What Can I Do About This Cap?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by AriesSweetness on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 and has 12 replies.
Went out on an official date with my Cap on Sat. Nicest guy ever, and really wanted to please me. But, he moved soooo slow in his thinking and actions. Everything he said was scripted. Every move he made was rehearsed. I began to wonder how I could be so turned off by such a nice guy?! Is this just me, cause I'm Aries? I'm kinda frustrated with myself for not being more accepting!
Why do you feel you have to do something?
Whats the saying....nice guys finish last?! Your feelings are not abnormal. If you are not attraacted to him leave it at that.
Posted by lnana04
Why do you feel you have to do something?
Whats the saying....nice guys finish last?! Your feelings are not abnormal. If you are not attraacted to him leave it at that.

I don't have to feel anything, this I know, however, when samll things like this prevents 2 people from getting closer, it sucks. Nice guys shouldn't finish last in my world! I'm just really frustrated with my singleness, all because I can't get past the small stuff.
Maybe talking to him about how I feel will help?
Gawd, don't be stupid.
At least give it a few more dates before you get so judgemental. You need to work on your esp. Dude was nervous. If you can't see beyond your own nose and empathize with what he may be feeling, then you shouldn't be dating.
i'm combining a few comments here in agreement that you should give him a couple other shots, but you definitely dont need to force an attraction out of yourself. that'd just be unfair to you both.
in your defense, and i hate to say this about my male counterparts *sigh* the cap guys i know, here in vegas at least... are pretty lame. i'm not judging the whole lot on these two obvi, but you know... some of 'em really do need to try less hard. i'd be willing to bet that they'd be so much more fun not being so self conscious, paranoid and overly shrewd.
but at any rate, lol... give him another shot if you fancy Big Grin
From one Aries to another...your energy and excitement is probably going to be to much for the guy. Having a Virgo moon may help...give him another try for sure...he was nervous. But I'm telling you, Aries and Capricorn is going to be tough. Aries will need to calm the fire down some and his earthyness, well I don't know what to do about that.
p.s. for what it's worth...I have a Capricorn daughter, so I know what I speak of...they are slow, methodical and think everything through before making any decisions or moves . Not a bad trait, just not an Aries trait all the time. This "slowness" you explain, probably won't change, doesn't mean he's not capable of fun and stuff...just sayin'.
They seem to be aloof and stiff. Very aloof..
Soooooo that's why her friends said I was trying too hard and always run into awesome Aries girls that I end up being friends with. Because after the first contact I like them better but am not that attracted to them anymore.
Ah well Tongue
Posted by AriesSweetness
Went out on an official date with my Cap on Sat. Nicest guy ever, and really wanted to please me. But, he moved soooo slow in his thinking and actions. Everything he said was scripted. Every move he made was rehearsed. I began to wonder how I could be so turned off by such a nice guy?! Is this just me, cause I'm Aries? I'm kinda frustrated with myself for not being more accepting!

You could've quoted my Aries friend on her first date with the Cap she's been seeing.
She told me exactly the same things, yet here they are 5 years later.
i have a cap freind, i think that they are slow, but I mean, they take they're time, no tlike us aries that just blurt out anything... enjoy the slowness and give him another shot, he may have been very nervous, and no wonder with an aries..
I think as a masculine sign aries is more assertive and proactive. Caps are feminine. As with women they take some time to warm up.
Its like u want him to be more RAWR lol