is there any other sign that can make you stop and think before doing?
the quiet/reserved ones always get to me...
scorpios may draw me in, but i can never be sure of their motives...but you are right can't beat them in the persuasion department
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Feb 22, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
Capricorns, sometimes Virgos.
Yeah me too Caps not so much, Aqua yes yes yes
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Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
i think ive just had a really bad experience with virgos. it always feel like there is an attempt at manipulation and i dont like people trying to get a reaction out of me so i opt to shut down and pretend i didnt notice. i would not call that listening or calming at all haha
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Apr 03, 2009Comments: 3 · Posts: 4341 · Topics: 104
From my experience with Caps, Scorps, and Virgo's. They look for a moment of weakness in people, then they make their move. That's why all 3 study their prey before the pounce. I don't think they are persuasive at all. Doesn't take a persuasive person to persuade all the time. Just a person willing to go through the trouble to find that "Chink" in your armor. Those three will make the effort. Usually because they are hiding something, and are trying to keep YOU from finding out their secrets. Bill Gates is a Scorpio, and gets all the credit for Windows. But, it was Steve Jobs a Pisces that created it. So, as you may suspect. Bill Gates caught Steve Jobs in a moment of weakness and stole it from him. Windows never works the way it should. But, Stevo is having the last laugh. I've worked for Goldman Sachs for over 13 years now. And let me tell ya. Gemini's are the top sales people in business. Every "Top Dog" in my office is a Gem. I think it's because we can literally have two conversations at once, and still separate the two. LOL! But, if you analyze the question from a logical point of view. You may be able to look at it in three dimensional, as opposed to two dimensional. Just my view.