Taurus Ascendant

This topic was created in the Ascendants forum by britneybabe26 on Tuesday, December 15, 2015 and has 31 replies.
Are we really that sexy?? I get that comment a lot even when I'm not trying haha
Where are all my Taurus Ascendants? Opinions?
My sister and I are both Rams, who have same father. We look a lot alike, though she gains weight more easily. She also has had 2 kids now, while I haven't had any.

She's Cap moon, Taurus asc
I'm Gem moon, Gem asc

She's alluring AF though. Both bitches be crazy for sex.
Posted by dewiklaessen1991
Depends on the rest of your chart Mars is your sex planet but also planet of Beauty it's ruled by Libra and Taurus I believe I only know about men with Taurus ascendant have a very muscular body and are very sensual (not all) my boyfriend is a Sagittarius with ascendant Taurus and he has very warm big Green/Brown eyes

My Mars is in Gemini
Posted by RamOfPeace
My sister and I are both Rams, who have same father. We look a lot alike, though she gains weight more easily. She also has had 2 kids now, while I haven't had any.

She's Cap moon, Taurus asc
I'm Gem moon, Gem asc

She's alluring AF though. Both bitches be crazy for sex.

Yes! I always want to kiss and have sex in a relationship
Taurus Rising.

I dunno about muscular but I've always had a bulky bone structure/physique especially shoulders, chest, legs... even at 13 people assumed I was into gymnastics or something. Think River Phoenix 'Stand by Me', although he's a Scorp riser. Also gained weight easily, not so much anymore.

Are the rest of you (or yours) strategic in the way you walk through life, as oppose to impulsive and fast-moving?

Maybe. I have Taurus rising and I've been called sexy by enough people to count, I guess, but I can't say that quality is from my rising sign.

I do take care of my body, but I feel that's largely from my packed 6th house (Pluto, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus). Health/fitness has been a focus for me since I was a teenager. I'm Virgoesque with how I go about it - meticulous.

Posted by enfant_terrible
Taurus Rising.

I dunno about muscular but I've always had a bulky bone structure/physique especially shoulders, chest, legs... even at 13 people assumed I was into gymnastics or something. Think River Phoenix 'Stand by Me', although he's a Scorp riser. Also gained weight easily, not so much anymore.

Are the rest of you (or yours) strategic in the way you walk through life, as oppose to impulsive and fast-moving?

Good comparison with River Phoenix. That body type fits another Taurus rising I know.

Yes, I'd say strategic fits the way I walk through life, and if talking about walking literally, then if I'm in a good mood there is a bit of a dance-y quality I throw in (subtly). I love to dance.
Posted by PV&Jellay
I don't know, I was thinking tye opposite. Most Taurus ascendants are cute and innocent looking, but not conventionally sexy. Or maybe that's just me. I have about as much sex appeal as Dakota Fanning, whose also a Taurus ascendant btw. People tend to feel protective of me and want to take care of me. It's a hard life. Sad

aww you're adorable then! Kiss
Posted by cosmicbutter
Dear OP

By sexy did you mean the act of sex or the physical appearance? Though either ways my answer would be yes.

Yours sincerely,

Both haha
Posted by PV&Jellay
I don't know, I was thinking tye opposite. Most Taurus ascendants are cute and innocent looking, but not conventionally sexy. Or maybe that's just me. I have about as much sex appeal as Dakota Fanning, whose also a Taurus ascendant btw. People tend to feel protective of me and want to take care of me. It's a hard life. Sad

Thats true also for me! I get you're so cute a lot as well haha
BTW not only males but I pull to me a lot of women... Its really weird because I am in no way bi or lesbian but these women come to me and compliment me.
Posted by cosmicbutter
Posted by dewiklaessen1991
Taurus ascendant are sexy because they like to take care of themselves

mine too is big on keeping fit..but that could be his pluto in 6th..that is what i read about it..obsessed(pluto) about health/body besides other 6th house stuff
click to expand

That's interesting. I'm a Tau. Sun & Tau. Asc. Mars in Gem. I've always read about Taureans being lazy and prone to weight gain, but that has never been me. I'm a fitness buff and work out a lot and am always complimented about my fitness so maybe this Tau. Asc sexy stuff is true?? Lol!

I've got Neptune in my 6th house if we're doing 6th house planets here. I do okay for someone with Neptune in the 6th house.
Posted by Arielle83
I just find you guys slow at everything.

My husband has a Taurus ascendent. I find him sexy but he's got a cute face.

Effing slow at everything!

True I'm slow AF haha
Posted by Arielle83
I just find you guys slow at everything.

Yeah we don't take too kindly to that kind of language..

I believe "strategic" is the politically correct term.

Yes we are sexy, I know I am Winking
I'm Taurus rising. Hella sexy, but shy about it from my Virgo sun. I am muscular, have a small chest, but guys are crazy about my ass and legs! I have Saturn and Pluto in the sixth house. I am serious about eating healthy and staying fit with my dance and fitness classes.

I'm very popular, and am told how I have a very unusual looking beautiful face. I bat my lashes and get free stuff from sales guys and girls too sometimes.
So rising is how people first kind see you hey, is it just physical appearance or overall vibe on first impression??
I'm chatting to an Aqua sun with Taurus ascendant at the mo. Friends for years but... He's definitely attractive but what is it tho just this solid muscular kind of grounded feel. Defined jaw and solid features...
My dad is Taurus rising and his nickname used to be "The Golden God"... And he's was quite the ladies man too haha, so perhaps it's true smile
My flatmate is Taurus ascendant. Careful, slow movements...quiet, low voice, calm demeanour.

