A bit paranoid now

This topic was created in the Ascendants forum by brianafay on Friday, June 28, 2013 and has 12 replies.
I just went to the grocery store...not looking completely wrecked, but I had no makeup on. I had just showered, didn't feel like it. Not that unusual, I hardly wear any as it is so it can't make that big of a difference.
I swear to God everyone was staring at me. :/
I checked to see if I had something on my face. Nope.
Boobies weren't hanging out.
The only thing I can think of is my Scorp rising is especially strong today.
Maybe I looked mad?
I'm about to post a picture I am so paranoid about this lol
No I had a nice long nap today...I think my face actually looks pretty fresh! I got some sun last weekend
Idk what the big deal is! :/
They were admiring your natural beauty smile
Trust me, that's not it lol
I think I look really Scorpy today
no on in RL would understand what I mean to ask them haha
Lol^ this guy
& I think I know why now...I live in a college town...fall semester is getting close...freshman are herding in....people are probably thrown off to see a girl in Publix not dressed like she's going to the club with full makeup on lol
takes them a while to catch on that no one gives a fuck
Because little white girls go for a lot of money on the black market! Just saying...
Sorry to inform you bri, but your sexy was hanging out when you left. Bitches were actually jelly so they didn't say anything.
i have the same problem. and i am always the one saying 'why is everyone staring at me?!' i get it when im dolled up, but wearing a baggy tee shirt and a scrunchie...what the....?
this is my first post btw. im sag with scorp rising and this post is what inspired me to get a user name so i could respond smile
Posted by justanothercrazysag

are you retrofitted for scrunchies?
haha, i guess so. they are unfortunately the only hair tie that doesnt dent my hair.