Cap rising or sag rising

This topic was created in the Ascendants forum by HateMeNowIloveit on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 and has 25 replies.
Im over thinking things because my mans sure but not absolutely sure of his time of birth. The time in which is says is in the area, is an area in which sag rising turns into cap rising.

I use comparisons of people I know in my life with both rising signs and have come up clueless.

For starters he is cap stelium like me. So its hard to tell who we are other than earthy.

Hes unlike any man ive ever met and that def isnt helping although its why he is a keeper. (Also has never cheated a day in his life)🥰

I see sag rising as home bodies who are good at hosting parties. All of the sag rising people I know are good at that sort of thing.

I see cap rising as the self drivers. People who work on their talents or self in hopes to build an empire of their capabilities. Whether its being good at video games or looking organically like no one else on this planet, they got it down.

My man has a sag mercury so the out there ness is also there, and soooo atractive (my sag mars 🫠🥰)

I have bpd and I got triggered by something and instead of making it about him (everyone and their mom does) instead he talked me through it, he thought I was going to leave him but he stayed, and I told him even tho its hard on me, and he might get tired of it, but talking me through my head space, made me feel safe around him.

All the cap rising people I know have always been so supportive of my mental health and they bring me so much peace in my space. While all the sag rising people are always asking me why I am the way I am. This is the only difference I can go off.

But I also over explain myself so that way problems dont arise. So either Ive already answered his questions or hes a cap rising. Lol

I over think everything so if your comment is gonna say something like "rising signs arent that important" etc. I already know. Im still curious.

Im a pisces rising. Its in me to want to know.

We also both have cap venus in 11th house and we both have water moons.

Experiences and thoughts?

Nay sayers, im not asking you lol

Maybe go with physical description of rising signs, their appearance, to get some more clues on it. Can't be of much help in this cause I can't tell the rising of s person if my life would depend on it lol I can guess their sun, even a Moon placement but risings barely ever. For Cap risings I've read they always have that serious face, even intimidating sometimes. For Sag rising people I've read they can often have issues with sight and wear glasses. Idk how accurate this is cause for most people that I know, I don't know rising signs for certain. I know a few Leo risings, Sag risings, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Others idk really, but I too have a debate on someone being either Sag or Cap rising, it's hard to tell, but I'm leaning more towards Sag rising cause it would make more sense (glasses and Uranus in conjunction with ASC making them have some quirky moves)
Posted by PhoenixSag
Maybe go with physical description of rising signs, their appearance, to get some more clues on it. Can't be of much help in this cause I can't tell the rising of s person if my life would depend on it lol I can guess their sun, even a Moon placement but risings barely ever. For Cap risings I've read they always have that serious face, even intimidating sometimes. For Sag rising people I've read they can often have issues with sight and wear glasses. Idk how accurate this is cause for most people that I know, I don't know rising signs for certain. I know a few Leo risings, Sag risings, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Others idk really, but I too have a debate on someone being either Sag or Cap rising, it's hard to tell, but I'm leaning more towards Sag rising cause it would make more sense (glasses and Uranus in conjunction with ASC making them have some quirky moves)
All the sag rising women I know have perfect eye sight. Ive never heard of appearance being part of it. Thats genetics..

My mister has a very serious look in his eyes, he makes jokes with a straight face.

Doesnt wear glasses lol plays the guitar and loves eye contact with me.
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Maybe go with physical description of rising signs, their appearance, to get some more clues on it. Can't be of much help in this cause I can't tell the rising of s person if my life would depend on it lol I can guess their sun, even a Moon placement but risings barely ever. For Cap risings I've read they always have that serious face, even intimidating sometimes. For Sag rising people I've read they can often have issues with sight and wear glasses. Idk how accurate this is cause for most people that I know, I don't know rising signs for certain. I know a few Leo risings, Sag risings, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Others idk really, but I too have a debate on someone being either Sag or Cap rising, it's hard to tell, but I'm leaning more towards Sag rising cause it would make more sense (glasses and Uranus in conjunction with ASC making them have some quirky moves)