OP, you're definitely sensuous and pleasant. I can't help praising Taurus till exasperation... sorry guys
I worked with a Scorpio sun, Virgo moon, Taurus ascending. Every woman he meets falls for him, seriously. At one point he had 4 (girls) huddled around his cubicle vying for his attention, several times a day, and a few women (including myself) who just couldn't help flirting (innocently, we're all taken). Yeah, hugely sexy, not traditionally good looking but there definitely is something...
The one I know isn't.
Aiya.. I wish I too had Taurus asc.. Bt don't have a single Taurus in my chart -_-
I'm not sexy but i often get called cute, innocent, sweet, blabla
I can eat like a whale but disguise it with a little and petite body. I have a firm neck though, not fat or anything, just firm..
I am lazy i will tell you and also too lazy to care.
I take my time and quietly enjoy little things.
I love soft grandma pink warm clothing. I know this is why people rarely call me sexy.
people/strangers also often spill me their secrets which i love ofc as a scorp.
Big puppy eyes, quiet low voice
People often get a wrong impression of me (cute, sweet..) i'm not Tongue
Thanks! i will have to look into throat chakra then smile
Posted by RamOfPeace
My sister and I are both Rams, who have same father. We look a lot alike, though she gains weight more easily. She also has had 2 kids now, while I haven't had any.

She's Cap moon, Taurus asc
I'm Gem moon, Gem asc

She's alluring AF though. Both bitches be crazy for sex.

Sounds like you're talking about me lol... Aries Sun, Cap Moon and Taurus Asc (add to it, Jupiter in Taurus conjunct ascendant from the 12th house)
Posted by RamOfPeace
My sister and I are both Rams, who have same father. We look a lot alike, though she gains weight more easily. She also has had 2 kids now, while I haven't had any.

She's Cap moon, Taurus asc
I'm Gem moon, Gem asc

She's alluring AF though. Both bitches be crazy for sex.

But i did loose about 6 stones (84lbs) in 2012. Weight is a constant struggle (Mars squaring Jupiter) but I love working out now, so always having to watch it
Posted by LeoAquaRuler
I always find that Aries women usually lust for Taurus men. Sun sign or ascendant.

Erm, not me... never for the Sun at least
Posted by oyes0435
I've heard this. It's never consistently anything physically. Though I've been complimented on the weirdest things.. one lady blurted out I had nice eyebrows, for exmaple.

I've also been hit on by both men and women. I have heard A LOT "its just something about you.." etc. I've tried to walk out of places and people have followed me, I said 'hello' to someone on a bus and they followed me across town (not in a threatening way, just kept being there). It's difficult to strike a balance of being polite and demure when experiences like this happen so frequently. Also have Pluto in 6th, Mars 12th- to say I am obsessed with health and healing would be an understatement.

I would not consider myself traditionally physically attractive. I am 50/50 on pictures. In person is way better, so it must be an energy thing.
I have also heard the "soft/stable/trustworthy thing." Strangers tell me crap that (I think) is wildly personal and inappropriate to share with someone, in public, out in the open like, and it never gets old (I never get used to it).

Don't know if it is just taurus ascendant.

Two point of note,
1. Your ASCENDANT, not your sign sign, determines WHO will be attracted to you. There's a good chart out there somewhere. Example I have a Cap friend, Virgo and Cap are supposed to be PB&J; his Asc is Gemini, mine Taurus. Sometimes we are disgusted with each other and have fantastic fights.
One of my Ex's was a Cancer- generally I stay away from cancers. His Asc was Pisces- we were together 2 years never ever fought til I told him I was leaving.

2. VENUS ASPECTS PLUTO in your natal chart. It's pretty deep stuff. I have venus trine pluto; I read up on it and did see that that placements lends a magnetic quality to its natives. Other people who are drawn in don't get why either. So check out your Venus aspects if your Asc is Taurus (or whatever) cos with Venus as your chart ruler, Venus aspects hidden in your chart may be the real reason for your sexiness.

CORRECT Delineation smile.. Out of Bounds Venus in my 1st/2nd house trine Mars conjunct MC
Ok as a taurus ascendant.. Jupiter is conjucnt my ascendant from the 12th house as I've mentioned before which makes people warm up to me and call me cute with my dimples when I smile.
Ruler of my ascendant, Venus is out of Bounds by declination and is located in my 1st/2nd house. Its trine Mars conjunct Midheaven and I find a lot of people call me pretty thanks to this placement. I love to dress in an unconventional way thanks to having an Aquarius Midheaven.

Not to sound conceited but I have a lot of female haters at my work place since Venus also rules my libra 6th house (primary ruler), so this can be fraustrating. The fact I'm a Cap Moon, I hide my pain and show my reserve which make them hate me more lol. This guy explains it well from 10:00
of this video. I'll advice to check out his video for your 1st lord location (i.e where is the first house ruler, Venus, placed in your chart)
Venus also rules my Libra 6th house (primary ruler). The video above from 10:00mins shows that I have troubles with women at work. i don't know if its jealousy but they hate me more because I ignore their snide looks and being a Cap Moon shows my reservation which makes them hate me more lol.