what does this aries ex want?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by rainbow33 on Wednesday, June 29, 2016 and has 3 replies.
So He broke up with me, then text me again. Asked me out a few times, met a few times. Then I ask him out, He just wouldnt come out? He did not reject me directly. Just said to be confirm or so but always never follow up??

Until this guy came into the picture, he start to ask me out again. Now he never ask me out again. So he's still in love with me or not? can you guys just help me? What should I do? I think I should just talk clear with him? I dont know man. He's dragging me?? I have not reply his last text. Should I or should I not?

He sign:

Venus: Taurus,

Mas: Pisces.
Hah this so so confusing and it shouldn't and I have seen and heard lots of this type of actions before. Not sure about you but I don't like games like that. Either we work on it and see, or relatively quickly just friends. Or he's just going to be am NSA benefit to you.

I think you should be clear to us when you're asking a question? I can't understand what you're asking lol

It sounds like you need to stay clear from him for a bit, let him sort his head out and decide what he really wants. There's no point being with someone who doesn't know if they like you or not.

I wouldn't be clear with him, just find other things as a distraction for now, reply to his texts but don't be the first to engage. Making a fuss will make you come across as desperate or something, and he needs to know that you are the lady, you are the one to fight for, and he is the one who needs to do the work. If he doesn't, then no loss, wait for a guy who really knows that he likes you.