All the sag rising women I know have perfect eye sight. Ive never heard of appearance being part of it. Thats genetics..
My mister has a very serious look in his eyes, he makes jokes with a straight face.
Doesnt wear glasses lol plays the guitar and loves eye contact with me.
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It's what I cane across about it, but like I said, I really can't confirm or deny because I can hardly tell someone's rising from their appearance. Ah ine thing I remembered also about Sag rising, they say they have strong thighs, for women also to have big butts 😅 but then again, I can't ever relate to Pisces rising description about big, dreamy eyes they always talk about cause my eyes are simply not like that 😅
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Maybe go with physical description of rising signs, their appearance, to get some more clues on it. Can't be of much help in this cause I can't tell the rising of s person if my life would depend on it lol I can guess their sun, even a Moon placement but risings barely ever. For Cap risings I've read they always have that serious face, even intimidating sometimes. For Sag rising people I've read they can often have issues with sight and wear glasses. Idk how accurate this is cause for most people that I know, I don't know rising signs for certain. I know a few Leo risings, Sag risings, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Others idk really, but I too have a debate on someone being either Sag or Cap rising, it's hard to tell, but I'm leaning more towards Sag rising cause it would make more sense (glasses and Uranus in conjunction with ASC making them have some quirky moves)

All the sag rising women I know have perfect eye sight. Ive never heard of appearance being part of it. Thats genetics..
My mister has a very serious look in his eyes, he makes jokes with a straight face.
Doesnt wear glasses lol plays the guitar and loves eye contact with me.
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It's what I cane across about it, but like I said, I really can't confirm or deny because I can hardly tell someone's rising from their appearance. Ah ine thing I remembered also about Sag rising, they say they have strong thighs, for women also to have big butts 😅 but then again, I can't ever relate to Pisces rising description about big, dreamy eyes they always talk about cause my eyes are simply not like that 😅
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Lol you probably got intense eyes

Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Maybe go with physical description of rising signs, their appearance, to get some more clues on it. Can't be of much help in this cause I can't tell the rising of s person if my life would depend on it lol I can guess their sun, even a Moon placement but risings barely ever. For Cap risings I've read they always have that serious face, even intimidating sometimes. For Sag rising people I've read they can often have issues with sight and wear glasses. Idk how accurate this is cause for most people that I know, I don't know rising signs for certain. I know a few Leo risings, Sag risings, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Others idk really, but I too have a debate on someone being either Sag or Cap rising, it's hard to tell, but I'm leaning more towards Sag rising cause it would make more sense (glasses and Uranus in conjunction with ASC making them have some quirky moves)

All the sag rising women I know have perfect eye sight. Ive never heard of appearance being part of it. Thats genetics..
My mister has a very serious look in his eyes, he makes jokes with a straight face.
Doesnt wear glasses lol plays the guitar and loves eye contact with me.
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It's what I cane across about it, but like I said, I really can't confirm or deny because I can hardly tell someone's rising from their appearance. Ah ine thing I remembered also about Sag rising, they say they have strong thighs, for women also to have big butts 😅 but then again, I can't ever relate to Pisces rising description about big, dreamy eyes they always talk about cause my eyes are simply not like that 😅
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Lol you probably got intense eyes

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Yes, people always refer to them as seductive lol idk how eyes can be seductive but given the amount of people that told me that same thing, there has to be something lol
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Maybe go with physical description of rising signs, their appearance, to get some more clues on it. Can't be of much help in this cause I can't tell the rising of s person if my life would depend on it lol I can guess their sun, even a Moon placement but risings barely ever. For Cap risings I've read they always have that serious face, even intimidating sometimes. For Sag rising people I've read they can often have issues with sight and wear glasses. Idk how accurate this is cause for most people that I know, I don't know rising signs for certain. I know a few Leo risings, Sag risings, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Others idk really, but I too have a debate on someone being either Sag or Cap rising, it's hard to tell, but I'm leaning more towards Sag rising cause it would make more sense (glasses and Uranus in conjunction with ASC making them have some quirky moves)

