Rising Gemini Sun Gemini Moon Aries Venus Taurus

This topic was created in the Ascendants forum by sabs1987 on Thursday, February 13, 2014 and has 2 replies.
My very close friend has bad luck with man. They adore her at first but then they turn on her.
What do you make out of these signs put together in that order?
Double gem with Venus in Taurus... ... !!!
She must be very... very... pretty...
She needs a guy with a chart like this: 50% Air (sun included) and 50% Earth (rising sign and some other planets).
Or 50% Air / 25% Earth / 25% Fire (sun included). Sun in Aries could make conj with her Moon.(ideal aspect and Orb).

That Venus in Taurus means that she's a prey for Scorpio dudes, so... she must keep away from them or she may be enslaved with sperm.
Yes!, not joking at all! I've seen the same case at least 5-6 times.
Good Luck.