like 6 weeks. He's the one that just got out of an 11 year relationship end of April. I like him a lot!!!! But im respecting him and his situation. He needs time to heal, i get it. He flirts hardcore with me. Tells me that he is blown away by our connection (it genuinely is next level). That he finds me attractive. That i'm perfect.... its sweet. he checks in on me daily. Is just so amazing. However, he also has been clear that he is going to take time off dating. We go out every other day. Talk all day on the phone. Its a nice friendship. He rented a room for us at the casino next week. Just all around fun.
He has expressed he needs time be alone.... so I was telling him that i'm the opposite. I've been single for a year and a half. So, he tells me surely there is someone who I have in my phone, etc that I can hit up. I say no...but that there is a new guy at my work who seems nice that wants to take me out. His body demeanor changes... then he starts pointing out women at the bar, telling me about some girl that hit him up... texting me the next day asking how my "dating strategy" was going. Just like so blatantly jealous and trying to make me feel the same. I wouldn't give in to that. I started being playful back... Like "oh yeah, she is cute. I can be your wing man.... maybe we should move closer to the bar.etc".... I was not going to give in!!!! hahaha.
But as I drove home I realized I actually really like this dude. I want to be friends, I probably should be dating others..... but if I do like him and hope for something down the line... should I keep my personal affairs secret? Its so confusing because its like were dating but not. Its a very confusing dynamic.
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Jan 05, 2018Comments: 21 · Posts: 630 · Topics: 0
He’s being childish here. He’s telling you he wants to be alone and if you don’t have someone else to hit up, and then wants to act jealous when you do.
Even if this was a test as someone is suggesting, it’s lame and immature.
If you do like him that much, maybe just tell him honestly that you like him and would like to pursue something with him. If he hesitates then at least you tried, and can move on to maybe date someone that’s more mature.
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Jul 28, 2016Comments: 4222 · Posts: 6474 · Topics: 83
Put him in his place right now. Tell him no games lol because they live and love to test. He will respect you more when you call him out on it.
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May 14, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 55
Whoever said this was a test is talking total BS! Guys very rarely test, that’s something instinctively women do and guys don’t usually like it, they don’t like testing or being tested.
100% yes keep the other guys secret, even your friends, keep them completely secret unless asked directly and avoid revealing anything if you can.
Women get turned on by guys that are in demand, it’s social proof to them, like the handbag all the women want, the woman wants to buy it. They’ve done experiments where they’ve proven men wearing a wedding ring are more attractive, it’s just social proof. This does not apply to men. Men do not find women in demand attractive.
But you did make a mistake acting like it was a joke, look you reward him with jokes and flirting if you like what he says. But my guess is he left the conversation confused and thinking you don’t care if he sees other women. All that should have been a mystery to him, you shouldn’t have responded at all if you couldn’t do it properly, joking was the wrong move. It might be ok, who knows.
You and other guys needs to be a complete mystery to him, how many other guys are chasing you needs to be a mystery, at the moment you just revealed all your cards and they are not good, you have no other love interests and no other guys chasing you? Just appears low value, you need to step it up. I think you should have said to him, that you’re the only women he needs now... something that shows a bit more confidence.
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May 14, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 798 · Topics: 55
I think it depends on your definition of tests, guys still look for evidence and ask questions and might say something but mean another, they may provoke, tease etc... but I don’t think they try to set up traps to test neediness, whether they will make a good parent, if they possess good instincts etc... they can’t do that. If they do it’s no way near the level a women does it, and it’s simply because men value looks more, whereas a women is attracted to more than looks, and has to test whether the guy is a jerk, if he’ll leave after having a baby, if he can provide etc... women actually need to know alot more in a relationship as a guy can walk away and have not wasted time, women actually can waste time with the wrong guy. Hmmz lol this should be another question as I’m not sure myself. Guys just assume a women is hot now and she will never change, which is rubbish but they never think that upfront, women test a guy to see if they are good long term and to see if he will become something special, but then the guy never changes.
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Jul 18, 2012Comments: 872 · Posts: 3486 · Topics: 236
Yeah, IDK. I think we both feel weird about the situation. Its evident he is attracted to me and likes me. Our chemistry is very strong. It's confusing because he keeps saying he wants to remain single a year. But then tells me how perfect he thinks I am. How attractive he thinks I am. That our connection is so intense that it freaks him out. ETC. Every time we hangout we end up talking somewhere for at least 4 hours. No joke.
So, I would love to allow him to know how I feel, but his actions confuse me.
I guess I'm going to keep my dating situation to myself... since I can definitely tell its awkward.
Yesterday was weird when we chatted.