All the sag rising women I know have perfect eye sight. Ive never heard of appearance being part of it. Thats genetics..
My mister has a very serious look in his eyes, he makes jokes with a straight face.
Doesnt wear glasses lol plays the guitar and loves eye contact with me.
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It's what I cane across about it, but like I said, I really can't confirm or deny because I can hardly tell someone's rising from their appearance. Ah ine thing I remembered also about Sag rising, they say they have strong thighs, for women also to have big butts 😅 but then again, I can't ever relate to Pisces rising description about big, dreamy eyes they always talk about cause my eyes are simply not like that 😅
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Lol you probably got intense eyes

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Yes, people always refer to them as seductive lol idk how eyes can be seductive but given the amount of people that told me that same thing, there has to be something lol
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I have a pisces rising and I always look like Im ready for war. Pic in profile.
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Maybe go with physical description of rising signs, their appearance, to get some more clues on it. Can't be of much help in this cause I can't tell the rising of s person if my life would depend on it lol I can guess their sun, even a Moon placement but risings barely ever. For Cap risings I've read they always have that serious face, even intimidating sometimes. For Sag rising people I've read they can often have issues with sight and wear glasses. Idk how accurate this is cause for most people that I know, I don't know rising signs for certain. I know a few Leo risings, Sag risings, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Others idk really, but I too have a debate on someone being either Sag or Cap rising, it's hard to tell, but I'm leaning more towards Sag rising cause it would make more sense (glasses and Uranus in conjunction with ASC making them have some quirky moves)

All the sag rising women I know have perfect eye sight. Ive never heard of appearance being part of it. Thats genetics..
My mister has a very serious look in his eyes, he makes jokes with a straight face.
Doesnt wear glasses lol plays the guitar and loves eye contact with me.
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It's what I cane across about it, but like I said, I really can't confirm or deny because I can hardly tell someone's rising from their appearance. Ah ine thing I remembered also about Sag rising, they say they have strong thighs, for women also to have big butts 😅 but then again, I can't ever relate to Pisces rising description about big, dreamy eyes they always talk about cause my eyes are simply not like that 😅
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Lol you probably got intense eyes

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Yes, people always refer to them as seductive lol idk how eyes can be seductive but given the amount of people that told me that same thing, there has to be something lol
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I have a pisces rising and I always look like Im ready for war. Pic in profile.
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PhoenixSag
Maybe go with physical description of rising signs, their appearance, to get some more clues on it. Can't be of much help in this cause I can't tell the rising of s person if my life would depend on it lol I can guess their sun, even a Moon placement but risings barely ever. For Cap risings I've read they always have that serious face, even intimidating sometimes. For Sag rising people I've read they can often have issues with sight and wear glasses. Idk how accurate this is cause for most people that I know, I don't know rising signs for certain. I know a few Leo risings, Sag risings, Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Gemini and Virgo. Others idk really, but I too have a debate on someone being either Sag or Cap rising, it's hard to tell, but I'm leaning more towards Sag rising cause it would make more sense (glasses and Uranus in conjunction with ASC making them have some quirky moves)

All the sag rising women I know have perfect eye sight. Ive never heard of appearance being part of it. Thats genetics..
My mister has a very serious look in his eyes, he makes jokes with a straight face.
Doesnt wear glasses lol plays the guitar and loves eye contact with me.
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It's what I cane across about it, but like I said, I really can't confirm or deny because I can hardly tell someone's rising from their appearance. Ah ine thing I remembered also about Sag rising, they say they have strong thighs, for women also to have big butts 😅 but then again, I can't ever relate to Pisces rising description about big, dreamy eyes they always talk about cause my eyes are simply not like that 😅
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Lol you probably got intense eyes

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Yes, people always refer to them as seductive lol idk how eyes can be seductive but given the amount of people that told me that same thing, there has to be something lol
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I have a pisces rising and I always look like Im ready for war. Pic in profile.
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Actually we have very similar eyes 😅 the same shape, only difference is mine don't have even a spot of brown and can vary between blue and green depending on the mood and light conditions. Also same brows and lashes too...
I thought that might be one of the easier ones to distinguish between, but maybe the rest of the charts make it difficult? Do you feel like saying the other placements?

