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Apr 03, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 368 · Topics: 27
So you finally open up about what you’re deep down hurting about, which isn’t an often occurrence because you don’t admit to others certian things, and then the person you opened up to makes it all about them and how they had “similar” (not similar what so fucking ever) things and totally relate and explain their story and talk all about how it made them feel and then go on a tangent about themselves....what do you do?
I get really mad and feel even more like.l no one understands or tries to and shut them out fast, and never open up to them again.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
It’s how people communicate. If you tell me about a terrible thing and I’ve experienced something similar I’m gonna open up about it too.
Just direct the conversation back to you.
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36321 · Posts: 40810 · Topics: 321
I've noticed people do that here rather than just listen to the person's story
Let them finish comparing it to whatever they think happened in their life is comparable to what u opened up about .. when they’re finished tell them “this was really hard for me to talk about , I feel like u made it just about yourself & it makes me want to shut down” .. take it from there
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Mar 31, 2017Comments: 2563 · Posts: 6340 · Topics: 139
I have a Libra friend like this. I tried to let her decide the fate of our friendship by posing the “hypothetical” question: If you had a friend who always one ups you even when you open up to them, would you 1) Quit talking to them, 2) Pretend like it never happened, 3) Stop sharing secrets with them, or 4) Try to one up them back. She chose 2, at which point I confessed I felt like she tries to one-up me and then hinted at my double-life. For a minute she stopped trying to one up...But her true colors eventually came up again. So I’m finna fade out of her life.
I advise you do the same, OP. Ask the hypothetical question just like you did here, and see what le friend says.