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Dec 01, 2015Comments: 33 · Posts: 5490 · Topics: 118
So I see a male Aries buddy of mine today, and he hangs around chatting. He makes a comment to get under my skin (as he ALWAYS does) and I give him a smartarse retort. He stops mid sentence and asks "wait-- did you?" He uses code, but I understood that he was asking if I finally smoked weed. I nod and say 'yes.'
Thing is, Aries is the first one I asked to hook me up with weed and he immediately refused me because he said he'd feel to guilty and that he just can't bring himself to "corrupt" me."
He then says, "Ah, well, I still couldn't bring myself to do it. As much as a woman to...I don't mean this negatively in're just like a - a - WOMAN CHILD."
Omg... =.=" Aries, what is the deal? @.@
Just wait, until you start time travelling!