I always thought the go-getter fun positive vibe one would be the sag rising, and the one that keeps being given more responsibilities and never saying no sort of pessimistic serious weed smoking one would be cap? 😅 idk, does he like to go out and meet people and experience new things? Or only when it's with a specific goal in mind?
I briefly dated this pisces teacher once, I remember talking about it here even, he didn't know if his time of birth was AM or PM so he could have been leo or sag rising. I guessed sag because leo rising would have been more annoying and he was always off trekking in random countries 🤷‍♀️ I guess I'll never know for sure though
Posted by loveMeLikeASailor
I thought that might be one of the easier ones to distinguish between, but maybe the rest of the charts make it difficult? Do you feel like saying the other placements?
I always thought the go-getter fun positive vibe one would be the sag rising, and the one that keeps being given more responsibilities and never saying no sort of pessimistic serious weed smoking one would be cap? 😅 idk, does he like to go out and meet people and experience new things? Or only when it's with a specific goal in mind?
He is great with people but does not seek them out. Im the same way. Hes almost identical to me personality wise. He gives off sooo much cap energy.

Hes cap venus, cap sun, cap stelium. Cancer moon, taurus mars, sag mercury.

Im the nurturer and he is the seeker of me. He video chats with me while he is at work, just to have me close. We sometimes just video chat to share silences with each other when we are busy and we bond like that, it feels natural.

Im betting on cap venus because of how chill he is.
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by loveMeLikeASailor
I thought that might be one of the easier ones to distinguish between, but maybe the rest of the charts make it difficult? Do you feel like saying the other placements?
I always thought the go-getter fun positive vibe one would be the sag rising, and the one that keeps being given more responsibilities and never saying no sort of pessimistic serious weed smoking one would be cap? 😅 idk, does he like to go out and meet people and experience new things? Or only when it's with a specific goal in mind?

He is great with people but does not seek them out. Im the same way. Hes almost identical to me personality wise. He gives off sooo much cap energy.
Hes cap venus, cap sun, cap stelium. Cancer moon, taurus mars, sag mercury.
Im the nurturer and he is the seeker of me. He video chats with me while he is at work, just to have me close. We sometimes just video chat to share silences with each other when we are busy and we bond like that, it feels natural.
Im betting on cap venus because of how chill he is.
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Oh damn! Yeah I mean I literally don't know how you'd know with all that cap drowning it out lol, and a sag merc as well, that's super difficult. water moons together is a lovely combination though, and that sounds so sweet and calming. How lovely! 💜

I truly believe this man is a cap rising.

Every single sag rising I have ever dated or been friends with have treated me like an alien, with no understanding towards me (even with water moons like me) during a bpd episode.

THIS MAN goes out of his way to assure me and comfort me (bpd is abandonment/abuse/trauma)

He is so dedicated to walking me through my feelings. Its a huge relief. Not once has a sag rising ever tried helping me in this way.

One of my friends is a cancer moon/cap rising and cap venus like my man and he is a great support system (he is bi/poly and my bf is okay with our friendship)

