Mutable Signs

This topic was created in the Astrology and Crime forum by SagInTheSun898 on Wednesday, April 1, 2020 and has 13 replies.
Why always dangerous?
Because we are the ending of the seasons

We're not afraid to end shit



Posted by Devil

They act out their emotions in horrible ways. All that bottled up crap is bound to spew out like a broken sewer line after the pressure builds up.
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Interesting. I guess first define what is a crime.

I've noticed a pattern of cardinal signs being more of the serial killers.

Mutable signs seem to make great cult leaders.

And I guess fixed signs are the sheep.
Posted by LittleStar

If I was looking at a chart I’d say look for Mars-Uranus
The only aspect I have to Mars - Uranus is Mars square Uranus. I just red all about it and let's just say it's not a good placement when angered.
Posted by LittleStar
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by LittleStar

If I was looking at a chart I’d say look for Mars-Uranus

The only aspect I have to Mars - Uranus is Mars square Uranus. I just red all about it and let's just say it's not a good placement when angered.

I have Mars loosely opposite mine if you count 9 degree orbs. I don’t, personally.

I have Cancer Mars opp Cap Saturn which is the bottling up and then raging and then bottling up again.

Mine is trine Pluto/Opposite Neptune as well.

Probably the hardest part of my chart.
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So depending on how tight your orbs is to this placement, that'll make you much more evil? I never thought that orb thing matters.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by LittleStar

If I was looking at a chart I’d say look for Mars-Uranus

The only aspect I have to Mars - Uranus is Mars square Uranus. I just red all about it and let's just say it's not a good placement when angered.
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I have a feeling your ex wife would agree.
Posted by Phantum
Posted by LittleStar
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by LittleStar
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Posted by LittleStar

If I was looking at a chart I’d say look for Mars-Uranus

The only aspect I have to Mars - Uranus is Mars square Uranus. I just red all about it and let's just say it's not a good placement when angered.

I have Mars loosely opposite mine if you count 9 degree orbs. I don’t, personally.

I have Cancer Mars opp Cap Saturn which is the bottling up and then raging and then bottling up again.

Mine is trine Pluto/Opposite Neptune as well.

Probably the hardest part of my chart.

So depending on how tight your orbs is to this placement, that'll make you much more evil? I never thought that orb thing matters.

Oh no, I just wouldn’t only count it as an actually aspect and it’s not inner planets within 5 degrees.

So in my case my Mars is at 13 Cancer and my Uranus is 4 Capricorn which is 9 degrees apart so I don’t count myself as having Mars Opposite Uranus.

If my Mars was at say 9 degrees Cancer and I had 4 degree Uranus I would say that counts.

I only count for 5 degrees unless it’s ASc/Sun/Moon which I would count up to 9.

In that case, I'm not a serial killer. My orb is like 9 or so. *wipes brow*
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Just checked my full chart. I'm not a serial killer either *phew*
I've been observing mutables a lot lately and they just seem like a lovable bunch of gay gun-toting tiger-trainers who like to blow up their own shit, murder their spouses, and have gangbangs....
Posted by Phantum

I piss people off way more when I an unemotional than when I am emotional. It started with my sister, but she's a mutable too, so IDK.
I saw this video awhile back...

(Emily Blunt aka Pisces vs Russel Brand aka Gemini 😈 / poor little fishy 😅)
If we are talking about serial killers, there was that study that concluded mutable placements were frequent in their charts with Mars, Jupiter and Moon (with birth time) in mutable signs being the most common. For Moon aspects, Moon/MC and Moon/Saturn were the most common. Placements in the 12th (particularly Neptune) and Neptune hard aspects were frequent. Nothing relevant about Mars aspects was found.

A neat example,_Marc

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