Attention Magnet vs Attention Whore Scorpio Rising

This topic was created in the Ascendants forum by EmilyClaire on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 and has 19 replies.
I get into a debate all the time with my boyfriend about the fact that I feel when I go out into public EVERYONE stares at me. It isn't just men, babies and women and everything in between I will catch staring at me. My boyfriend has said he noticed it before but now just tries saying that I'm paranoid and see what I want to see. So I'm wondering if other Scorpio Ascendants have ever noticed anything similar since I've read about how this rising sign has such an intense presence. Share your thoughts! smile
Idk why that says "just like me" it should say Attention magnet vs Attention whore
"Attention Magnet vs Attention just like me Scorpio Rising"
I swear on my life I thought that read, "Attention Magnet vs Attention (WHORE) just like me Scorpio Rising"
but you are hot and blonde & a scorpio rising, babies stare at everyone I think.
there you have it,the scorpio eternal mindset. 'everyone is looking @ meeee everyone loves meeee
O the Humanityyyy'
I'm a Scorpio rising and I must admit I do sometimes feel like that, but normally makes me self conscious that I don't look right. Never feel like my presence is commanding ppl look at me.
Scorpio Rising here. Yeah I definitely get stared at by literally everyone. It's true that one some level this is just how /good/ you look. But also that you have a way of moving, posturing, etc that commands attention. But most importantly is regardless, if you have such presence... /you're in charge/.
There's overlap here for me too though, as I'm an ENTJ and an "Alpha Male" or whatever. So it's largely an intimidation thing for me. But also, in an emergency situation I'm probably the primate everyone is going to be lookin at to do something about it.
Idk my Libra is always getting pissed when people stare...but I honestly don't notice if they do. I try not to make eye contact with just invites weirdos to talk to you or people trying to start some shut because they think you gave them stank eye (when really that's just your face)
Stare back. Eat a banana while you do it. That'll teach them.
Virgo rising here. It's always been like that for me too, but I don't think it's because anyone is intimidated by me. People CAN be intimidated by me if I'm pissed off or, quite frankly, if I want them to be, but not otherwise. On the contrary, it's like there is a huge sign on my forehead, reading INFORMATION. People ask me for direction wherever I am and ask my advice on...anything really, and it's not because of the way I dress. At parties it's like everyone turns towards the entrance when i walk in; when everyone else enters, they keep mingling. And no, I am not Doutzen Kroes. (maybe they all just need directions to the bathroom. Yeah, probably.Winking)
Years ago, I was rather weirded out by it and there was a period of time when I looked down onto the ground everytime I entered a room, and made my way as quietly as I could into a corner from where I could breathe in the athmosphere and then slowly start mingling after a while. In my middle teens I didn't even notice it especially, until my friends told me that it happened and that's when I became concious about it. Now, I'm kind of used to it and just take it as it comes, but I still feel it's a little weird at times.
I don't know if it matters, but my pluto is conjunct my ascendant. I don't know how that works yet, though; I'm working on figuring that out atm, so it was interresting to read your experiance of it, Airman. If anyone else has an opinion about it, please let me know. And I'm not sure if my experiances fit either virgo or scorpio rising, tbh. Again, if anyone has an opinion, please let me know.
Sometimes when you have large breast you get stared at a lot. I noticed that people stare at me all the time, women and men alike. I think it maybe the fact that I have large breast. I have considered getting a breast reduction.
It's probably just the push up bra, tits hanging out of shirt, and bleach blonde hair. Guys wanna fuck you, not marry you. Relax.
Posted by KsamCancer
Lol not trying to criticize, but you look like you're on the verge of being in a playboy magazine.

Can I get a furrreeaaals
Posted by MindControl
You're too conceited; either that or just like a typical Scorpio Ascendant, you're paranoid. It has nothing to do with being a Scorpio rising in your case I don't think. You're a hot blonde chick. What do you expect? For people to shield their eyes? You're easy on the eyes, that's why they stare. plain and simple.

Way too conceited. Tone it down before your bf breaks up with you.
Posted by AirMan
yeah i think i oughta take a selfish with my mouth wrapped in a cloth and put it on my avatar too. well at least i won't get many stares that way Tongue.

Take it, well be twins
I also have a Scorpio ascendant. I have similar experiences and have had this discussion with before. My recent ex would say it was the Scorpio ascendant or even perhaps my Cancer moon (he believed that a Cancer moon is also a people magnet). I just draw people in, and not on purpose. Even before I "blossomed", I could always draw attention very easily when I walked into a room. As my self esteem grows stronger, I am more comfortable with it. I see it as a gift now, but there are times it makes me uncomfortable and anxious.
OMG YES!! Im a totl attention magnet. but im also an attentio whore. Big Grin
But everyon trie to open up in very emoionlly or sexually intense was..maybe i loost trust worthy but i have no idea why.
Posted by Impulsv
Shit I'm Scorpio n nobody stares lol

Show cleavage and they will stare
@MizLeo- Hm I am also a water sign ascendant and a Venus in Taurus. I do get the looks . I think to myself what is it as to why I attract wanted and unwanted attention... I am conservative when I dress up and at work I am reserved and chilled.. and I don't really look up when walking. But my brother and friends always tell me things on how people are looking at me and I wonder and ask do I look alright, is my makeup smeared, is it that I am matching to a tee..idk. I'll never know.
I always wear sunglasses as to why I do see the attention, and when I am actually paying attention to everyone that's when I think what's on my body or face as to why people are checking me I see you what!