So thats my conclusion.
I think sag rising are more adventurous, carefree and easy going. Cap rising are more serious and take their work seriously. They have a more professional business look. Well that's my guess anyway. 😂
Cap rising is a lot of observing, like not sure if I trust you. A lot of people think I don’t like them lol. I have a lot of Cap & am a Sag sun, very understanding but I really think that’s the Sag. A bit too optimistic, and definitely the mama bear. ( the Cap) and hard worker. . The Sag comes out when you least expect it & my smile will light up the room. I guess my point is cap would be more serious & trying to figure you out, the Sag lighting up the room.. and those would be your first impression.
Posted by PuzzlePieces
Cap rising is a lot of observing, like not sure if I trust you. A lot of people think I don’t like them lol. I have a lot of Cap & am a Sag sun, very understanding but I really think that’s the Sag. A bit too optimistic, and definitely the mama bear. ( the Cap) and hard worker. . The Sag comes out when you least expect it & my smile will light up the room. I guess my point is cap would be more serious & trying to figure you out, the Sag lighting up the room.. and those would be your first impression.
You have a cap rising?
Posted by Timone
I think sag rising are more adventurous, carefree and easy going. Cap rising are more serious and take their work seriously. They have a more professional business look. Well that's my guess anyway. 😂
Jen lawrence amd brad pitt have sag risings.

Sometimes I believe it might be in the eyes if your good at reading energy
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PuzzlePieces
Cap rising is a lot of observing, like not sure if I trust you. A lot of people think I don’t like them lol. I have a lot of Cap & am a Sag sun, very understanding but I really think that’s the Sag. A bit too optimistic, and definitely the mama bear. ( the Cap) and hard worker. . The Sag comes out when you least expect it & my smile will light up the room. I guess my point is cap would be more serious & trying to figure you out, the Sag lighting up the room.. and those would be your first impression.

You have a cap rising?
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Posted by PuzzlePieces
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PuzzlePieces
Cap rising is a lot of observing, like not sure if I trust you. A lot of people think I don’t like them lol. I have a lot of Cap & am a Sag sun, very understanding but I really think that’s the Sag. A bit too optimistic, and definitely the mama bear. ( the Cap) and hard worker. . The Sag comes out when you least expect it & my smile will light up the room. I guess my point is cap would be more serious & trying to figure you out, the Sag lighting up the room.. and those would be your first impression.

You have a cap rising?
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I was looking at your pics, you kinda got the same vibe as him. Lol

Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PuzzlePieces
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by PuzzlePieces
Cap rising is a lot of observing, like not sure if I trust you. A lot of people think I don’t like them lol. I have a lot of Cap & am a Sag sun, very understanding but I really think that’s the Sag. A bit too optimistic, and definitely the mama bear. ( the Cap) and hard worker. . The Sag comes out when you least expect it & my smile will light up the room. I guess my point is cap would be more serious & trying to figure you out, the Sag lighting up the room.. and those would be your first impression.

You have a cap rising?
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I was looking at your pics, you kinda got the same vibe as him. Lol

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Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by Timone
I think sag rising are more adventurous, carefree and easy going. Cap rising are more serious and take their work seriously. They have a more professional business look. Well that's my guess anyway. 😂

Jen lawrence amd brad pitt have sag risings.
Sometimes I believe it might be in the eyes if your good at reading energy
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My son has sag rising and he’d actually fit in with those two. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Same face shape.
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by Timone
I think sag rising are more adventurous, carefree and easy going. Cap rising are more serious and take their work seriously. They have a more professional business look. Well that's my guess anyway. 😂

Jen lawrence amd brad pitt have sag risings.
Sometimes I believe it might be in the eyes if your good at reading energy
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But they're also both sags right? So I guess even stronger sag energy.
Posted by Timone
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by Timone
I think sag rising are more adventurous, carefree and easy going. Cap rising are more serious and take their work seriously. They have a more professional business look. Well that's my guess anyway. 😂

Jen lawrence amd brad pitt have sag risings.
Sometimes I believe it might be in the eyes if your good at reading energy
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But they're also both sags right? So I guess even stronger sag energy.
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No jen is a leo
Posted by Timone
Posted by HateMeNowIloveit
Posted by Timone
I think sag rising are more adventurous, carefree and easy going. Cap rising are more serious and take their work seriously. They have a more professional business look. Well that's my guess anyway. 😂

Jen lawrence amd brad pitt have sag risings.
Sometimes I believe it might be in the eyes if your good at reading energy
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But they're also both sags right? So I guess even stronger sag energy.
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No jen is a leo