why are aries men so difficult to read?

This topic was created in the Aries forum by *angelface* on Wednesday, June 7, 2006 and has 5 replies.
hi angelface here,
let me start off by telling you that i am also an aries.
last week saturday i met an amazing arian man at a club he is 7 years older than me, we spent the whole night together no one could believe that we had just met as we were so close people thought that we had been seeing one another for a while anyway i went home that night telling my friends that i had met my soulmate. then the next day (sunday) he called and we went to his house to watch a dvd we almost slept together that night but didnt as we both decided it was too soon i ended up sleeping at his house that night nothing happend he just held me the whole night it was amazing it feels like ive known jadd forever i am so comfortable around him. then on monday night we decided that we would see eachother on tuesday so we could get a good nights sleep.we spoke on the phone for two hours that night.
then yesturday he came to fetch me from work to take me for lunch. then afterwork he came to fetch me again. we went for supper last night to a lovley thai resturant afterwards we went back to his place to watch a movie, things got hot and we ended up sleeping together i dont normally sleep with a guy so soon but it felt so right.he held me the whole night. he thought i was sleeping and i heard him wisper "you are such a special girl". but this morning he has been very indifferent towards me and i cant understand why everything seemed so perfect. im starting to think that all he wanted was sex but then how could he be so nice am i reading to much into this or is he the slyest most cunning snake ive ever come accross in my life? then i smsed him this moning asking if we were now offically seeing each other and he wrote back MAYBE would this guy not jump at the chance to go out with me if he really felt how he acted?
I'm being honest..comming from a typical aries.. you gave in too soon.. and the fact that he doesn't seem to interested in NOT a good sign.. we usually know immediately whether or not that person is for us... I would move on and not even waste my time... the only thing you could do now is play it off like you don't care.... maybe then he'll come to his senses and crawl back to you.

Hell no... if your into constant drama... ups and down... if your willing to live a bi-polar life.. have at it.. I'm much to old to deal with that kinda crap
Aries men are fast movers! I've found you have to be the one to "slow them down" a bit if you want a relationship with them. You're an aries, you probably don't like to feel rushed and he may feel like when you asked him if you and he were "official", he felt a little trapped. Like why do women sleep with a guy and then feel like they own him? Give it some time, angelface. He did say "Maybe". Once he sees you are not pushing him into something he may not have decided on yet, he'll be ok.
Send him one dozen roses (red) and then don't ever speak to him again. Include a touching and passionate note with it. DO NOT CALL HIM....LET HIM COME TO YOU!!!!!! You don't understand the aries male. You must let them pursue you, chase you. Win their heart in the process. Be creative, be a challenge. Let them know others find you desirable.
This is your only chance.